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I can taste you in my sheets,
Your bare skin made an appearance in an empty place,
I can tell you're cold under my breath,
Waiting to cut me open with your sharp tongue and quick wit,
Dissect me and discard me, I know how good you are at that,
All I am is an empty space,
You've filled that void but god only knows how long you'll stay,
Nothing against you,
I wouldn't either,
Why even ask?
I wouldn't bother,
I am in a long line of blood cells waiting to be pumped through your body,
You have fueled me,
You will also burn me down.
She left when the light no longer washed over her sun-touched skin,
The blinds covered up her crinkled nose and selfish grin,
I asked when?,
She said never,
We laughed it off,
I said "you better",
Sure enough I did, I saw her that week,
I smiled when she opened her car door,
Went to kiss her cheek,
Skin smooth under my lips,
Her perfume was sweet,
Winter pushed to summer,
According to the heat,
It was time for you to go,
Alone in my room again,
Except this time you'll be gone,
Time for back to what I've been,
"Have fun" I said,
It slithered out between my teeth,
You said you would but you'd miss me,
I laughed and knew this was the last time I'd kiss your cheek.
A bullet for breakfast never sounded so great,
If you only knew it was this bad, you'd beg me to wait,
Sorry babe, only one choice to make,
It wasn't mine from the start, god ****** up my brain,

Time to **** it up twice,
"That kid from school? But he was so nice..,
He was so funny, he made everyone smile",
I'm the only who knows you're lying, blood racing between tiles,

We're not all made like you,
White teeth, glowing smile,
Mom and dad always home, big house,only child,
See, god ****** up your brain too, but nowhere like mine,
You got lucky, you were born blind,
I was born with the biggest eyes,
Dullest voice and most active mind,
And right in the crown, that's where god signed,
"Sorry son, I couldn't do better, I'll see you soon though, don't forget to write your mom a letter".
 Feb 2014 Riley Ayres
 Feb 2014 Riley Ayres
Venturing into the heart of insanity,
(my mind)
I fear that i will lose myself.
I hear the blood rushing in my head
(Will it ever drown me?)
As its the only sound i hear apart from myself.
Alone with my thoughts,
(Wish me well..)
Maybe this is what i want.
Insanity. Chaos. Something.
 Feb 2014 Riley Ayres
Bilal Kaci
“Synthetic verity Company how may I help you?
Sorry, sir we are currently sold out of self-confidence
And enlightenment was unfortunately discontinued 2 months ago
May I offer you our weekly special?
With a purchase of anything in stock, you will receive a complimentary *******
…. Sense of fulfillment it is, I just need your credit card information  
No sir we do not accept personal belongings, we only take credit…
Thank you for choosing Synthetic Verity, have a wonderful evening”
© 2014 Bilal Kaci
 Jan 2014 Riley Ayres
Cassie King
I’m cold
I want to sit and cuddle with you
I’m tired
I want to sleep on your shoulder
I’m scared
I want your arms to protect me
I’m hurt
I want your love to comfort me
I’m happy
I want to share my joy with you
But I’m happy
It’s probably because of you
I’m sad
I want you to dry my tears
I’m bored
I want you to make life fun
I’m angry
I want you to be rational and take control
I feel alone
I want you by my side
I feel unloved
Your kiss tells me otherwise
 Jan 2014 Riley Ayres
rosie h
the silence of death,
the roar of the devil.
in the middle of the night,
a drop of a level.
seeking for life with a cold stone knife.
living in darkness,
the devil
 Jan 2014 Riley Ayres
Every Time I Visit "The Lake",
Why It Seems To Me Fake !
Is It Some Sorta MIRAGE ?
Or May Be It's Time To Wake !
Oh Gotcha , It's Lacking Something ,
The Promise With Someone , I Make !
MindY Is So Damnly Confused Now ,...
To Left Him Behind Or Whether To Take !
Why Don't You Visit "The Lake" by Yourself ,
Leave Mine Alone For God's Sake !!!
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