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 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
Your heart feels empty
But its stuck in your mind
Isolation makes you harder to find
I know its difficult
Loneliness hurts
But don't settle for anyone
Because them leaving is worse
You still dream of one
He probably still thinks of you
But loving old habits
Leaves you bleeding and bruised
He was your first tear
He doesn't have to be the only one
But maybe for the moment
Being alone is enough
You'll be okay nugget
Good things always comes back around
 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
Sometimes we fall.

We are not invincible, we are not without flaws.. We are human.

..But sometimes that's the problem
 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
Trace my limbs into yours
Cast your shadow ablaze
This love is fire—it’s burning us down
Through the years
Through the months
Through the days.
 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
You and I are parallel,
So alike that we could never come to a point of intersection.
We shall continue,
Side by side,
And never cross paths.
 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
Daisy C
The heart has a funny way of making
everything a mess.**
The heart always adds more weight
to what is happening in your life.
We always try to ignore the painful feeling.
But in reality once we are alone in a room
we realize our heart is using our mind to its
 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
SG Rose
I can’t tell you how often I yearned to be her cigarette.
Clasped between her fingers,
delicately placed and savored;
******* all that I had into her.

And as much as I wanted to fall into the creases
that parted each lip,
I wanted to be the first thing she tasted
when she drew her morning breath
And her every exhale to cover me like skin
It's a sad day when a single flower doesn't know her contributive worth
Does she not know she's as beautiful as every other flower here on Earth?
Why would a brand new fresh blade of grass feel decay
When you can't help but to feel hope at the very sight of it's neon green shade?
 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
I search
                                      for the words

                                                          ­                     I
wrote on my hips;

                                                                ­              not another word,

                  left my frozen lips.

                                                          ­                      There is no way to
                                                                ­      springtime,

        the winter,
                   takes her tole.

                                                               ­       I bury myself away,
                                                         in this 3 pillow,
                                           double bedded hole.

Darling, but I keep myself sane.
               I dream of flowers in my hair & the warmth in your name.
    Early July conversations,
                        tapping strings, how we'd softly sing
                                           & were guided to one another's lips
      at the very touch of our finger tips.
                               I always thought I was better than this,
                                                             ­            Love,
                                     Your heart is one I often miss.
I think about you everyday, I just dont know what to say.
And I cant let you see,
this terrible side of me
when I can only talk through poetry.
But I put myself through it.
Through tragedy comes creativity,
so I thought I 'd let my feelings flow about an old 'Cat Gentlefolk I used to know.
At the party,
I saw faces
    painted passionately
In  smiles and laughter;

Eyes sparkling
          like Crystal
In every hue of inebriation;

Hands clapping
     Extended waves
Of cheerful celebration;

Lips smearing
      lavish layers of
Love on captive ears;

Friends toasting
   The Life
With Ciroc, Moët and beer;

Hollywood wannabes rocking
     Bootlegged Ray-bans
In the dark;

Buzzed ex-lovers
         waging battles
Of the heart;

15's smashed
      into 10's,
Flashing rolls of flesh;

Uncle Johnny
    in his Walkin' glory
Stumbling way past 'when';

'83 Hustlers
         in furs and fedoras
Feasting on free treats;

Soul Train rejects
On two left feet;

iPhones and Samsungs
     Making memories
For the curious web;

   in the smoky loo
Getting bloodshot red;

At the party,
  The  living colors
   of life
Piqued my creative core...

   I saw
      in motion...

~ P
 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
I see a world slowly dying -
Voices dying to be heard,
Stories dying to be told..

People dying to live.

& I want to save them all

— The End —