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Curtis C Mar 2018
"Happiness is an inside job.  Don't assign anyone else that much power over your life."
~ Mandy Hale

No one can make you happy and you can't make anyone else happy. I know we say that; "oh, you make me so happy!" Or "You made me cry!" But the fact is, they didn't and can't. No one can make you sad, mad, cry or all those other emotions.
NOW, something they are or they are doing might have sparked that place within you where emotions have lived forever, in You. But who wants to hear; "You just sparked the emotion of happiness within me!" It kinda loose a bit there.
But I said all that, to say this; stop putting that responsibility on others and stop taking that responsibility on to yourself, for others. It becomes the blame game. It puts expectations on to people and yourself that you know won't happen unless you choose to accept their actions and words...disappointment is what you will face.
When you feels these emotions...You take actions to release or enhance. Experience and feel what you are going through, talk to each other. Take what you need to move forward and release the rest. Some people don't want to be apart of or responsible for your emotions, they're having a hard enough time with their own.
Be a light, a guide, a source and together we can and will create on some level, love, happiness, joy and yes some sadness and angry but we will find away through it all without blame, projecting, judging and all that other stuff.

All of you my Babies,  have sparked those emotions of joy, happiness, much Love, angry, sadness, tears, and all the rest of that stuff in me but I am here and I feel and know (?) that you are close to me, too! We are creators of Greatness, we are the teacher and the student and we do this by working together as One, listening to understand, not just reply!!!
Tons of Love, hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!
Have an Excellent rest of the night!!!!!
Curtis C Jul 2017
I realize today,
You are not the tag at the end of every thought.
I realize today,
Yes, you are in my heart.
I realize today,
I Love you still but Love me more.
I realize today,
I have let go.
Curtis C Aug 2017

I saw me today!  All the colors reds, blues, purples and more was there.  I was there…I SAW ME!  I was shown I’ve always been, nothing has been lost, it’s all me here, now, in the present.  At around 5:03am, I got an email from someone I hadn’t heard from in 20 or so years – “you were my hero.” Another message “you are still my hero.”  I was there all those years ago, unaware but there, the me that is here now moving me forward.  I saw me today and the Great that I am said, “You have seen all of you yet.”  I saw the Love starting with me and ending with me and starting again.  I am the beginning and the end and everything in between…I saw me!  Abundant. Prosperous. Full of Love, joy and gratitude – ME. There was so much to see because I Am unlimited, unconditional, infinite intelligence and divine.  I saw me today.  I cried and laughed all day.  I kept going outside, into nature to get it, see it, be it the creative energy that is limitless – I saw me today.  All day things came in and out of my experiences to remind me, show me that I Am here, I was there, I am Love…I saw me!

I am where I am required to be everyday, this is where I will be everyday, in the present moment and there I will stay in the present moment seeing and knowing that Love is always there with me, as me, in me…
The beginning of a new path, knowing and award of it all...Love.  Thankful and grateful, blessed and release my words of good into the Law that always say….YES…right now…it is done.  Let the celebration began.
And so It is.
Writing from the past (2)
Curtis C Jul 2017
Before I get my happy on for the day, I had to sit in sadness.
The thought came to me..."is this Goodbye or see you later?"
We have been talking and not, with distance between us, even thought we are close. Neither one of us did anything about it.
We had to have the connection but we were hiding at times. Time has reach the point of choosing for itself.
You have been making guest appearances and like a good audience, I've been waiting. But the waiting has to stop and your guest appearances have been getting far and few between, plus shorter each time.
Dear time, is it goodbye or see you later?

