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 Dec 2015 Ricky Parker
Sunshine, that’s what you were.
And like sunshine you were on a clock, ticking.
Soon would become night time
Maybe it was the distance but somehow
In a manufactured vile set of words
The mystery of our relationship became a toxic thing
That I alone was immune.
You turned into a language I am no longer fluent but can read perfectly
You turned into one of those never stopping rainy days that gave me
A twisted cloth of comfort that made me feel alone again.
I fell in love with you like a dream
Slowly falling into sweet bliss majesty of holding you
But like a dream it was all make believe,
I was left to bleed from our lashes of words
You apologize countless of times but each left a crack in my heart,
And with time it crumbled In your hand.
You yelled at me threw the phone for mistakes I didn’t make, but that you made
I learned to comfort you even when your beast lashed out
Because that’s what soul mates do, we never stop, never give up
Because there is always hope.
We were a whole god separated from birth destined to find each other again,
To love and care for each other till our worlds end
I did my part of our loves prophecy, and I deeply know you did
But some gods In the end turn out to be too different, too twisted to be loved.
The love I have and have felt for you was pure and true but you, your actions, you
You destroyed me to my core
And I couldn’t tolerate that anymore
I promise you this
I will love you forevermore
With such sweet passionate bliss
This poem is about a summer love I had that hurt me bad. I thought I wouldn’t ever recover but, it’s been 5 years now and I’ve recovered and am in such a loving relationship with a man who truly loves me for me.
 Dec 2015 Ricky Parker
Sitting on a bluff, enjoying a cup of coffee.
Watching the sun rise over the horizon.
Not a cloud in the sky,
The sunlight a bright gold.
The oceans water is calm,
No waves,
Cool breeze.
Looking out over the beach,
There's a red head sitting on a rock,
Enjoying the suns morning glow.
Her hair waving in the breeze,
Is ablaze withthe light shining through.
She's facing the water watching the sunrise.
Quietly, I lift my cup to her,
Taking a final sip of my coffee.
The sun has fully risen.
I get up,
Fold my chair,
And I walk back to my car.
It's time to begin another day.
 Dec 2015 Ricky Parker
Tyler King
Don't pray for me, in the back seats of interchangeable cars streaking interchangeable nights from here to the edge of manifest destiny, daydreams of sleeping cities on waking seas, whiskey shots in the crowded western fog, chain smoking deaths of mindfulness, of where it starts and where it ends, of friends pledging reverence to Halle Sellasie in wire framed lenses fogged by the afterthoughts of a failed drug test, by the curves of highways beckoning the sick to leave it all behind forever, while all the freaks in the freak kingdom watch Thompson's wave crash against the pier, waiting for the resurgence, the return of the feeling that shook the streets and forced the living to live, and the streets responded, hushed under the shadow of the marquees: This cannot happen on its own. The fight is not yet over and it never will be. Do not lay your arms to rest until they bury you in the rain. Embrace your human war. Leave your house. Make them hear you
this idea is encrypted
if these words were pieces of a jigsaw
where will i put "anxiety"", happiness"
to decipher .

my tender scream slicing the air ,
signals the end of agony,
cutting of the cord is a punctuation.

what is left you can complete'
nurturing is a jigsaw piece that fits nuture.
cherish the rapture , for we can only live but once.
 Dec 2015 Ricky Parker
The night air is cold,
Dark clouds rolling in from the north.
A chilly Zephyr brings a hint of snow.
Just a hint of this change brings people to panic.
All worried of being snowed in,
With nothing to eat.
The snow begins to fall.
Emotions amplify as people watch the snow deepen.
Glistening in the street lights,
And Christmas lights create a festive glow.
Informing us that the season is underway.
There's a kind of warmth in the air,
The wind is still,
Snow is falling fast, and heavy.
An eerie stillness is present.
Quietly falling snow amplifies the silence of the night.
People watch the snowfall and worry.
Children know, there's no school the next day.
If you're tired and cold
With no hand to hold
If you sleep on cement
Tortured by your lament
If you've been beaten and stepped on
And yet, you still kept on
If you continue to pray
While your sky's turning grey
And you face these dark days
In an intoxicated haze
If you're filled with despair
Humiliated, stripped bare
Then join in with me,
And throw your fist in the air
This is a farewell song,

The last words that I’ll ever exchange with you.

It’s a goodbye.

The end of everything.

Treat me as a stranger now and I’ll return the favour.

If some day, you run into me,

Do not take pains to smile or say hello, because I won’t return it.

Because a part of me won’t let me smile even if I want to.

Because my veins will tie my hands and stop me to reach for you,

to wave at you,  to embrace you, like I once did.

Because this is the end

It’s a goodbye.

You murdered my existence

There’s a part of me that’s always going to hate you,

A part of me that’s always going to remember you,

And remind me why storms are named after people.

I do not want to know you
I want to LOVE you
I do not want to hear your words
I want to feel YOU
From inside

Most things need not be told
Don't be sad if it is so

Let me be, with you
And see, How much I know you

The more I know you
I lesser I will know myself

The more I know you
I more I will become YOU

Only with
YOUR thoughts
With your Breathes
Inside my chest
With your blood
Flowing in my veins

But still I carry

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