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Aug 2020 · 31
Let Go
Jena T Aug 2020
Forever it knows
How to let go
On slippery stones
Another night
Will grant flow
On naked breath
And promises told
A night's worth
Of letting go
Aug 2020 · 39
Jena T Aug 2020
An artist's cup
Full and empty all at once
Schrödinger's cat in another life
Second sight coupled with the afterlife
Feeling a little too much
Artists need a place to bleed
Somewhere to be free
Riddled artistry
A cup of gravity
Unique to each who drinks
Crafted by creativity
Drained by objectivity
An everlasting cup
Filled with hopes and dreams
Pains and philosophies
Aug 2020 · 46
Wheat Field
Jena T Aug 2020
Tips of wheat brush gently across my fingers
I weep
But there are no tears that stream
Or muffled sobs
Only me in a field of wheat
A place among the stars
Why here?
In this field of golden stalks and grey sky
I'm answered by the breeze
Caressing my face with gentle embrace
Sight fades for feeling's sake
The illusion of life slips away
I am left with these golden stalks and breeze
Here I am free
Among the wheat with my lonely tree
I rest peacefully
Aug 2020 · 30
My Heart
Jena T Aug 2020
Wintry tales
Of warmer days and green space
Jagged snow capped peaks
So high up there is little to breathe
Nestled in cliffs is a warm place
Where my heart beats
Far away from anything
I don't recall putting it there
But there it beats
With strings of soul attached
In the broken peaks it waits
Unbroken and untamed
Its thunderous beat is frightening
Sometimes it scares my sleep away
The electricity arcing through nodes
Down to the bundle
Commanding every fiber that exists
It waits
For the day I can reach the airless peaks
Claim what's mine
And will always be
Jul 2020 · 34
The Talking Fox
Jena T Jul 2020
A fox spoke to me last night
I thought myself insane
His bushy silver tail stood *****
As he gazed at me with bright eyes
I ought to run,
But you are of no harm, he said
I nodded, stunned
He chuckled and asked if I had never talked to a fox before
That would be ludicrous, I said
He shook his head and his muzzle bared the finest smile
Oh my lady, we foxes do speak
We are not as well heard as the wolves
Or as majestic as the owl
And we pale in comparison to the cougar
But we do speak
Tonight you've come to hear I think
I've been waiting a long time
For you to listen
I've come before but all you heard was a fox
Now sit and listen to my tale
I'm Keeper of the Winds
And it's time you learned about the storm within.
Jul 2020 · 86
Red Wind
Jena T Jul 2020
Rising up
Through the smoke
It's coming through to you
Whipping up the clouds
Feel the storm brewing inside of you
Red winds blowing through
Sickness in the air
It'll get washed out
When the rains fall down
After the red winds come through
Been a long time since they've come
They're overdue
Red winds coming in
Westward born and eastward bound
The old is crumbling to the new
Setting sun is rising now
Red winds blowing it down
Won't it be a sight to see the storm come round?
Jul 2020 · 30
Wild Horses
Jena T Jul 2020
Thundering plains
Winding down a valley haze
The heart came to play
But its lonely beat was not met
So the horses came
Trotting in time
They knew the spirit of the wind
And the passion of the land
When the beat is left alone
Listen closely for thundering hooves
Coming to meet the heart
Free in the wildness
The horses come to dance with the lonely beat
Jul 2020 · 29
Midnight Battle
Jena T Jul 2020
Late last night
I sat on the highest hill
A child among mountain giants around
But still a lovely little hill
The monsoon battles the dry
It has every night
The half moon was bright
Shining amidst storm clouds
The cool breeze pushing lazily by
A battle of moon and clouds played out
It was a glorious sight
The clouds would darken the sky
Brightening only with lightning
Then the moon would shine
Declaring its superior light
Only to darken once more
The battle waged for hours
Until my eyes grew tired
My last sight a triumphant yellow moon
Then I closed my eyes
And the clouds had won
Jul 2020 · 36
Jena T Jul 2020
Thank them for me
This dance is ending
I won't stay after this piece,
Tell the band they were sweet
They couldn't have made a better beat,
It's time to go
Tell the angels sorry I had to depart
My heart couldn't take anymore
Tell the demons the laughs were great
I couldn't cry another drop,
See the dance is ending
I'm not sure it's any different than the beginning
I already knew that part
So I never had to witness
The men playing smart
I moved with my art
A fanciful existing
Bringing angels and demons to my yard,
Thank them for me
The host who sat apart
Tell him I know the game he set from the start
And now I depart
I leave my art
And my invitation
Thank them for me
I've danced my part
Jul 2020 · 61
Jena T Jul 2020
Roots burrowed deep
Roots burrowed shallow
A tree clinging to a cliff
While climbing to the sky,
Cancerous roots
Spreading out
Grasping ground
Solid foundations
Ill winds won't knock it down,
Twisted tree
Its bark is scarred
Old and gnarled
Survived a lightning strike,
A squirrel family
And a woodpecker or three,
Aged back to Roman days
Its past pain is clear to see
A beauty unique
Should I live thousands of years
I think I'd be as twisted as this tree
Jul 2020 · 23
Jena T Jul 2020
Wings breaking flesh
Metal piercing through
Raging blood
Of never enough
Poison tipped
Memory can forgive
Acid burning,
Etching metal with runes
Mask of flames,
Heart of graves
Victory singing in tune
Ravaging dust to boon
Held firm by,
Silver bonds of painful sanity
Forged on the blood of a race gone
Nike, never an angel were you
Jul 2020 · 25
Jena T Jul 2020
The heart will not be silent
Its begging is laid bare
An aching wound wanting more
Confessing a painful sore
Friendly eyes no more
A sign of the coming storm

