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Because of society
I want to be a real boy.

My masculinity needs
to be measured by the grass stains on my white t-shirt
and my ability to flirt through phone numbers
like checking the items off my "to do" list.

Because of society
I want to be a real boy

My ability to love needs
to be measured by how often love comes and goes
Through the night at a price
And how often I can sneak back into to bed beside her
And she not even know.

Because of Society
I can't be a real boy
Another poem on being gay in a mostly straight world
Truth is...
I can hear a part of my heart
Protesting with every heartbeat.
It screams
"Don't date, Just wait"
But My mind tells me
"It's done too late"
While I just stand there
Truth is...
I still want you...
Sometimes there are still faint whispers of love
Attached to a name
No matter how hard you try not to hear.
Ehhhhhhh Love ehhhhhhhhhhh
 Jan 2014 Andrew Parker
If it is a penny for your thoughts
how about a quarter for your secrets,
the ones you always try to hide
until others reveal where you keep it.

Shiny calcium structures hidden
behind stout oak closet doors,
stained with shame and guilt
most assuredly, they are yours.

Locked in soooo tightly
how much just to take a peek?
thoughts seemed to be on sale
I wonder what's up this week?

A thought can hold an idea
but a secret can hold a dream,
thoughts are ever fleeting
only once can you crush esteem.

Thoughts come cheaply
secrets are worth so much more,
some thinking is on the surface
while beliefs are to the core.
The innocence of a sunrise,
a dance in the middle of the street,
putting on pjs and getting some early morning fries,
a simple love, a love thats new,
watching the sunrise, and staring at the sky while swinging and tasting the blue,
hands getting sweaty,
and nights are too long,
there is no such thing as a sad song,
and if there is, its to remind you what you have left behind,
clouded mind,
full of future times
that always seem so golden
while the past seems to fade away,
a butterfly in the tummy,
its forcing its way through,
a simple love, a love that's new.

It's long past,
and the love wasnt the last,
it was cute and fun,
that made me like everything a little bit better and brighter, including the sun,
it was easy and made sense,
but now we just look over the fence,
at other loves that have made things work,
we may grab hands and say were certain,
but as we around us begins to fall the curtain,
separating our yards,
throwing into the air all 52 cards,
grabbing and screaming at the air,
I do not dare, try and break the steel curtain,
and through the holes I can see her smile,
who knew it would be here and gone so fast,
looking back on the past,
it was a love that couldnt last.

Now every time I see,
lovers saying "I'll never leave",
I get a butterfly forced in my tummy,
it pulls oot its money,
and buys a beer,
flapping around drunk and insecure,
making me stumble and run,
and listen as the song is sung,
making the new songs sound blue,
I miss that simple love,
a love that's new.
I wrote this a year ago...I think it ends a little wonky, but I also think its badass nonetheless...I want to be in love again, but I dont want to go through the whole beginning, I just want to grab a ******* the street and kiss her and ask her in French if we could fall in love, but that would be the beginning is usually the best part, right?...right? girls, they **** me.
I crave your warm skin against mine.
And the tickle of your breath on my neck.
I want to grab your thighs.
And kiss your soft lips.
Feel your peach-fuzz on my cheeks.
I cannot stay and love you.
It would not be fair.
For what I feel is not love,
But simply Lust.
 Jan 2014 Andrew Parker
seashell minds, if you
listen closely you can hear
the salt roars of oceans.

the emerald ebb
and flow of ideas that
adds spice to our lives.

we are all drops of
liquid fantasy in this
untamed sea of life.
I am finally free from the ******* of my rib cage
the shallowness of breathing is no longer a hindrance
Life is no longer my keeper
and Death no longer the enforcer
I am the air
and I am the vacuum of space.
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