I will always Love You.
The Friendship with always be special,
even if it becomes a memory.
The Love, unspoken at times, was and is always there...but we are letting time and distance make the choice...
Is it goodbye or see you later?
You were/are a good teacher, though confusing at times.
You are good friend, though missing at times.
Some good memories, I felt, more to come, I hope.
Great times with smiles, laughs, tears and Love (unspoken), I will always have you in my heart.
Come back if want and/or need, call please,
Feel my loving energy that I will always send...lets not loose the connection.
Lets stay open to receiving.
So Mr. Time...
Is this goodbye or see you later? be continue
Curtis C Jul 2017
No matter who you are. Where you are. What you are. You need to stand and fight. Because you can be next, yes this will not stop with the Transban or healthcare or whatever else you think will keep you safe. We are moving back in history by leaps and bounds. These people, 45 and his crew are after everyone. Do not sit in fear but stand and be heard.
This country is ours. So don't sit back and whisper, "this doesn't affect me."
Don't wait your turn, put a stop to it now!
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today I take a moment of Gratitude, a time to be truly Thankful and know that I am Blessed for all the gifts, lessons, Love, Joy, smiles, Laughs, songs of joy and so much more that has been given to me by so many,  My friends, my family, my Guides, my Teachers and all others.  I know at times it may have looked like I wasn’t Grateful but I am…I just didn't know, see, understand, realize or was aware of it at the time.  But it all stayed and I used it all and have move forward because of It.  Thank you for standing by me even when I wasn’t standing with myself.   It took time and more experiences but I know, I understand, I Am Aware.  Now I move forward but not without you but with you always. For what you have given me is apart of the foundation of this thing I call my Life and you will always be in my Life in some shape or form.  Please know that I Am Grateful for it all.  Thankful that you gave it.  Blessed that I opened up to receive It and now I go out to share It all.
I Am So Blessed and Grateful…Thank You!
Curtis C Aug 2017
I will not live in fear. I will not hate. I will not push people away. I will Love, maybe it will need to be from a distance.
But you much meet me on Love's ground, in Love's air. Accepting others for who they are, they way you want people to accept you.
You need to see the oneness that we are, our differences are what makes this all Great.
You. Me. Everyone. must work together for the common cause of the highest good. If not move on, I will love you from a distance...The basic love of one human for another.
And do it is.
Curtis C Jun 2017
I would like to know...

I would like to know why I became invisible and so hard to be around. Why did you feel the need to run and hide? Was it something I did/ I said or didn't do/say? Were you afraid I would ask you for something or was it because I didn't ask? Yes, I find you attractive. Yes, I want/  wanted to see you naked...just once. Yes, to touch your body. But I wanted most of all your friendship! Your Love as a friend. I fail in Love with your spirit, your sense of freedom, your ability to accept a person as least that's what you gave me at first.
I think/thought you felt my bring attracted to you, though I tried to put it aside. Those feelings do come when two spirit come together. Were you afraid because you were having the same feelings? Yes, I felt them from you. Were you afraid of my age? For me, age is just numbers, you said you agreed.
The Spiritual connection and personality is what counts for me and pulled me in. We did connect and do connect on those levels.
I am your friend, as I have told You this before. I promised I would be there for you and I will. All that I have done and will do was because I still believe we have a connection, whatever it maybe, (friendship I hope) and it still feels good. Also because I wanted to.
I shall take a few bigger steps back. NO, I don't like it or want to do it but you need it and want it. But I Am still here for just need to ask.

But I would like to know why I became invisible and hard to be around, also, why you felt the need to run and hide?
I Love You, My Friend!!!!
Curtis C Aug 2017
funny, today I woke up with a lot of "what it's?"
"What if this, that or the other?"
Hadn't even got out of bed yet and my mind started...
Then suddenly I thought, " What if I just Be?"
Just, loving, happy or sad, open, etc.
Just Be whatever, wherever, however.
What if, I just Be in the moment and
let me work through the moment, in the moment, with the moment...
and just Be?
I can't change the past,
I do create my future but that can't be done if
I don't just Be in the moment, the present moment.
The past can't changed, at all.
The future can't be created, if I can't be present now!
So, today just Be wherever you are, whatever you want, feel what you need, work with what comes up and create.
It's all gonna work out with all the downs, ups and some time...
It's gonna be alright.
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today I Trust...I know...I Am.  Today I place my Trust in/on me and I will choose wisely in every experience...because I Trust Me.
I Am One with and individual expression of but always One with Source and all that is of Source. I Trust...I know...I AM...
need it, it's coming...a lot of when, how, why going through my head but overall, a lot of...It's gonna be alright, is happening.  Deep breath, again and then Big Smiles....moving forward one step at a time.
Have a Great Time and create more Greatness!!!!!!
Curtis C Jul 2017
My head is so mad at my heart.
It’s ready to let go, move on but
My heart still Loves too much…
It says; “wait, please.”

My head watching the actions, “look at it, what is happening.”
My heart, hear the words and ask, “Just listen for a while?”
My heart cries, “Let’s find the balance between actions and words.”
My head….’NO, No, no”

This discussion goes on for many moments…

Finally my Soul speaks, with a deep breath.
Flowing through touching the head and heart
And in a whisper …”LET IT BE!”
Curtis C Jul 2017
Thunder rolls across the sky
Heat is heavy all around
The rain will make it better…
I think.

A cool breeze across my shoulder,
Is the heat giving way?
Yes, rain today.

Another roll of thunder
A bigger breeze move the trees
A small voice…
What does it say?