Darken the door,
Trying to prove his worth
He never had to
She saw his value long before
She knew his thoughts
His gaze said it all
Her answer did not change
She cannot be what he needed her to be
He did not believe?
Should she share some of the darkness in her?
The parts no one sees?
Past the pain there is calm certainty
He deserved what she could not be

She'd be lying if she said otherwise
A better friend she'll be
True and loyal to her dying day
Let her be that
As a lover she is complex
She would burn him to ash
Few match her flame
She can be everything,
But please a lover she cannot be
A friend like her will be a gift
She won't go away
Release the grip

Perhaps a drink
Something to wash this emptiness off
It was right
But the heart aches
An echo of a lonely beat
But a lover she could not be
Jul 2020 · 33
Jena T Jul 2020
I wrote today
As I do most days
A journal locked away
Kept for posterity's sake
It doesn't hold my name
And the grammar is far from okay
I wrote today
As I do every other day
Tears no longer flow
And anger does not taint my soul
They both have found a home
In a the pages of my tome
My journey has taken me here
To the land of no man, alone
No footsteps to guide
I wrote today
An inscription of the person I am for another day
When I forget the shadow that led me this way.
Jul 2020 · 55
Black Holes
Jena T Jul 2020
Joints of black holes
A massive frame held together by gravity
Fabric of everything
Woven destiny
Beyond complete
I watch the swirling stars
Spinning galaxies
In the tide of being
Finding more is expected of me
Legs pulled taut by majesty
A drop of universe to breathe
Wonderous and terrifying
Which do I choose to see?
Both make demands of me
Black holes gaze down,
At me on bended knee
Asking if I'll let myself free.
Jul 2020 · 31
Jena T Jul 2020
A writers pen
Well used and ink stocked
Sitting in a storm of dark and light
Darkness that cannot be seen
Lightning that can be breathed
Wet electricity
Warping drying ink
Tears of rain blurring lines
Emptiness as the storm ravages away
Gentle patter of rain
Followed by the hurricane
Beauty of the storm
Seen in dried ink
Not when the winds and rains blasted down
Buzzing with electrical fill
Writers sit down with quills
Mastering the storm of wills
Jul 2020 · 33
Jena T Jul 2020
A hunter walks
In a subtle stalk
Holding his breath and refusing to talk
Waiting for his prey
When it appears his rifle is cocked
His lungs go quiet and his heart quickens
He pulls the trigger
The moment cannot be forgotten
Life and death hanging in the air
Like scents of apple blossoms
All a hunter will ever be
The silence unforgiven.
Jul 2020 · 61
Jena T Jul 2020
A friend's request
I rise to meet
A dovetails nest
Resting steadily
Perched ever so gently
On a perilous peak
A nudge and the young will tweet
Plunged into eternity
A request complete
Broken free
The time has come for awakening
Jul 2020 · 46
The Fall
Jena T Jul 2020
Shouts of a rigid mind
Clawing and screaming all the way down
Welcomed to the place of no bounds
Feeling too empty and full inside?
You're not alone
Sit on down
I hear things haven't gone your way in a while
A vicious cycle you say
I know the route
Tell me how it came about,
An old pain stuck around
Kept itching and burning
Festering until you rubbed it raw
The pain made you think
Question some of your preconceived cogitations
Deep down you knew what you had to do to learn this time around
A little stubborn you complain
Aren't we all I say
Tiredness skulking in the corners
I've done many rounds
That's why I smile and listen
It warms my ancient self
Makes the loneliness a little less
Something to be proud about
So please sit on down
Tell me about the joys and woes your journey has taken you to
I'll say little
If you ask I'll tell a story or two
You may have come screaming down
If you allow, I'll show you why this fall was the best thing to happen to you.
Jul 2020 · 28
Jena T Jul 2020
Good or Evil?
Simple terms
Circumstance and happenstance
Treated equally by the tactician
Grave ambition
Touched by sedition
Never truly known
Honor code
To a people unknown
A servant never meant to bow
A warrior or a monster
Depends whose writing now
Know when he comes around
You've lost before you began
It's only a matter of time now
Jul 2020 · 25
Jena T Jul 2020
If I weep will you hear?
Set me down and hear my silent words?
If so,
I rest this weary smile on my face,
Let my heart bleed,
Filling every muscle and bone
Down to the marrow where it all began
With this ache my longing brings
I'll release it from the deep
Let you quench the thirst
Fill my cup until its full
And I'll return it with its due
Let me drink,
A long cool sip
Of the master brew
Jul 2020 · 27
Jena T Jul 2020
The day is growing late
The spirits wait
Do not delay
Yesterday became tomorrow's mate
The race has changed
Galaxies end,
Where time met fate.
Jul 2020 · 58
Jena T Jul 2020
Electric skies
Arcing home
Where souls roam

The universe came to play
With a sack of jewels
Scattered from antediluvian hands

