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Raven Aug 2021
Come with me at midnight
Traverse an obstacle course
Leading to my heart
And into my soul

Come with me at 1
Run through the park
With no care in the world
But your hand in mine

Come with me at 2
Dance with me
In the middle of a field
Like only we exist

Come with me at 3
Tell me all the secrets
Your heart carries
And I'll tell you mine

Come with me at 4
Let me pour out my soul
As you hold me close
And I hide in your warmth

Come with me at 5
Look at me with weary eyes
And kiss me in disguise
As I melt from the look in your eye

Come with me at 6
As we return to reality
With me in your arms
And you mine
Raven Aug 2021
I love the time I spend with you
It makes me want to do better
And it makes me want to try
And do things on my own
With you watching
And guiding

I loved cuddling under the bridge
Watching as it rained
And dripped a bit on us

I loved kissing you that first time
It made my heart melt
And made me feel warm inside

I loved when you played with my hair
You did it with such care
When I never even asked you

I love when you stare at me
It makes me feel shy
And a little pretty

I love when you rub my arm
And my back
It makes me feel comfortable
And safe in your arms

I love laughing with you
It makes me feel free
And mostly at ease

I love making you smile
It makes my heart warm
And makes me feel worth it

I love your hair with all its floof
Its cute when it gets in the way
And I have to move it to kiss
All the sadness away

I love the way you make me feel
As if maybe I can keep going
And finally be real with someone
Without having to worry

I love when I get to hold you close
It makes me feel wanted
And like you're okay with me wanting you

I love when you laugh
At all the small things I do
Even when I have to just wonder why

I love seeing the way you feel
When I look you in the eye
Because I know it's not bad
And I don't have to worry

I love all the smiles you bring to my face
It takes only a small amount of effort
Of just being you
Raven Aug 2021
I feel as though I'm empty
And as if my feelings will overflow

I feel as though I love you
And as if I cant feel at all

I feel as though I want to try
And as if I've given up on life

I feel as though I want to see you smile
And as if I want to erase it from my mind

I feel as though you made me happy
And as if you broke me apart

I feel as though I feel too much
And as if I don't feel at all

I feel as though I want to be alone
And as if I never want to let you go

I cantradict myself
And my feelings when it comes to you
But also when it comes to me

I wish to not feel this way
As you dont feel this way for me
Raven Aug 2021
Every night I flee
I flee the place most would call home
For to me the place is just a house

Every night I escape
I escape into my mind
While music follows close behind

Every night I drown
I drown in every feeling I've ever felt
In the feeling of unconsensual hands
Brought on by the memories in my mind

Every night I go outside
Into the dark as it holds me tight
Closer and safer then any person
Has ever felt

I can be me
I can be free
But thats honestly

I think of all the times I said no
And the times I couldnt speak

I think of all the times no ones listened to me
But then they treat me like I never said a thing
And I become a problem

I scream in my mind
Feeling left behind

I claw at desperate feelings
Of the smallest sliver of happy

I crave the warmth and safety
That I felt in your arms
The arms that are no longer mine
But still hold me close from time to time

I fade from reality as I wish to escape to a place
With no more pain

But I dont want to die
For I fear to be alone

I dont want to die knowing I always had to be on my own
Except for those short 2 years
With you.
Raven Aug 2021
I drown as I gaze
Into the endless blue
Of the sky

I think of all the poeple
Possibly doing the same

Thinking about this
Thinking about that
Thinking about everything
And nothing

As you stare into the endless blue
Are you thinking of me
As I think of you

As you stare into the endless blue
Do you think or heartbreak
And what could have been?
Or do you think of love
And what is?

As you stare into the endless blue
Are you sad
And lonely?
Or happy
As you can confidently say
"I have someone to hold me"

Everyone who spirals
Into the endless blue
Will spiral into thoughts
About everything
And nothing

But the question is
Are you happy
Or depressed?
Raven Aug 2021
This is my introduction
Of me

My name is that of a flower
My name is Daffodil
A choice made by
My mother

I was born when all flowers bloom
Into the world
When all things warm up again

My past isn't bright
Like the month I was born
It's dark and cold
As if I was stuck in a never ending

Regardless of my past
I remain resiliant
And hopeful
Of all the things to come

My favorite colours are
And orange
But I walk the halls wearing mostly
Shades of yellow

I have many friends
And blend in among all types
Of crowds
Shining bright as can be
Spreading sheerful smiles
Among everybody

I tend to tuck myself away among friend groups
That have already been established
They appreciate my company
For they say I keep the pests away
With my cheerful display

I have unfortunately earned the nickname of daffy
But people say they like it
Because it dulls me down a bit
And apperently I need that

So hello
This is me
I hope one day we meet
Raven May 2021
You have decided you no longer
Want to know me

You say I'm too much
You say you feel
Like ****
When you're around me
So you've decided
To leave

I'm devastated
But at the same time
I'm relieved
And I dont know why

Maybe it's because I won't hear you
Telling me all the things I do
That are wrong

Maybe it's because I won't hear you
Telling me how I make you feel
And that
Its not good

I won't hear you say
"You don't make me feel okay"

I won't hear you say
"I dont want your help"
Because if I help you
Then you'll want me around

I won't hear you say
"You're too much to handle"

I won't hear you say
"You get in the way"
When all I do
Is try to help you
Except for when im really not okay

I won't hear you say
"I'm sorry, I can't help"
When you never even tried

So yeah
Maybe I'm relieved
Because I can finally see
That you were toxic to me

Maybe I'm relieved
Because I can finally see
How you truly treated me

If I ignore the hugs
The cuddles
The butterflies
The smiles
The walks
The holding hands
The peaceful nights

I can remember all the times
That you treated me like ****
And they exceed the ones
Where you didn't.
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