Thunder, breeze, more heat.
Please bring on the rain.
Please I need it.
A drop, 2, more…rain, yes rain

Rain on my head, on my face.
Now, no one will ask about, my pain.
What a beautiful rain
Curtis C May 2018
I recognize, know and believe that I Am a Bright and Shining Light. When I was searching in the dark, I was the light I was looking for.  When clouds were hanging low and I needed to see, I was the light that cleared away the clouds and made it possible to see all that was there for me to see.  I was the light that shined on my path.  I was the light that woke me up and helped me to see more.  I am the light that shines on me and all that pass me. I am the light that lifts me up and keeps me going.  I am a light at all Celebrations! I am the light in the songs and dances. My house can never be dark…why?  
I take this time to share the light with you…because I want you to know:
YOU ARE THE SAME LIGHT, that shines in me because we are ONE!
Be Bright!
Curtis C Sep 2017
I am losing but yet I gain
I stand in the dark and see light
I'm feeling the fear but surrounded by Love
I step back but move forward
I am closed of but very open
I have tears with smiles
I am crazy and yet very sane
I am human and yet a Spiritual Being
Oh yes, hehehehehe, it's called Living the Life!
Have a Great day and know that it's all okay...Live the Life
And choose wisely.
Curtis C Jan 2018
Looking for the good: that element of good that's in each and everyone of us...keeping my focus there and no matter what happen, what the action I need to take let it come for that point of good that's in me, you and everyone and everything else.  As Patti LaBelle would say...A New Attitude.  I feel if I come from a place of good, I will bring a lot of...tons of Good with me. No labels, no judgement...looking at The Thing Itself and seeing that place where we are ONE..working with, using it and choosing wisely from that place of Oneness...Laughing, singing, having a Good time and knowing...that as One we can Change things but we must all do Our part...start with Love and Truth.
Now, the music start "....running hot, running cold our senses in over load.....we need a new attitude..."  Letting go and staying open to...A New Attitude.  Have a Great day and Enjoy...the Fun is only beginning!
Curtis C Feb 2018
"One Day My Soul Just Opened UP!"   I've always Known I was Love and Loved...I've always felted the Love that was coming to me...But last night, I truly saw what Love looks like and IT has many faces, many voices and IT is truly all ONE and IT is an Unlimited Power and Unconditional.  Thank you does not seem enough!  I Love you, does not seem enough!  But I Am so Thankful and my Love for you all is Unlimited...Unconditional. Not just the people sitting in the Theatre but the Love I felt coming for all directions...near and far.  My Soul Just Opened up...there were times I didn't know what was coming out of mouth.  All I could Think was Love, THIS is what Love looks like.  Today I surrender, not giving up but Opening up to Everything, letting go and opening up.  
I know that when you move forward, taking it one step at a time, you step, move into something Greater...Oh, Lord!  what I Am stepping into is Greater than my tiny mind can Imagine and I Am stepping and I Am ready...I Am One.  There are No goodbye.  I will see you later...oh, I will take you with my heart, in the Love that I share...for You Are My Life.  I Am and continue to be Grateful.  I am Sooooooooo Thankful and oh my, I Am Blessed. Abundant and prosperous!  I release my word into the Law of Yes, I know it is done. I Am Living It Now!  I Celebrate, I Love, I sing and My Soul Just Opens Up...I Love... I Am Love...I know Love...I know the Faces of Love!  Think You for shining Your Light on ME!
and so IT is.
CCJ (2013)
Curtis C Jul 2017
I've done a lot of stuff in my life, been to many places and met so many Great, Wonderful and Loving folks. I get to do one of my passions, perform, plays, movies, TV, dance, sing, smiling while doing it and get others to smile.
The one Great passion I've gotten to learn and experience is Love. Learn is not really the right word because Love has always been with me but I opened up to Loving myself, other people, things, situations...just everything.
