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Rose Thigpen Aug 2019
Love died when he left
hope died when he left
I died when he left
but it was all my fault
I chose the wrong path
I chose to cut in the bath
I chose to run away from his love
I wish I didn't run but
It's all I'm good at
he won't forgive me
but who can blame him
I ruined his life
when all he did was love me
i didn't mean to but I guess
it's who I am
he left all because of me
I'm sorry
Rose Thigpen Jan 2019
We all are broken one way or another
We sat in pain and no one noticed
We lied to our parents and everyone around us
We said were okay
Even tho were broken
Rose Thigpen Dec 2018
As she cut deeper and deeper the pain didn't change the way she felt. As her heart broke little by little she thought to herself that he wasn't worth the pain.
But she was wrong and now she's gone and he cries
Rose Thigpen Sep 2019
every now and then I hope for him
every now and then I hope for love

every now and then I feel a lone
every now and then I hear a tone

every now and then I lose hope
every now and then I need to cope

every now and then I kiss you
every now and then I miss you

every now and then the bell rings          
every now and then I tell them to sing
Rose Thigpen Mar 2019
He said " I think I'm falling in love with you."

I said " I fell in love with you many months ago but now I'm falling out of love."
Rose Thigpen Nov 2018
She sat in pain as the blood ran down her arm
She felt the tears run down her face
She knew this was goodbye
But didn't care
Because she was so sure
No one would care
But she was wrong.
Now she is the brightest star you see at night
The only thing you wished you held on tight
Rose Thigpen Nov 2018
Her skin was the paper
Her blood was the paint
She took the razor
That once made her faint
And wrote his name
She is gone because
Of him
He feels no shame
Rose Thigpen Oct 2019
She trusted him so much

She trusted him with her heart

She trusted him with her mind

She trusted him with her soul

He knew that she trusted him and

He ruined her

He ruined her heart

He ruined her mind

He ruined her soul

The girl who trusted so much

Stopped trusting

She lost everything

Her mind

Her heart

Her soul

Maybe it is better this way

It is a bit lonely and painful

But it's better this way
Rose Thigpen Mar 2019
He tried to hide his pain behind a smile
He tried to hide his pain under his sleeve's 
He doesn't understand that I do the same thing
I can see his pain but I don't say a thing
He's damaged just as much as me
We hide from the world
We hide the fact that we're broken
We love each other but we're afraid of loving
We're exactly the same but we hide it so well
Rose Thigpen Mar 2019
People say true
Love is real
But the truth
Is love is
A story of
Lies just like
A fairytale

— The End —