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 Sep 2016 Tommy W
Doug Potter
Don't talk to the old man
on the ladder he's likely
cleaning eavestroughs

end to end full of leaves
kite string & black

He may mumble
teetering on the rungs
but don’t interrupt work

he has enough to handle.
 Sep 2016 Tommy W
Doug Potter
I realize  that when you asked me to  feed your two calicos
while vacationing, I wasn’t given title to  pluck four large
tomatoes  from  your perfectly trained  vines.

The tomatoes were Christmas red, unbruised
and husky. It seemed criminal and unfair
to my palate not to devour them
by dusk the day I stole them;

in my shallow defense
both of your cats
repeatedly hissed
at me when fed.
 Sep 2016 Tommy W
Doug Potter
I gather smells from
the garden near
the well
every drop drank
will be worth
my toil.
End of year gardening.
The reason I write is simple
Not for you, not for me
But for my mind
And my emotions

The reason I stopped is simple
Because of you, because of me.
My mind is numb
My emotions locked away

The reason I write is false
It is for you, it is for me
Not for my mind
Nor my emotions

The reason I sat down and wrote this
Isn't simple at all.
It's for me, not for you.
I wanted to remind myself of what I lost.

The reason I am here.
I'm here for you to judge and like
I'm here for you to judge and dislike.
Because we are humans

And that is why I write.
Just a simple poem.
 Jun 2016 Tommy W

I saw her walking down the path,
then leaning on this tree
I wondered if she just might like
to be up here with me

I said, “come on, it’s nice up here”
She said, “I like the ground”
I yelled, “the view is very clear,
I can see for miles around”

She said, “but here the grass is green,
the flowers at my eye
I could not see these wondrous things
from up there in the sky”

“This tree is old, this branch is strong,
it easily holds the weight
I’ve been up here an hour or so
I’m sure that it won’t break”

“Oh that’s not it, my climbing friend,
that is not it at all
I do not think that branch is weak
and both of us would fall”

“Then what, if you will tell me please
keeps you so far below
For where I’m at, this highest peak
provides a perfect show”

“I just prefer the feeling of
the earth beneath my feet
The fragrance of the summer breeze
upon my face so sweet”

“But way up here the sky is blue,
like nothing that you’ve seen
The valley and the mountain side,
as if comes from a dream"

“Well, I’ll not climb this tree with you
and if a friend you be
Then you will slip down from that branch
and come down here with me”

I shimmied down the mighty oak
and staring in her eyes
I saw a view I’d never seen
on any morning skies

She said, “I’m glad you didn’t fall
from up there way above"

That’s when I thought, oh yes I did,
for I just fell in love

I found her to be beautiful
much more than any sights
And truth be known, I’m glad I’m down
for I’m afraid of heights

(But don't tell her)
: )
Will this be on the test?
Is it what I need to know?
Will not knowing it affect my grade?
Where does the heading go?

I’ll never use this, ever! grrr…
It’s such a waste of time!
It just that it’s so pointless
Like nonalcoholic wine! eek!

I’d rather clean the toilet…
I’d rather eat a worm!
Than study all this foolishness
But I have to pass this term!
all about studying for a chemistry test(I used to teach chemistry), from the student's point of view.  I'm posting the same scenario from the teacher's point in my next submission.  hope you can relate and enjoy.
 Jan 2014 Tommy W
Tammy M Darby
Just to see what it was like
The smell of brimstone and smoke
Torture and mayhem
Burning heads impaled upon flaming spikes

I shook hands with the evil one
Of course, horned and dressed in red
Welcome friend mi casa es su casa
But absolutely no communing with the dead

I said I was just looking around
Put to rest any fears
With my good and pure lily white life
I shall never end up here

Many years later
Staring down at my coffin
At my funeral where was shed many tears
It seemed only seconds had passed
And there I was
Back in hell again

I looked around at the fires
And asked Satan fearfully
Tell me Beelzebub
What am I doing here?
Your name is on my parchment silly fool
And I have waited many years

All Rights Reserved Tammy M. Darby Dec. 27, 2013
 Jan 2014 Tommy W
Tammy M Darby
From what glorious kingdom
Will my armored warrior hail
That for my small hand
On slathered horse
Journey roads of heaven and hell

Riding stone covered ground
Of long black waiting shadows
To return to my lost soul
Stolen waiting tomorrows

On the quest to my heart
Slay the crimson dragon pain
His jeweled reward but one
Eternal love to gain

Written when my thoughts are not tainted with Poe
This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby  Dec. 29, 2013
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