A beauty of creation,
The void has been
All who were will come again

Light and shadow seeking gems
Stars of dust
Scattered in our skin

Why be any less,
Embody creation's whim
A breath of ancientness within
Jul 2020 · 30
Internal Worlds
Jena T Jul 2020
Give me a cave
And a pointy stick
A weapon of defense
A writers quip
I'll watch the shadows on the wall
Tell stories how they rise and fall
A cave of desires
My love was never here
My internal rhythm,
Belongs elsewhere
Where one sees the world,
I see a cave
Where another sees the unknown,
I see shadows on the wall
So give me my pointy stick
I've plans to make
Jul 2020 · 36
Jena T Jul 2020
I saw a helicopter tonight
Flying low with running lights
Made me think of the ocean
Watery horizon and dying sunlight
Reminded me of a Marine who flew a little too high
Helicopter in dusky skies
With red running lights
You remind me...
Of so many nights.
Jul 2020 · 31
Jena T Jul 2020
The hills burned
The blue sky turned dark
As smoke blotted out the sun
Gracing the valley in red dusk
Burning skies
So beautiful tonight
Embers of brush and piñon pine
Nature's destructive light
Raining ash
With gentle might
Dying skies burning bright
Wildfires decimating for new life
Jul 2020 · 27
Jena T Jul 2020
Hanging vines
Wrapping around limbs
Gently caressing broken skin
Bringing the body up
To mother's embrace
Holding the bare chest
Soothing its quiver
Dripping moonlight
Over the beating heart
Letting it flow down the roots
Pulsing life stretched in water veins
Hanging vines returning life
To all who ask
The tree of life.
Jul 2020 · 62
Jena T Jul 2020
A slip of silver shining in the moonlight
Crescent midnight sun intoxicating dead to life
Molten iron in a mouth full of strife
Hot fires raging inside,
I hear your cry
Anger and fear blinding everything in sight
Brother can you hear me now?
The day is won
There is no more blood to slay
I know you never left the fight
Peace is hard when you've seen the hate in people's eyes
You've been breathing red haze
And now you've forgotten who you are
Brother listen to me now
Take my hand and hold it tight
We'll find sanity's light
I'll rinse the blood stains from your eyes
We're both built for the fight
Let me be by your side
Hold my hand tight
I'll take us down to the river tonight
Where we played and make-believed
My brother I'll join you for this fight
Coming home is a long journey of the night.
Jul 2020 · 48
Jena T Jul 2020
I've been alone even in company
Maybe it will always be so
My heartbeat echoes beyond me
Yet it beats alone
Alone I ache
Desperate to share the load
But I do not wish my burden on another
A sacrificial soldier,
Is what my heart makes of me.
How can it weep asking for relief?
When it cannot see it's making a martyr of me
Jul 2020 · 28
Come Back To Us
Jena T Jul 2020
Come back to us,
My son so sweet
A face too young to be taken away.
My daughter,
Drawn away to this careless world
It does not deserve your grace.
My loves,
I am with you in every breath
It will always be this way.
Torn away by petty things and historical mistakes.
I will never send you away,
I wait with warm embrace
Do not leave a folded flag in its place.
Come back to us
We wait,
Every generation a dying race
But a mother always waits.
Jul 2020 · 30
Jena T Jul 2020
Three ranges
Running North and South
Miles expressed homeward bound
Jagged peaks
Plummet down
Earth's chest breathing in rise and fall
Easy now
Two valleys
Empty barren lands
One road stretching down
Through the valleys
Where shadows dip
