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 Feb 2017 CeeCee Parker
Feliz G
If only I've told you
How **** you are
Then maybe this friendship
Wouldn't have gone this far.

We just grew apart,
Nowhere closer.
Why can't this friendship
Just be over?

Time to drop the past
No getting near it.
Do me a favour
And just shut it...!
What ever happened to this friendship...?! Ahaha. Best friends don't last forever, why does everybody assume that?! What even is the point of this *******? Just someone to hang out with till they find someone else, so you do the same, then repeat the cycle all over again! *******....! I.... need a break....
One day she stopped feeding me
I was 4
She was pregnant
Something so simple as eggs
But I NEVER fed myself first
I served her
Because I loved her

One day she threw plates at me
I came to see why she was crying
I was 6
She was bleeding
I wrapped her hands
Because I loved her

One day she punched my mouth
I asked why dad hadn't come home
I was 10
She was pale
I brought her a blanket
Because I loved her

One day I cried in anger
Because I knew she never cared
I was 17
She was dead
I became numb
Because I didn't know why
I still love her

It's easy to hurt someone that looks like you
Especially when you hate yourself
I still love you mom

— The End —