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I knew I fell for you
When I heard your voice
Walking up the stairs
The second floor of the apartment
I was scared
To look in your direction
Our eyes met for a split second
Feeling sort of sick
I couldn't help it
Nervousness hit
I sat down and watched the room
Loading a bowl
I listened without full comprehension
Of what Impact you'd have
On the rest of my life
Scared and vulnerable
I lured you to a cigarette
Talking for an hour or so
Waiting for time to go
As it was still when watching you
I felt admired
My best friend speaking highly of me
And a plethora of personality
Surrounding me
I think I was grateful
Drinking absinthe to numb
What I knew to become
The last bit of myself to flee
I offered you a ride home
Drunk but still sure
To get you home safe
Throwing up in the parking lot
I knew to be your place
We left that night
You had most likely other plans
Knowing you'd see me again
I couldn't resist you
But who could really?
You were the trees
The few I had known
I waited for you
Hurting me then helping
Turning me seldom
So it seemed
I was inlove with you
Thinking I'd have to leave
That this was bad for me
And it would bring pain
I couldn't let fear rule me
But you gave me that
The fearlessness
At least I had thought
I knew you loved me
Taking me back now
Are the images in my head
Painted beautifully
I still can't relax
Please come back
 Jun 2017 Purple-heart
D - Matter
Our Love is like an
Elastic band.

I just hope as we
Pull apart we bounce
Right back.

I'd die even more
If it eventually

Don't give up on this.
 Jun 2017 Purple-heart
D - Matter
I'd massage your entire body

trill fingers slowly down
your spine

Pouted lips
Beautiful body
Hips wide
Legs parted

Side to Side

Electric fur stands tall

Clenched toes, static in your veins.

I'd massage you until
your skin sings songs
that your lips don't even know
the words to.

(electric veins)

Until your heartbeat sounds like
My last name.
to look through you
i had to see Me
for myself.
i had to look
for the first time
at my heart.

and nowhere else.
 May 2017 Purple-heart
Jim Davis

©  2017 Jim Davis
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