Painting their shrouds
So the sun may not beat down
Three ranges
Two valleys
One road
Summit peaks and empty creeks
The valleys do speak
To all who travel the open ground
Jul 2020 · 37
Jena T Jul 2020
A warrior crouched down
As battle raged around
This one was lost
Defeat was heard in the horns sound
The last remnants of a once great power
Fading into the stars around
A warrior buried his failure
And took its lessons
For another day
When the time comes to bring his Empire out from under the shroud.
Jul 2020 · 52
Jena T Jul 2020
Let me go
Where my skin touches ground
It's peeled off and falling now
I'm left with muscle and bone
Each taking penance as they bend down
I've dropped to my knees
Anger burns my eyes
Something left
From these burning wounds
The bones are collapsing
The cage will open soon
The beast growls
A reckoning is in it's snarl
I should fear it's primal call
But it beckons me
From bended knees and broken bow
I feel it's cold in my veins
Calling to me
One step closer now
The caged beast will make me complete
As I cast off this mortal shroud
Dancing wolves will answer me
Blackness of the void call to me
I hear your distant shout
Murmuring as I kneel upon the ground
I answer your call
Because it is the last sound
I have nothing more to give
No further to go
Skin has fallen and bones have cracked
I've burned the last of me
My offering is complete
Consume me
We'll be complete
The darkness is what we'll be
A monstrosity to all these light beings
A beauty to all who can see
I call to thee
Open the cage and set you free
**** the road to hell for all it seems
I've found eternity
Jena T Jul 2020
Several years ago
Life led me to a fork that went both ways
One was known and everything I had been raised to be
The other was singular and marked with shame
The former was the only one I was supposed to take
A simple lie is all it would take
A sip of kool-aid to dull the pain
But I couldn't kneel before another's game
So I took the latter
Beginning a journey that belonged to me
I lost what childhood had given me,
I watched family and friends turn away
At eighteen that was a bitter thing
Deracinated from everything
It left me grasping to make sense of anything
As a child I had always been told about people like me
I had taken the red pill
The lies went away and I had to rebuild everything
I made home for myself
Not out there
Where the world spins without wait
But inside
Where my shadows dance and play
And I found my way
I still don't know where it leads
Or what I'll be along the way
But I've made peace with the pain that led me this way
And all the friends and family who have gone away,
Because I didn't see life their way
Now this path doesn't seem so lonely and the shame that marked the entrance was a lie to frighten me away.
BLT's word of the day challenge deracinate. This poem is a little closer to the heart than I intended but the word took me there.
Jul 2020 · 26
Stale Coffee
Jena T Jul 2020
I think failure must smell like old coffee
The kind that spills on a white dress shirt
Staining yellow as it turns cold
The once rich aroma turning bitter
An acidic stain that eventually dries
You frown and in embarassment try to hide it from those around
With a bitter laugh telling your mates that's what happens when you rush
You go home and try to scrub it out
If you know the tricks no one will ever see the stain
But you'll see the remnants in your eyes
Everytime you put on that white lie
An invisble ring of sickly yellow
Surely it's obvious, everyone will see.

