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Q Jul 2013
Society is a clay mold
Taking every newborn into its fold
Kissing each brow with insecurity, shame
Releasing it's victims, carbon-copies, all the same

Society is a line graph's *****
Plotting point ever upwards in hope
Shunning those who are different, who fight
Loving only those who are "normal", all outliers denied

Society is a disease, nipping at the soul
Filing and wearing down on the young and old
Breaking every innocent into a pessimistic, jaded mess
Rending, tearing, stomping, destroying whatever is left
Q Jul 2013
Lurking in the shadows
In which you hide your pain
Wrapped around the parts
Of yourself that cause you shame

I am Madness
I am insanity
I am all of you
And you are part of me
Q Jul 2013
I've posted a picture
And no one has liked it
It hasn't a single comment
And I have grown befret

Yes, children are starving worldwide
And that family has no where to sleep
And there is a war just over there
But no one has liked this picture of me

I written a clever status that's sure to cause a laugh
I posted it with complete confidence of it's worth
It's been a full day and not a single person cared
And even though it shouldn't, it really hurts

And it's these insipid, inane, insignificant things
That seem so important at the time
That make me stop and seriously ponder:
'Just when exactly did I lose my mind?'

When did I stop caring about that lady on the road?
When did I stop crying over all the deaths?
When did I begin ignoring that beggar?
Rather than give the dollars I had left?

When did I stop putting trash where it belongs?
When did I stop caring about that abandoned dog?
When did I start accepting that 'things won't change'?
Why am I just realizing I've been jaded far too long?

When did Earth become a vessel for my plans
Instead of my greatest comfort?
When did nature stop being my friend
And become leaves and bugs and dirt?

When did creativity become useless
And business begin to rule my brain?
When did fun become a chore?
Now that I must be 'serious and sane'

It's all the little things that made life pretty as a child
It's all the little things I haven't bothered to do once more
And if I just shook off this funk of 'maturity' and 'sensibility'
I dare say it would all come back and once again, I'd soar.
Why do we force ourselves to mature when it's children who have the right idea?
Q Jul 2013
"I love him"
"She's my heart"
"He's brighter than the stars"
God, I'm about to ****

About to regurgitate every
Morsel of breakfast I ate
Along with the lunch I'll eat
If you keep going at this rate

Go wax your poetry
And when your through
I have a single word
Filled with disgust: "Ew".
Q Jul 2013
I'm looking for friends
In this net of strangers
But when I reach out
No one answers

I'm greeting everyone I see
In this massive web of shadows
But none of them acknowledge me
Because I'm disrupting the natural flow

But I'm still going to hold out a hand
And hope someone will hold theirs out too
When I'm looking for friends, I don't want to be alone
So who will take my hand, will it be you?
Q Jul 2013


You're making my skin crawl.
I don't respond well to kindness
So, please, do as the rest do
And just call me a *****.
Q Jul 2013
I don't think you're
Even half as calm as you pretend
I don't think this doesn't bother you
The way you insist it doesn't
But I'm not going to change
Because I'm not sorry yet

You've moved on
You let her go
And I couldn't
For the life of me
understand how
Or much less why

She is, she was, she will be golden
And you are silver and I am coal
I understand I am out of place and line
But I might never see a shine like this again
So I'm more than happy to endear myself to her
Despite what you might feel, think, or say

You've found a different ore. I've yet to see what kind
Because I'm far to occupied watching the gold fade away
Into pure diamond. I'm not sorry yet.
I don't know how exactly you feel. I know you don't approve
But I'm slowing inching towards apathy to your opinion
It's unfair that you'd reject this for me, no matter my rank

I am a crow of a coal ore; if it's shiny- I want it.
She is iridescent in all the ways you never saw
I pledge nothing, I promise even less; however,
I don't see myself growing tired of this glow
And though that terrifies me, I'll push forwards
Because I'm not ready to make your mistakes

And I'm not sorry yet, I regret nothing
And I may never feel remorse for catching
What you so carelessly ****** from yourself
I don't require perfection, this diamond may have her faults
I won't reject the simple scars of life and love and laughter
And though you call me your friend, I won't apologize

And in the future, both distant and near, this may be taboo
We may avoid the topic on tiptoe and let the feelings fester
You may wait and crave an apology, and I will do the same
But I'll never apologize for following what my heart calls happiness
And you will never apologize for not accepting this the way you want to
Thus, I am not sorry yet, and I will not be sorry later.
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