I Love to much at times, but that's okay because you really can't put limits on's unconditional and unlimited.
I share as much as I can and find there is still much to learn about Loving! I watch and listen to how others express Love. Though it's all the same energy, we all express it in so many different ways, on so many different levels.
Once I got this into my head, my heart, my soul, it made so many others things seem easy.
"What would Love do Now?"
This is the question I ask in every moment...even when I'm being a little ****.
Curtis C Jun 2017
I've come to realize; the children of fear never totally leave, just like the children of Love. Something comes up and there they are. Love and fear are the same stick, same yard...we choose which way we are going, which end of the stick we are going to stand on.  Learning and having the balance between the two. When we were children, we let fear's children help us, protect us, we thought we needed them...we choose to let them have that control. That's how it was shown to some of us and now we wonder what's going on.  The children of fear are not here to hurt us. it many situations they are still trying to protect us, even though we don't need that protect. we don't need to react that way. We can make different choices. The choice to play in Love's yard, to be focus and aware of the Love and light that is inside of you, that never, ever goes away.  Each day we choose. in each moment, in that moment to moment journey we have the choice to Love or be afraid.  I was told once, "no matter how dark it may seem, there is always light because you are there.  We are Love's light. It is in is us and we have to let that light out, we make that choice in each experience, which end of the stick do we stand? Who's yard are we going to get the help we need.  We much choose wisely and I am choosing Love's yard.  Coming from that Peaceful place, knowing that it will work out, if and when I work with it all.  Every experience is a lesson and something to teach.  We give and receive in every experience, every adventure, we choose to see and work with it, putting into and receiving from the flow. This is my reminder to me.  I'm choosing Love's yard. Yes, there are a few children of fear running around there playing but it's not their yard, they have no power there, I will face the ups and the downs, knowing that it's gonna be alright and so will I.  
WOW! I should climb down, release and move on.  There is still alot to see here...playing in Love's Yard with the children of Love!!!  Have a Great day and choose wisely!
Curtis C Apr 2018
Good Morning!
I will always Love You! If I ever felt Love for You, on any level, it will always be within me. LOVE doesn't go away. It's redirected, used differently, become apart of your point of reference (your past). But that Love I have felt for You, has brought me to where I am today! If I stop that Love...I stop me. :-) I know many will disagree and that's okay, we all have our individual perspective on Love, life and all that jazz.
I said all this to say: I am still here and if you need and if I can help you without harm to me, I will.
For all the Love within me, past, present and future is how I create. It is my foundation. So, the Love that we share or shared or will share, will always be within me and yours for the asking because you were/are co-creator of IT!!!
Just wanted YOU to know this.
Have a Great Day!!!
Curtis C Aug 2017
There is a true joy in knowing and understanding that Love is never lost, ignored at times but it’s always there.  Whatever you truly need and want is there, because you are one with the only source.  To quote a line from the original “Fright Night”, “you have to have faith for that to work.”  Have the faith and take the action needed…BELIEVE, especially in yourself.  Love all and Enjoy all.  There are times that I have let these facts and this truth sit to the side but I always come back to it all.  Where there is light, I Am and where I Am there is always Light, the individual expression of one, in the Allness because we are all One…Creative Energy working to, for and in the highest Good.  Remember Love is the only power, start there.
A soon It is.