I think failure feels like this sometimes
A stain we'd rather not see
The bitter aftertaste of something once warm and comforting
I wonder if the stains we hide,
Ever become beautiful?
A momento we once tried
And yeah got burned a few times
Maybe we should stop wearing white
Pretending the facade is true to life
Using magic markers to live up to a lie
Life is messy and anyone who says otherwise
Probably has more stains than you or I.
Jul 2020 · 71
Healing Moon
Jena T Jul 2020
May my blood of this moon
Fall upon the stones
Creating life tonight
May the earth hear my cries
In the heat of night
I'll hand back with warriors might
Every grain and stars alight
Heal these wounds
Mother of the land and sky
Incantations of spirits on my side
May this blood flow bright
Down the stones to river beds and watery depths of absent light
Sky grant me one more breath tonight
I'll whisper my creation into life.
Inspired by an old Norwegian song
Jul 2020 · 26
Moon Stones
Jena T Jul 2020
I saw the sun today
It asked me to stay
I said no thanks
I saw the moon today
It asked if I'd visit tonight
I said alright
I sat and watched my skin smoke
Silver wisps stretching up like snakes
Vapors of my breath turning cold
Gems have taken my eyes
And my heart gave way to stone
Burned away inside
I found what was left
A soul of gems and stones
Lit all on their own
Jul 2020 · 45
Jena T Jul 2020
The creek babbles just outside
Aspen leaves blow gently in the moonlight
Mice scurry for the snacks they think we've left behind
Despite the chill I'm warm tonight
You lay beside,
Breathing softly, asleep
It is the last night
Your arms wrap me tight
It's been a long time
But my empty feel persists
Knowing my thoughts betray what's inside,
Once again our ships are passing in the night
My thoughts scream
It wasn't meant to be
I ignore them for a taste of life
Just tonight
I know I'm free
A blend of pain and peace
Will it always be?
Let me sleep
Falling with nothing but the creek and trees
I hope they catch me before the scream is released.
Jun 2020 · 62
Meat & Bones
Jena T Jun 2020
I thought I'd parse this meat for some bones
Something to build these words around
But **** if they don't keep falling down
BLT's word of the day challenge. Parse
Jun 2020 · 63
Jena T Jun 2020
I lay my body down
I've got no further to go
I'll hear the call come round
Until then I'll lie here and listen
Hung my heart so I could hear it play
It was a symphony
So achingly bittersweet
Each beat seeking majesty
Percussion of obsession
Strings stirring the currents longing
Woodwinds calling dreams
Brassy passions
The argot of my friends in arms
Battling my mind for possession
Each beat a harmony and a tragedy
My symphony
Always in my mind
Granting pain and peace
BLT'S word of the day challenge argot
Jun 2020 · 49
The Shadows Did Hide
Jena T Jun 2020
In crimson black
Of moonless nights
A lone wolf hunting in the dark skies
Seeking more than blood tonight
Walking on legs
Skin bursting unnaturally tight
The Pied Piper calling innocence
Away from the light
Shifting from evil they hide
Men of dark arts they once were
And have since become much more
In the high desert nights
When the moon isn't bright
Sit amongst the sage
And close your eyes
When you open them you'll see
The shadows do hide
For the Skinwalker has come out tonight.
I live in an area filled with many local legends, stories and myths. Among them the Skinwalker. For any who have ever experienced the desert nights. There is a certain ethereal quality to them.
Jun 2020 · 58
Jena T Jun 2020
I was born in the grave
With growing pains
They keep me awake
Even today
Dirt filling my veins
A remnant of my grave
Reminding me of the past I've made
And the omnipotent forces at play
BLT's word of the day. Omnipotent
Jun 2020 · 31
Jena T Jun 2020
Like a little lone puppy seeking a home
In memory and history
Catching attention in little things
A scent of laundry detergent in the breeze,
To remind of youthful summer breaks
A song playing from another day,
Reminding of a time and place
A taste of another's drink,
Reminiscent of a lover who has gone away
Go on home pup and wait for me
I'll come along later and we'll play
For all the yesterdays and todays
Jun 2020 · 69
Jena T Jun 2020
Chandeliers of crystal glass
Refracting light
Across the stage
Open strings
Playing harmony
Delicate lace
Stretched across the face
Sweet scents on the breeze
She came late last night
With rested gaze
And confident ease
Drifting by on light feet
Whispering things
Hauntingly sweet
Jun 2020 · 34
Peppermint Sticks
Jena T Jun 2020
Life feeling like an aftertaste
A seven year old's birthday cake
After school snacks and lemonade
Gum wrappers of animal tattoos
Pasted with spit and koolaid

