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Q Jul 2013
Not unless you beg me to
Not unless you peel my fingers away
Not unless you ignore my cries
Not unless you push until I can't hold on

I won't let go because I need you
I won't let go because I see you
I see you in my life, years from now
Even when I can't see myself

So if (when) you finally want to escape
I'll scream and cry and shout and sob
And I'll hold on until I'm sure
I can't keep you here with me

And when I'm stretched thin
Juggling all the victims I've chained to me
I know you'll break away and run
And I wouldn't be able to follow

So as long as I've got you
I won't let you go
I've got an iron grip
That disguises itself as freedom

And you're crying now
Because you thought you were free
Because you thought I was sane
Sane enough to let you leave me

You're beating at the chains
And they break under your bretreyal
And I break with them, and I cry
And you, so kind, stop in guilt

I won't let go until you make me
You've got to train me to open my hands
I'm the child clinging to your leg
The dog nipping at your heels

I won't let go, so pry away my fingers
And I'll lay about all day waiting for you
To remember me and come home
And pretend you never left

Every time you return
I'll have a new chain
A stronger chain
To bind you to me

Don't leave me
Don't leave me
I can learn to let go
*Please, please don't leave.
Q Jul 2013
When I told you I was better
When I said I never relapsed
When I said the scars were healing
When I said the food stayed down
When I said you could do the same
When I said it gets easier

I lied.

I still cut and avoid food
Like the plague
I still cry at night
And there's nothing in the mirror
I don't hate

I still feel ugly
And hate the colour
Of my skin
I still pinch at my stomach
And feel so obese

I still say I'm 'erotophobic'
As though people want me
I still tell people I'm straight
And that 'I love God'

I'm still ashamed
I still blame myself
I still deny anything happened
I still believe I'm telling the truth

I'm still paranoid
I'm still afraid of everything
I still feel weak
I still have panic attacks

I still want to be held
I still pretend I like to comfort
I still pretend I'm strong
I still pretend I care

I still throw up
And my throat still hurts
I still smoke
And it still doesn't help

I still have rampant thoughts
I still hate conversation
I still feel inadequate
I still pretend I like my poetry

I still try to write my stories
The words no longer come to me
I still try to create a family of friends
I still can't abide the noise enough
To make it work

I'm still bitter
I'm still violent
I'm still unhappy
I still fake everything I do

I'm not really okay.
Not really.
And I wanted to say 'I'm sorry,'
I lied.
Q Jul 2013
I'm that pretty kitty
Sitting on your windowsill
Leaving dander on the glass
Looking more than my fill

My fur is brown and black
My claws are sharp as knives
My teeth are quite sinister
And I've still all nine lives

You've never paid me much attention
And I ceased attempts to receive it long ago
You go about your day ignoring me
And I stare covetously through the window

I know you can see me
Every blue moon, you'll wave
We actually get along in a way
But not enough to sate all I crave

I wonder if you'll ever notice
My stare is unadulterated jealousy
But you never seem to notice
I also envy that naivety

But I'm just the pretty kitty
Perched up on this windowsill
All I want is to be seen from inside
But no one ever will

I've only eyes for the inside though
I've got my friends on this side of the glass
And they look at me, bemused and disgusted
Because, in all ways and forms, I'm obsessed

But I'm different and I'm on the wrong side
And I'm just the pretty kitty on the windowsill
But I'm not comfortable with my own kind
And with yours, I'm just good for visual appeal

So I'll sit here on this windowsill
Gazing enviously
Because neither side fits me
But it fits them perfectly
This poem has more than a lot to do with my race, mainly, as well as my sexuality and lack of religious inclination.
Q Jul 2013
I'm sort of sick
Of hating you
But loving you is too cliche