(the last line of this post is suppose to be;" And soon It is".  I was talking to an older gentleman yesterday and he keep saying, "And soon It is"  I mention that it was, and so It is.  He looked at me and said, "young man I know what I'm saying, I hadn't lost it yet."  with that I said, "I guess And soon It is, is just as good" does matter the words at times, it's the feeling behind them....And soon It is.)
Curtis C Nov 2017
Today is a day for me to remember Miracles and Magic and that I Am and I create Miracles and Magic in every moment of my Life.  There are time I don't see it or react to it but they are happening and being created none the less.  
Today I ask myself, what will I do with the Miracles and Magic that I am? I Am creating in each moment of my Life? I take a deep breathe....
Today is a day, to know that I know that all that I need is here with me, within me, as me and I must Trust and have Faith in me because the Universe always has me.
Today I stand tall and accepted that bright light is me being Thankful, Grateful and Blessed...Standing in Gratitude's Light!
Today I Thank All Y'all, I hope you feel it. I Thank you for being in my life and letting me into yours.  Accepting me for me and letting me Be, as you tell me and show me how much you Love ME!  I Am Blessed!
Today, I am taking another step forward and higher and it may not look the way I thought it would, it does look the way it need to look and I shall grow and change with it all.
Today Is just a Good day and I Am Happy!  sending You Love, hugs, kisses, positive and healing energies...oh and BIG SMILES!!!!!!
Curtis C Jul 2017
No one should have to re-live their mistakes everyday or made to re-live them. You should take responsibility for your actions, all parties involved. Learn the lessons and forgive yourself and others involved in the situation. Mistakes are choices, when you know better, hopefully, you will chose better and grow and move forward. Reliving your mistakes or someone else's mistakes does no good because it can't be changed and you give it control over is what it is. You "can" heal from it. As I said, learn and grow from it. So, no blame, judgement, labeling, guilt but lots of learning, change, taking responsibility, growing, forgiving, experiencing the sensations, releasing and moving forward. And at some point, hopefully soon, you make it point of reference ( the past), not away of life. You Heal...
(Now, this is just my opinion. The things I do get pass things, along with my case, sometimes a lot of time. :-) It may not work for everyone but hopefully it will jump start something in you, that will work for you. But whatever you do remember; No one should have to re-live any mistakeof everyday.)
Curtis C Sep 2017
This has been a time of Great moments, aha moments, kind moments, accepting moments, releasing moments, good moments, smiling moments, sad moments, open moments, closed moments, moments of fear, moments of joy, moments of not understanding to moments of understanding. All these moments together, plus many more moments have come together to create Your Glorious Life. Your Being! The Unconditional Love that You are. So, take each moment and know that in each moment the only limits you have are the ones You create!!!
Embrace each moment because...YOU ARE THE MOMENT!!!!
Now lets do this Thing!!!!!
Curtis C Jul 2017
Great Morning to all of You!
May the day bring Great joy to You.
May your adventures and experiences make you smile, laugh, love and see the Good that surrounds You and that's in You.
May you choose to move forward toward the highest.
May you show kindness and Gratitude.
May you just have a Good time and a Glorious day, Celebrate everything, enjoy all and have tons of fun.
Dance, sing...shake that *****!!!
Much Love to You and BIG SMILES!!!!
Get up, get out and DOIT!!!!!
Curtis C Sep 2017
Feeling Grateful and Blessed this morning. Knowing with joy and good times and sadness and misunderstanding, Love and happiness still surrounds. Making me aware of the lessons and to focus on what is being shared. It feels good that Love and goodness is being share everyday in every moment. There are time it looks different for what I perceive but when I open to the sensations and emotions of it all, it still feels he same...Love is Love is Love. No matter if close-up or afar and some times the close-up can feel afar and the Love coming from afar, feel so close, it's still Love and it's found on all levels. Reminding myself that we can't tell others how to give Love or receive Love but just remind them too Love!
This morning I am remembering to share all the Love I can and Open up to all re Love coming my way. Because with that Love Greatness is created.
Please my Babies, do he same...share Your Light.
Curtis C Jul 2017
It’s not that I don’t experience the dark side of things or I don’t have sadness in my life or any other form of fear…it’s that I have reached a point in my life, for me, that I have chosen not to live there long.  Positive-negative, dark-light, sadness-joy, fear-love are the same stick, just different ends.  There is not one without the other but we do have the choice of which end of the stick we will stand on.  At this point my choice is to stand in the middle, closer to the positive, Love, joy, light end of the stick…that’s where my reactions come from.  
I was told once, “no matter how dark things get, there is always light because you are there.” I also realize that; “no matter how light it gets, there is dark also, because I am there.” All of it is me, but I have lived in the negative, dark, sadness and fear and it wasn’t good for me, it just wasn’t working, no matter how I tried to make it work. Soooo, I moved to the middle  and things got better, than a little pass the middle  to the light, joy, Love, positive side and thing got to feel a lot better…within me where it truly counts.  I found a balance for me!  Days became better focusing on the ups, hanging with the good experiences of the moments, standing in some light.  There are still those moments when I think…”I want to slap the taste out of their mouth.” But in the next moment I think; “will it move things forward? How good would I really feel and for how long? You will be right where they want you to be and not where you want to be.”
I do see, feel, taste, hear and experience it all, but as I experience all, I choose to let go and move on from there. Now, some I do hang with a little longer but in the end, all of it, every experience positive or negative is put back into the flow, to be returned bigger and better.  I choose to stand on the love, light, joy end of the stick…standing in Gratitude for it all, every experience.  So I continue on my journey, one step at a time, with all its ups and downs, working hard to choose wisely…well, that’s “My” perspective.

