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Paras Apr 2020
Do these words mean a thing?
Glutted such as from a king,
circulated around with certain tinge,
words like these flowing from brim.

Do these limitations make sense?
widespread and air around them tense,
waiting in line and desperate for turn,
empty stomach, feeling the burn.

Do these lines have any end?
All the way around the bend,
Standing inside circles and behind masks,
gloomy eyes, minding their tasks.

Do these circles unite us?
Balancing people around the truss
going by the schedule set by brain,
stagnant life, break the chain.

Yet, these words mean a lot
because these weren't jotted by a bot.
Yes, these lines will surely end
and these circles will perfectly blend.
Paras Apr 2020
Insomnia all night,
somniferous lectures all day.
Making plans all night,
running from them all day.
Aiming for heaven all night,
going through hell all day.

Kicking legs all night,
crossing them all day.
Gathering courage all night,
being timid all day.
Staying positive all night,
attracting negative all day.

Spreading truth all night,
riding on lies all day.
Loquacious all night,
acting introvert all day.
Living fullest all night,
dying slowly all day.

— The End —