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I know a Hero —  
A mother goose,  
Watching over her chicks  
With love and grace.  
Oh, my Hero.  

I know a Hero —  
She is my world.  
God knows I speak the truth;  
He blessed me with her.  
Oh, my Hero.  

I know a Hero —  
Without her, my life is void.  
Oh, my Hero.  

While other chicks speak  
Of their proud Roosters as heroes,  
I speak of her —  
Not as a Heroine,  
For calling her that  
Would only lessen her strength.  
She is my Hero.
A poem to my mother, My Hero
Implanted by hands like no other,
Planted by a mind wider than the universe,
Watered by the river of living water.

The seed buds—
Budding, glowing, blooming—
Under the watchful gaze of the Bloomer.

He has cultivated fertile soil,
Enriched with manure of wisdom and grace.
The flower blooms, shining,
Lifting its face to His Sun—the Bloomer.

I am in Him,
Just as He is in the Father.
I am a branch in the True Vine,
Rooted, flourishing, everlasting.

Spiritual Growth
‎A burden on my heart
‎To rest in His presence

‎A burden in my heart
‎To rest with My Comfort

‎A Spirit cries
‎The Holy Spirit
‎Looking for men

‎Oh am I worthy
‎Please, here I am
‎Am I worthy

‎Pick me
‎Dust me
‎Mould me
‎Form me
‎Make me
‎That vessel of honor yielding
‎To You - Lord

‎Oh my Love
‎Search no more
‎Here I am
‎Your burden
‎My burden
‎Your tears
‎My tears

‎I am here
‎Send me
‎Use me
‎Spend my life

‎Search no further Lord
‎Weep no more King
‎Here I am

My desire is You Lord Jesus
My ernest desire is You
A little girl yearning you.
My flesh seeks to drown me—  
And by me,  
I mean my Spirit.  

Give the flesh a chance,  
And you'll sink into the depths of depression.  
Your spirit begins to fade,  
And when I say fade,  
I mean the whispers of despair  
That tempt you toward the edge.  

Get over it!  
Life isn’t over.  
Jesus loves you.  

His joy surpasses all understanding.  
Just open your heart  
And receive the fullness of His peace.  

Oh, what an amazing feeling—  
To be lifted by His grace.
The Joy of the Lord is our strength.
Am I a poet,  
Or a scribbler,  
Doodling imaginations to writings?  

Am I a scribbler,  
Or a narrator,  
Voicing my thoughts to books?

Am I a narrator,  
Or His mouthpiece,  
Sounding the burden of His heart?  

Gifted am I,  
Not to my worth,  
But to His glory.

I am His vessel,  
Filled with His Spirit,  
Speaking His burdens to men.

I am His.
Total surrender of my poetic gift to God
Lost in you, I drift,  
Your thought, my soul's swift lift.  

My world stops, yet spins anew,  
You alone I revolve into.  

Oh, my heart, is this true?  
A love eternal, fresh, and new.
I see this far, and He has carried me,  
I stand encouraged, renewed, and free.  

I see this far, and here I stand—  
A testament to grace, by His hand.  

I see this far,  
What once were stumbling blocks,  
Now stepping stones, leading to today.  

I see this far,  
And I know, without doubt,  
I am never alone—  
He walks beside me,  
He lives within me.  

This far,  
By Grace.
Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord of Host.
Zechariah 4 vs 6
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