(Written 2014 - still stands today)
Curtis C Jul 2018
My questions for the week...for me:
Do You know what "You" create?
(Be careful of what "You" create.)
Are "You" doing "Your" best?
Are "You" living "Your" Greatness?
My thoughts this morning brought these questions to mind.  Am I? Really only I can answers these questions for me and where the answers are No or I not sure, maybe I should take a second look and make the changes to YES and creating with Love and Understanding. So this week, my focus and awareness will be on: what am I creating. Am I doing my best? If I Am living my Greatness?   I will make the choices to move in this direction, where I am not.  I AM...moving forward and living in the light of Gratitude and being that Great, that creates the Greatness that I call my Life!
Create Greatness in the light of Love. Always, Always do "YOUR" Best! Remember "YOUR" Life is Greatness, live it to the highest!
Love Y'All!  Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Curtis C Apr 2018
My world has changed so much and it is a good thing.  Today, I choose to be aware of and embrace the changes that are happening in my world.  Working with the uncomfortable and unknown, being co-creator in each moment and staying in the continues flow of the creative energy.  Always remembering “To change is to grow and to grow is to change.”  My world stays the same with change because Love and Truth is my foundation.  I see all the facts of my experiences and I surrender all, letting good of stuff, no judging and opening myself up to all the Greatness there is.
I am Love.  I am Truth.  I learn and share.  I stand in Gratitude, very Thankful for everything and Blessed, knowing the Oneness of us all.  Knowing the abundance and prosperity of my Life, I release my word into the Law of yes, knowing it is done.  I celebrate the change, sing songs of the growth and dance through all the sensations, to stand in the light of Love and Truth.
And so it is.
Today...Wonderful experiences, friends, lots-o-fun and Love all around.  That's my day, what's your day going to look like?  Have a Great one and I'm sending you all some Love!!!
Curtis C Jul 2017
Have you ever had those moments when you had so much to say but when the time came...there was nothing...just feelings and you didn't won't to label those. Well that's where I am. There's so much in my head and heart, I just need to find away to work with it. I "can" say, I Am Blessed. I Am Grateful. Standing in Great Gratitude and Love...okay, whatever will be, will be and I will work with it all...
no matter what.
Curtis C Jun 2017
No one can make you feel Love...You are Love. The Love is within you always.
Someone can spark that place within you where Love sleeps.
Light a way to follow. Share their Love and you react to their gift.
Love is in you. It is your Greatest power. No one can give it to you but they can help you create more. What you feel is your choice and no one can take it from you.
Look in the mirror and feel Love for yourself, let that Love you feel send you out to share your Love with others and feel that good, that Greatness of Love's connection with Our Oneness. Let that Loving feeling start within and then go out and share. For if you choose you can feel Love anytime
Curtis C Apr 2018
Have you ever had those days when you feel like you're living in a pin ball machine, running around banging in to things, collecting points, trying to make things ping and bing, feeling everything shake and knock, so you don't go in the hole, because you're trying to collect more points?
Oh, just me?
Oh Well, Have a Great day!  Create something Marvelous and Great!
Much Love, hugs, kisses, joy, happiness and BIG SMILES!!!
Curtis C Dec 2017
"One step at a time with a BIG SMILE!!!"
Today is going to be a good day!  There will be enjoyment, laughing, and adventure. not expecting anything but open to whatever may come but I know there will be some good around it and that's where my focus shall be, as I work with and through it all!
Still learning a, it never stops and I'm glad it doesn't. There is still a lot within that needs to change or maybe removed...growing more each day.
Stop and look in the mirror and see Yourself, get to know You and do the work to live that Greatness within you!
Love You My Babies!
have a Grand and Glorious day!
remember, "One step at a time with a BIG SMILE!!!!
Curtis C Jul 2017
The Universe, God, Source, The Divine, Papa, Moma, Allah, Jehovah, she, her, him, he, them, they, etc...A rose by any other name, still smells as sweet.
By your perspective, perception, belief, You see the good, use the good, spread the Love, for we are all Love and all One within that Love. The biggest sin is the misuse if that Good and Love that is in all of US!!!! There is no Us and Them when it truly come down to it, there is only US...All of Us are One!!!
Curtis C Jul 2017
The water was so hot I had to run cold water into it just to sit down. The temperature of the water and my body came together and a calm rushed over me. As I picked up the razor, my heart beat slowed down instead of getting faster as I thought it would and I made the first cut, the razor was sharp. With the calming water around me I didn't really feel it but I knew it had been done as the water turned red.
I take the razor into the hand of the wrist that I had just cut and make a slice into the other wrist. I felt this more because I was loosing my strength in the hand of the already cut wrist and had to put more pressure on to make the new slice.