I'm just a bit over
Ignoring you
But talking is overrated

I'm so far past
Writing you poetry
This is the exception

I'm just a bit beyond
Trying to get you
Because I'd hate to lose you

I'm not one for valuables
As valuables are stolen
And it breaks my heart

Should I ever get you
The thief would theive
The robber would rob
The hitman would hit
The assassin, assassinate
The seductress, ******

And I would lose you
As I lose everything else
So I won't have you at all

Because I'm above liking your eyes
No matter how they shine
When you laugh so brightly

I'm not one to treat you right
Though I would hold the doors
And take the bill

I'm too good to watch you
While I memorize the words
You say in your own little way

I'm to great for your problems
But if you confided in me
I'd be your greatest ally

And I'm far too good for these tears
Because I've not lied about a single thing
Not a single thing I've written here
Q Jul 2013
I am dangerous
I am sociopathically insane
I crave to build someone up
Then break them down again
I want more power than I need
Simply so I can terrorize
Terrorize the animals and humans and
Every single being that passes my eyes

I'm not safe for you
Because I'd like to ******* up
I'd love to break your morales down
And see your dreams crushed
I'd like to take your standards
And rip them all apart
I'd like to make you need me
But I'd prefer to rip out your heart

I'd like to control everything
Life, death, and everything in between

I'd like anyone to see
That I'm not safe
I'm not okay
I'm power-tripping
I'm so insane
I'm stuck on my brain
I'm stuck on this thought
And when I'm not drugged
When I can freely think
When I can feel the paranoia
When I can see clearly
I begin to plot

I plot your death
I plot your life
I plot your servitude
To me

I plot exactly how
Your blood will trace the lines
On the tile on the floor
So crimson now
So brown later

I plot our conversations
I plot our silences
I. Plot. It. All.

And it's not enough

I want you to breath
Only when I say so
At my command
Only when I let you.

It's only when I see this part
Of my brain that I remember
I'm dangerous
In all the wrong ways

I push it all down
It's not human to feel this way
So I push it all down
But one day
I know
I'll snap.
Q Jun 2013
The sun is setting
I'm prepared for bed
But I cannot sleep over the sound
Of things that go bump in my head

The night is dark
All the children are abed
But I can't sleep with all
The thoughts in my head

What if someone breaks in?
I'm far past paranoid
The house is creaking and moaning
I jump up at every noise

Why is everyone asleep
When I'm in such a panic
What if they're all dead
And this is the apocalypse?

What if there's and earthquake?
What if there's a tornado?
And I can't go to sleep because
If I'm not awake I won't know

I have to stay awake
To make sure nothing happens
But if something happens anyway
What would I do then?

If a robber gets in
Would I really want to be awake?
I'd have a better chance of survival
If I could just go to sleep

But the night is scary
So I'll wallow in my dread
And stay awake to deal with
All that goes bump in my head
I really hate nighttime. Who even invented that?
Q Jun 2013
She is unhappy
She feels so scarred
She feels so ugly
She feels so large

She looks so tired
She looks so trapped
She seems so sad
So broken, so snapped

She doesn't cry like an angel
Her eyes are puffy and her face is a mess
She gives silent heaves and wipes at her nose
And she knows she as ugly as everyone says

She ***** in her cheeks
Pinches her nose
Pulls up her brows
Then drops the pose

She changes her clothes
She fixes her nails
She cuts her hair
And no one cares

She slathers on foundation
Stains her lips with rouge
Conceals every imperfection
Stills her hair with mousse

She still feels ugly
She still feels overweight
She still won't eat a bite of food
Until she feels she looks great

But that day isn't coming
She is judged everyday
By that mirror and that scale
And the model on the front page

She's fat, she knows it
She's not in perfect shape
There's no thigh gap
There's no one that likes her face

And she's staring at the mirror
Seeing her reality
She wants to look better
She wants to be pretty

She's staring at the mirror
She's waiting for the image to change
She's waiting for her work to pay off
She checking every single day

And she's staring in the mirror
It's been years and she still doesn't fit
And she's staring at the mirror
But never once has she liked the image
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