I’d like to smoke my fate
Let it waft up to the rafters while I inhale its toxic embrace
Toss the **** and forget this place,
Watch my life pass in a parade
The dead walking by in ghostly haze,
My mistakes floating in a balloon craze,
My love paving the way
My memories tethered by stakes.

My breath shakes and I contemplate,
Why I’ve come and why I stay
Are the days so great?
If the few I love were to go away I would have no reason to stay
These dark thoughts play
While the child smiles over little things,
Crayons, cartoon time and hide-and-seek
My duality of personality
I'm smoking candy canes.
Jun 2020 · 35
The Oldest Story
Jena T Jun 2020
This is a short story. It's not very long but may take a minute or two to read.            

There is a story kept in the libraries of
a distant place.
A very old one indeed,
Of three powerful beings who were so vast they encompassed everything.
The eldest two knew their offspring would struggle,
It was always so but they would balance the peace.
The youngest cared little for what the other two had to do.

One said, "for as long as I live I'll keep my children safe and teach them my ways."
The other said, "I will keep my children out of your way for it is their nature to have free reign."
So the two powerful beings gave rise to their children.

Chaos told his offspring to do as they wish only to stay away from a certain place.
Order smiled at her children and brought them up well.
While the youngest, Life was content to wander around.
This was the way of things until one day.

A fourth being thought dead,
Skulked from the distance
Watching the children play.
It looked upon Order's children and saw how strong they were.
It used its ancient powers to pull at the children's minds.
But Order's children did not listen to the thoughts and walked away.
So the being went to Chaos's children and saw them free and powerful.
It smiled and corrupted their thoughts
And Chaos's children were driven insane.

They ignored their father's advice and lost who they were.
Before this day chaos was never a bad thing, but balance was lost.
Order's children saw this and worried for their distant friends,
As different as they were, they all came from the same place.
By then Order and Chaos had left into the vast powers they were
And commanded their children no more.
So started a war, of two races so opposite and yet of the same blood borne.
The war raged long and far.
It was ******,
Deeds were committed that forever changed the nature of all we are.
Even ancient blood was spilled and that was too much.
When gods weep the universe bleeds.

