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Jun 2019 · 300
we are like two intersecting bricks,
we may differ I  many ways,
But art carry our burdens togather
Jun 2019 · 260
as the question of my beloved one bestowed upon me,
I said no one,
But my heart said you
my eyes were filling with tears,
of unconditional love
I hope you read my mind,
cause inside,
I wanna yell
I love you
and when I do,
I hope you love me too
hearts are meant to be moved on,
soul is meant to be respected,
minds are meant to be used,
hearts, soul, and mind togather makes the best decisions
Mar 2019 · 217
The truth of life
However you may try,
However you may cry,
Life will lie....
Life will cheat..
Life will win
And life will loose
Just try to accept it,
However harsh the truth is
Mar 2019 · 234
My life
My life may not be going
The way I want it to go
But surely, it is going in a way
A way that brings me
Lots of joy and lots of suffer
With ups and downs joy and affliction
Mar 2019 · 922
That bookmark
The key to friendship is my bookmark
I am scared to loose it
Cause if I do I may never know where I am
This book is my life
Without this bookmark I have no past,no present and no future
Feb 2019 · 272
Losing a friend
I am the colour in the black...
You are the brightness to my colour..
When the brightness go..
The colour FADES....
Jan 2019 · 705
We departed years ago,
In hope to meet again
Never knew of an arrival
Arrival, at the same platform
Of friendship

Our paths divert,
Greetings from the past AMIGO!
greetings from the past!
Greetings from the times together
Greetings from your little comrade!

Hope you remember me!
In the hustle and bustle
At the midst of everyday life
We pass that platform
We pass the gate
To our meet

That day feels like death-day
As you hop on abroad with a death warrant
You will never let me go Amigo!
You will never let me go!

Hope you pass that little platform
With that little quaint-hooded figure
In waiting,waiting for you

You stop the ride to have a time with me
You stop I hope,
For your lost friend!
Love you Amigo!
Love you!
A poem for my moving friend. For her to remember me after years.
Jan 2019 · 301
Fellas ask me
Are you in love?
I dare say yes,
I am in deep LOVE

Deep love with the mortals
The ones presented me with life
I am in deep love
With the knowledgeable
The one presenting me,
With a new floor of wisdom
Every annum

I am in DEEP LOVE!
Oh I am in DEEP LOVE
In love with the acquaintances
Who direct me through diversions
Direct me to the right path

Oh I am in love!
In love with the open-minds,
With the aroma
Aroma of freshly turned pages

The good-old books!
Oh we are already in a good relationship!

I love my SOUL!
What else does a lover need?!
This is what I call
Les love!

Here it is
All that matters
In the depth of,

I look at a total different perspective,
A total different perspective
Of love!

I dare say,
What then we call
We call all these feels?!

My loves,
This is the only love,
The only love  I want to know  
The only love I trust
The only love I belong in
The only love I want
Les only LOVE.....
This is my answer to all the people who ask me to write about love and for the people who ask me about love and for all the people who love me

— The End —