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  Dec 2018 Puds
Writing on paper is easy - fast and visible.
But paper tears, paper is thrown away.

Writing on the soil is easy - fast and visible.
But it can be erased, by a simple flick of the wrist.

Writing on water is hard, invisible and impossible.
Or so it seems.
To write on water, you must submerge something into it. A couple pebbles or sticks will be fit.

Live your life to the depths, never let it to brought down to be torn or erased. Submerge yourself in it, and it will always bring you to the top,
  Dec 2018 Puds
The rain finally comes
The spring rises up to greet the sun
On the long river highway,
The road is long
Past the brook
Past the stream
Along the river
Beyond the lake
Past the lagoon
The wetlands too
The highway a ribbon unfolds
Out to the ocean the road goes
With the promise of deepest
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