Chaos's children regained who they were,
But not before a heavy price was paid.
Order's children forgave but bitter blood still finds hate.
These children so old and ancient now sit in wait.
Watching as the rest of the universe grows in pain.
First born and now they wait.
For the rest to learn the lessons of their great mistake.
Jun 2020 · 60
The Cliff
Jena T Jun 2020
Standing on the broken cliffs
Watching the tide retreat
It carries my heart
Every beat,
I wait for it to come in once again.
I'm always here
In stalwart verse
Providing words of certainty,
Lionness of the pride,
Reliable everytime,
Soldier marching in stride
Are you frightened by the quiet blaze in my eyes?
I know it's a little intense sometimes
I'll close them for you tonight.
I keep myself on a leash
Knowing when the day comes I am released
I'll admit it was a lie
While I stood on the cliffs
Waiting like a guardian of ancient times,
I wanted to be free
Join my heart in the sky and seas
Longing for the moon and stars
Bringing in high tide
So I may feel one more time.
BLT's word of the day challenge. Stalwart
Jun 2020 · 58
Jena T Jun 2020
The voices of a plague
Arguing every which way
They never cease except to agree on better pay
Until the Emperor stands
Quieting any in his way
The prisoners will be hanged
And the people are needing grain
Enough of petty and greedy mistakes
If the Senate is content to do nothing but harangue
Then the Emperor will rise from the grave
And squash democracy for tyranny
For the people's sake
So they can eat and live in peace
And that will be a bitter day
But Ceasar may already be on his way.
Inspired by BLT's challenge word of the day harangue
Jun 2020 · 24
Throwing Stones
Jena T Jun 2020
Mirrored lake
Disturbed by a falling leaf
Gentle ripples spreading out
As the leaf sticks to the surface
In a moment becoming one with the water
A person comes along
Seeing the still lake with wonder
Disrupts it by tossing a stone
A satisfying vacuum plump
As the stone hits and sinks
Pulled down to watery dephs,
For longer than the one who threw it there will live
Ripples from the epicenter
Stretching across the mirror
Distorting all who stare
In time the stillness returns
The waves disappear
And the stone becomes another resident of the mirror
Someone is always throwing stones
And life is dropping leaves
But the mirrored lake always returns
Asking you to look into it
Without tossing stones.
Jun 2020 · 42
Jena T Jun 2020
A soliloquy
Of self-philosophy
Dictionaries becoming less than functionary
Words for thought
If they were never taught
What happens to the thought?
Mind the future kids
Degradation is swift
Words of freedom and philosophy
May cease to exist
And you'll know none the wiser
Because you lost the meaning
Of words like wish
Grammar parts getting dusty
In this old art
To wish a verb into a better part
Willing the future tense
A time traveler we've already forgot
Some words have already been lost
It sickens me to think
Someday these words could be gone
Because our minds lost the battle of our thoughts.
Jun 2020 · 26
Jena T Jun 2020
I once had a professor
I took his class on passionate whim
Though I spent my days in labs
With test tubes and pippettes
His class fascinated me
So I signed up just to balance my time
Too much science isn't good for the mind.

It was in a building I had never been
I sat down and waited for class to begin
The clock struck one
It was only me and two others
Am I in the wrong class? I wondered
When in walked a man
Dressed very professionally
That was rare to see.
He smiled and said hello.
He sat down, exchanging pleasantries with the guys next to me.
He glanced at me and smiled
He said he knew the other two
They were philosophy students of his.
He asked my name and I told him
This is a small class he said as one more came in
The guy sat down and was rather talkative
The professor said hello and asked what major he was in.
History the student said
The professor nodded and said this class will go nicely with that.

I was feeling out of place
The only girl and not even in the humanities
The professor asked what I studied
Biology I said.
Everyone quieted and stared at me quizzically
One chuckled and asked if I was in the right class
This is Ancient Greek? I asked
The professor nodded with a grin
"It is, let's begin."
For a professor of mine who by far gained my highest respect. A brilliant man and a fantastic teacher. I wasn't even in his department yet I ended up studying under him for two years and learned more during that time then I did in my entire college career.
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