I sit in crimson red water and a Wonderful Peacefulness came over me. I was feeling calm and sooo Peaceful and felt some joy in it all. Felt joy that it was almost that moment when the Greatest Peace came to me, I knew it was almost done...

At this point of Peacefulness, the alarm went off.
It was just a dream, my dream. But that Great feeling of Peacefulness was still with me in that moment.
I hit the snooze but I could never return to that truly Peaceful place.
There was Great Sadness with me that morning and joy in knowing the Peacefulness was within waiting.
Curtis C Aug 2017
Feeling hurt, feeling sad, care to much.
Much remember, different perspective, different hearts:
Don't take it personally

Don't understand, the rules have change,
Don't take it personally.

You walk away, you come back, I'm not a yo-yo.
Don't take it personally.

You're gonna do what you're gonna do.
I don't take it personally.

The 2nd of the 4 agreements
Don't take it personally!!!!!
Curtis C Feb 2018
Sitting, quite, listening...preparing myself. Knowing there is change, seeing the change, accepting the change, taking the action to make the change. Weekend over, lots of light, Love, info & lessons. One step back, two to the side then step out, step forward...Deep breath, what will be, will be but don't you stop growing.
I Am Grateful, Blessed and Thankful...I Am ready.
Curtis C Jul 2017
As I sat out back this morning to start of my day...The worries came up on me: What am I doing? How am I going to do it? Why? Was this right? Can I? Will I? Change!!!!
I didn't stop them. I let them continue and I experience all the sensations.
Then, the thought came to me: What do I have? Where are you now? Deep breath and I let the worries go because I got LOVE!! I got a 100% record of making it because I am here now! I Believe and have Faith in me. The road is Rocky but it was full of stepping stones that helped me make it here today.
If today was my last day in this would be a Grand and Glorious Day because I got LOVE!!!
I have created, celebrated all/everything! I have smiled, cried, laughed, sung my songs and did my dances. I have forgave all/everything.
The worries will come and go. Hard times will come and go but Good will always be around. In those small places and in wide open spaces there will always be Good! Today, as everyday, I will focus on the Good. No labels, judgements, just taking the Good I got and creating more. It will get bumpy but I will walk on.
Today is going to be...No, it is a Great day...I got LOVE and all that comes with It!!!!
I share that LOVE with you today...
Take it and create Greatness!!!!!!
BIG SMILES, hugs and kisses.
Now lets keep this Party going!!!!
Curtis C Jun 2017
"have you notice that there are some people that only come to you when they need something..."

'Yes, I know. But do you know how wonderful it feels that when someone needs help or Love, you are one of the first people they think off.  It makes me realize; I am doing something right!
and yes, I also know some people call me foolish because of it.
hehehehehe...I call myself foolish at times but I've come to accept that I would rather be "a fool for Love" than "a fool for hate".
In being an ole fool, I know where to draw the line..
where Loves begin'

You see, what I do, how I help others is because I want to.
My foundation is Love and goodness.
What we all come to this place with and in Love and goodness
but as we grow older we forgets.
I Am here to help. To Be...Me.
Curtis C Jan 2018
Right now is a good time to start,
You’re not behind anyone or ahead of anyone,
You’re right where you need to be!
Start now, in this moment…
Look, see, know, be aware…you have everything you need.
Start now.

Right now is a good time to start,
With Faith, Belief in the highest good,
trusting, knowing, doing, Being.
Start now…
Standing in Love, knowing Truth, making conscious choices,
knowing you can make changes if need be.

It is time to start,
lets start right now, in this present moment…
moving forward, higher, trust in yourself,
Right now it is time to start….
Knowing…You are One with Source/the Creative energy
and Being One with the Creative Energy, you are One with Everything.
Right now is a Good Time to Start.
(it's never to late, your never to old, just do it!  2013 time to be seen!)
Curtis C Nov 2017
Sadness and Joy, same stick but different ends. That's why it's so confusing at times. I try to stand more on the joy side, so when sadness starts pulling at me, it only gets me to the middle of the stick  before Love starts to pull me back to joy.
Yes I want to know the whys of it. I want to understand it. But time has control of it, so I have  to wait. Those feeling, emotion, thoughts, ect from sadness are still there but I don't make camp with them or in them. I keep focus and aware of the good. Deep breath, a smile and  forgiving of self...then move on. Standing in the present, feeling Grateful and Blessed!!
Have a Great rest of the night.
Much Love and Big Smiles.
Curtis C Sep 2017
Searching for...

Trying to find the right words to say what I feel but I think: Who do I want to hear them?
Looking for the actions to match the words but who wants to see them?
Hello, is anyone one there? It's So dark.
Can anyone hear me? The only sound is me.
I say the words. I do the dance (actions). I sing the songs (feelings).
But No one is there.
Then I think: Am I only doing it for them or is it all coming from deep within and I Am Freeing myself?
So much...So much...confusion but is it just from me, for me? What is it?
A deep breath, then some light. A small voice comes and say:
"It's all about You. Keeping creating your Good Life. You're not done yet!"

