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 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
Ripley Shaine
Deep beneath this liquid dream, all there lies is you and me
In your warmth, no pain reaches me
In the sunshine of your smile, no laughter escapes me
The heat relaxes me, making me safe and warm
Like silk and velvet, sliding together, we are one
Bubbles surrounding, water encompassing
If only you my dear were here to enjoy it with me, then maybe the pain would truly be gone
I wouldn't have to force myself to the bottom of this porcelain jail and hold my breath and count to ten
Instantly I would be whole again.
A poem, with a double meaning
 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
Resisting the temptation,
of that entranced beyond words haze
passenger seats & chain smoking cigs,
bringing me back to crazy days

& of the nights we spent
wired, in love & on fire
whipping one-seventy down the free way
our young lust never to grow tired

but, baby

your strength for me
& the power we posses together
is enough to keep me up & running

and ever

and ever.

 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
I'm so glad you love me
                                                                        for who I am

                                  no make up

                                                          hair a mess
                         & freshly awake

                                              and you still find
                                                        the words I've always
                                             wanted to hear..

                                      "You're still beautiful to me"

For such a basic desire

                                                                           is not found so simply
 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
I don't think I've ever felt anything more disgusting than disappointment & shame.

What do you do when your pride is ripped away & stolen? You're forced to believe a lie for so long that it becomes your reality, but then you develop a mind of your own & you see just how fake this life has truly been. What once was now holds no value; I believe nothing that's said to me.

"Family first" is the biggest crock of **** I've ever heard. All anyone ever cares about is pleasing their own devilish desires.
 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
melodie foley
if by senior year of high school
you are tired of your life
make mountains out of mole hills
cut ties with your best friend
because your ex nothing
kissed her on new years
blame them both
don't speak until a year later
tell him you made him
he would be nothing without you
fall for your friends
because you know it will never work
be needy
go to prom by yourself
pretend to rock it
then cry in your grandmas minivan before you leave
burn bridges with your friend group
for no good reason
other than
by senior year you are tired with your life
choose your college entirely on a guy
make sure he is boring
and smells of trouble and mental illness
spend all summer trying to make him less boring
convince yourself he is perfect
move twelve hours away
because you don't want to know anyone
hate your roommate
but don't ever give her a chance
get way too comfortable with the boring boy
feel superior
because you're smarter
and you've partied more
steal adderall from the party
because that makes you look cool
give him all of you
mind and body
by that I mean
english papers and shower ***
ignore the signs that he's lost interest
force yourself on him anyway
cry to your friends back home when you're drunk
cry because you are twelve hours away
drink because you are twelve hours away
smoke to stop crying
smoke to stop drinking
don't eat anything
always take the stairs
walk the long way to class
never stop moving
******* are not enough to force up your self-pity
three fingers makes it a little easier
don't look at yourself in the mirror
you are still not good enough for the boring boy
take the blame when he snitches on you
do not fight for yourself
sleep with him again anyway
tell yourself "there is no sin too great"
this is what you wanted
because by senior year you were tired of your life
Sleep, sleep, my beloved,
without worry, without fear,
although my soul does not sleep,
although I do not rest.

Sleep, sleep, and in the night
may your whispers be softer
than a leaf of grass,
or the silken fleece of lambs.

May my flesh slumber in you,
my worry, my trembling.
In you, may my eyes close
and my heart sleep.
Love me like the snowflakes
Falling on top of the trees
Love me like the cool calm
Winter breeze
Love me like the butterflies
That float around like bees
Love me like the rivers
Love me like the sea
But most importantly
Love me for me
 Mar 2014 Labyrinth
i have lost feeling on the bottom of my right foot.
i stepped on a broken something
and its sharp edge cut my nerves.
it is one of many.
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