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Regrets, they come in waves and break around his feet
And he begins to wonder who he might have been
Had roads diverged in different woods and fields
Not yellow or yet any colour still unseen
But clearer now by day than windless nights
Still nearer than the objects of his dreams

It'd rained late into the evening, and when the lights were shaded
Around the pool outside and with the windows shuttered
He'd thrown on loose clothes, flicked open an umbrella
While high outside the stars the lightning flashes muttered
Pulled open doors that led to the veranda
And moved outside once more with all his thoughts unuttered

The smoke, from fires on Java lies heavy on his senses
An omen of the time of year and of the past condition
He shrugs, ***** in the acidic nighttime odors
Reviving lives not lived but revealing his admission
That time beyond the present that mirrors every movement
Within, without, and yet again, the flicker of suspicion.

The pistol in his pocket, illegal not unloaded
A symbol of his state of mind and by  his sole discretion
He kneels beside the water, deep-set and in the shadows
Lips forming wordlessly around the last confession
Images of where and what and who and why and whether
A portent of that final action, sensing and impression

The smoke from fires on Java lies heavy on the water
The reek of cordite mixing with the smell of burning grasses
Indignant birds protest the crack of one small set expulsion
The echo round the swimming pool reverberates and passes
Nothing more and nothing less and time and space and matter
Slick red upon the treacherous tiles, the shattered bloodied glasses.
To those who asked: in spring, the farmers on the Indonesian islands of Java & Sumatra set fire to their fields to clear them for planting. Illegal but widely done. When the wind is in the right direction, the smoke drifts over the Java sea and covers the island of Singapore in a toxic mist which lasts for days. Suicides in the region increase during these depressing times, whatever the underlying causes...
 Feb 2013 Peter Pan
Q D Malcolm
"You came," her voice floated in the white
"Of course I came," I knew she was behind me
But I couldn't turn, only feel her hair touching my back
"It's a good sign." Her voice was a million echoing silver bells
"I guess I've started to realize..."
Her fingertips brushed my palm, light as wind.
"I have realized that it wasn't my fault"
"I told you it was a good sign"
In the corner of my eye, I saw strands of her hair, fluttering
"I miss you." I wanted see her, see her smile, white teeth and dimple
"I miss you too," her silver bell voice rung out sadly
"I can never forgive myself," my voice shook, my eyes burned
"Don't say that, it's not true"
Flowers underneath us were red, yellow and sky blue
"I should have been there, I should have always been with you"
My every atom ached for her, to turn and see her
I could remember the smell of waking up beside her
Starting my day with a wonder by my side
"Forgive yourself please, for me"
A flower was slipped into my hand, it was yellow
I turned and I saw her, she wore the garb of an angel
She smiled before she disappeared
Leaving me crying in the red, yellow and sky blue.
 Feb 2013 Peter Pan
The truth is, I am breaking but I’m not broken just yet.
I know there will always be leafs falling from trees, I’ll never climb
& seasons changing somewhere I’ll never stand
but today I wrote a haiku on the back of my work schedule
and it felt cheesy but I smiled
& there’s something to be said for moments like that;
the ones you share with no one,
memories you create with yourself
that make you wanna go outside and stare into the sky,
just because you can.
And yeah, I haven’t felt a fresh pair of lips against my forehead in quite some time,
and I still ache to be told those comforting lies
but there’s something peaceful about the way
I refuse to allow my will to learn and to write and to know
to become a casualty of any war I wage against myself.
And so, maybe, I’ve fallen out of love with teenagers singing in coffee houses
because I just don’t feel like I fit in with them anymore
and maybe I’ve lost a certain charm that used to exist behind my teeth
and roll off my tongue with the spit and the wine
but I will never fall out of love with the way coffee tastes on Sunday morning
and I still kiss my scars, even when I create them.
I guess, January just always felt like a decision, for me.
It makes the continuation of my existence feel optional.
Well, this is my life. I don’t want it all of the time,
but I’m gonna stick around because I can see
the sun peeking through these dark blinds
and I know there's still light behind these tired eyes
 Feb 2013 Peter Pan
I am at at the bottom of the ocean
Baffled how I am still breathing
Wondering how I transcended
Viewing the world with 20 thousand leagues
Of liquid obstruction to distort my view
I am at the bottom of the ocean
The world does not pause
No one will toss me a line
It is my choice
Surrender to this aquatic haze
And possibly drown
Or belligerently swim to normalcy
The saltwater clouds my mind  
I am at the bottom of the ocean
I read this to a realist. She said, "Yea, you're tired." Oh' to view the world as a realist.
 Feb 2013 Peter Pan
Ellen S
 Feb 2013 Peter Pan
Ellen S
the thing about a cliff they say
it's not so very tall
until you reach the top of it
and see how far you fall.

falling down the thick white wall
of rock and much decay
you only see the clashing rocks
forever in your way.

you hit the rocks and pale grey waves
and then time seems to stop;
battered, bruised, and broken then
you start to climb back up.
 Feb 2013 Peter Pan
I want to live in the woods
Immersed deeply
In solitude and estrangement
From all who know my face and voice
A man, unknown
Even to those who once thought
They knew

I take comfort in time
And the nature by which it exists and operates
I'm in love with the idea
That the past knows it's place
And that the future is deaf, blind and dumb
I am the one who gives it everything
Sight, sound, speech

While I can't
At this very moment
Give myself the gift
Of solitude
Of anonymity
I am not confused
I am not worried
I am past those hellish thoughts and hopes
I now just sit
In the bright lights
Throbbing red on the radar
Contemplating which
To grant it first
Which to focus on
Or if I should
Grant it anything
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