...For ME.
Curtis C Sep 2018
Good Morning September, a new month of adventures, changes, experiences, celebrations, tons of laughs, Big Smiles and Good Times. August had a lot going on and I just stayed in the flow...mostly. There were a few bumps but every path has bumps. August has become a point of reference and I Gloriously step out to the new with Gratitude's Light. Asking how, then taking action when the answer come.
It has been rough for some of us but I will continue looking from the Good in every situation, dealing with the other stuff but living in and with the Good.
September 1st: I Love You, all of YOU and so Blessed and Grateful that you are apart of my Life. Gratitude's Light shines bright on me and a lot of the Light is because of You. So, the Celebrations continue, singing, dancing, loving, living in the moment and knowing it may take time but with each step forward it going to work out.
So with tons of Love, hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!!!!!
Lets move forward yelling weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
and so we begin...
and so it is.
Curtis C Sep 2017
So nice, that every time I feel lack, lost, confusion, missing and all that other stuff, from across the miles and memories, I am reminded that I Am Loved!!!! That I do make a difference! That Blessing flow continuously to and from me.
That Light from across the miles and the mile guiding me on my way, reminding me that I'm never alone and the energy of Love is always coming and helping me keep things in perspective. And when it hits me...there are celebrations in my mind, heart, body and soul!!!!
Curtis C Aug 2017
Most times all you can do is stand and be You. The true real You.
The You that some don't like and others think look funny.
The You that Loves Unconditionally, don't know why, just do
and others may be suspicious off because You do.
The You that sees the Good in the light or in darkness.
The You that smiles and cry at the same time because You feel so much Joy.
The You that has sadness but knows there is the other side.
The You that knows it will never be perfect but it will always work.
Most times, in the hurt and in joy...
You just Stand and be You.
No one does it better.
Curtis C Aug 2017
I've come to the crossroads just standing here,
So many directions.
Which way should I go?
What should I let go?
Where should my focus be?
Standing at the crossroads.
The music is so inviting, that way.
The dancing so lovely, this way.
And oh...the words.
The light so bright, all calling to me.
Standing at the crossroads.
When I started this day I had no ideal,
the crossroads were so near.
But I had these wondering, wandering feelings
I should have known...
So here I am,
my heart wants this way,
my mind wants that way,
and my soul is happy whichever way!
it whispers to me, my soul,
"You decide where our adventures lie,
take the step...
for all roads lead home.
I thought...
"you don't make it easy."
Curtis C Jun 2017
I am standing here...
Not waiting for you, though I hope you pass by.
I'm looking, seeing, took several steps back to get and see a bigger picture.
I realize I left myself behind...left myself out.
I am not waiting for you,
No I am waiting for me.
It's time I take my pictures and step up, step in.
For me to remember, I am the writer of my story.
I am the painter of my Soul.
I am the loud joyous music I hear.
I am waiting for me to wake up, be aware, focus and continue
To paint the picture to sing the song
To dance the dance
To write the story...
For it's all in me, is me, for me and you are only here to listen and be inspired...if all goes well.
I am standing here...
Waiting for me.
Curtis C Jan 2018
Okay, I am just going to start this day Happy!  Not to worry day...I am not going to worry today.  I worry about somethings yesterday and I made it through it all.  One step at a time...One good moment to the next good moment and deal with the stuff in between!!!  Taking a deep breath and then smile, because "there is always something to smile about..." today is smile day...
Think about, if I start for this point, happy, and it's my lowest point of my day...tonight I will be over the top with Joy!!!!! can't wait, taking the steps.
Have a Glorious day, with new experiences and adventures...learn and share it all.  Look for the good stuff and work with the other...deep breath, then step and repeat.
LOVE YOU MY LOVELIES!!! GRATITUDE'S LIGHT IS SHINING BRIGHT!!! Let it guide You...Hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!!!!! now Get up, Get out and DOIT!!!!
Curtis C Mar 2018
...Starting with yourself!
The process...journey is ever changing, even when it all looks the same.
Forgiving and accepting, moving forward, change/growth, Loving (giving and receiving). Learning something new everyday. Don't judge or label it. Open up to it and see where it takes can always choose to change if it doesn't work for/to your good. Share all you have learned and experience, for where you have walked can light the way for someone else.
I want to walk where you have walked. I know my experiences will be different for yours but to be where you have been, left your energy to guide the way is a great comfort to me.
I will make certain the paths that I have walked before you, will have my energies to light your way and Love to wrap you up to keep you safe.
It will be so exciting to sit and talk to you about all we have learned on this journey!!!!
Thank You!!!
What a Grand and Glorious Time it will be.......
Curtis C Jul 2017
You know, every once 'n' awhile you need to step back, look at your life and take responsibility. Make some choices, make some changes, laugh, cry, see the good and Love that surrounds you and deal with the crap from that place. The only labeling and judging that happens from there is; will it/ is it good for me or bad for me, Will it move me forward, what lessons will I learn, what will I teach? Take the time to find your light in the dark place and share that light with others, so they may find their way. Remember you always have something/one to celebrate, something/one to Love, smile with, laugh with. Take a deep breath or 2 and listen for the answers to your questions.
I see your Greatness and I Love it.
Curtis C Jul 2017
Today, I am surrendering.  I let it all go and open up and let my heart sing louder than it ever has before.
No matter what others experiences are.  No matter what they think I should experience. MY experience will be one of Joy, Happiness and Celebrations.  Singing and dancing in the Truth and the fact that…I AM LOVE!  I know that every step I take is a step forward toward the highest Good.
I Am Thankful for the Love!
I Am Grateful for the Joy!
I Am Blessed that I have so many to share it with.

This is the experience I Live Today.
The Love I give Today and
Whoever, wherever, whatever I touch, take it and join the Celebration.
See It, Be It, Give It!!!!
And so It is.
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