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Curtis C Aug 2017
...With me today.
Putting worries aside today.
Throwing it up in the air, seeing where it lands and start for there today.
Dancing in the rain, singing loud and wrong and laughing because I can Today.
Tears of joy today.
Releasing, stepping back, watching and loving today.
Always there and not seen today.
Accepting where I am today.
Loving every moment today.
Because I truly only have Today!!!!
Surrounded by Love. Being aware of the joys. Share a smile. Laughing, loud, hard and deep within. With all that is going on around me, there is always good to be found. I Am Blessed! There are clouds, some rain, a little wind but I've had all that before and still moved forward. I Am surrounded by Love. I wander and wonder, at times it feels as if all is standing still but I know the Blessing that I have, that I Am. If all is standing still, I will stand still in Gratitude!
I move forward, not sure at times where. There is some darkness but my light is deep within, always shining, I will continue the movement, surrendering, releasing and letting go of all that does not serve...standing open to all the good in my life...yes, even if it means standing still for awhile. For I am surrounded by Love. I give Love. I accept Love. I Am Love. I Celebrate the Oneness in me, All, ONENESS!
My thoughts that sends me off to sleep...we are surrounded by Love. We are Love. We accept Love. We give Love. We are one, connected to the Oneness of the Universe. Sweet dreams my lovelies!
Curtis C Aug 2017
Every morning I ask myself; what are we doing today and how?
A small voice...take a step.
If this is the last day; what will I do?
A small voice...take a step.
Will I smile, laugh, cry, Love and be Loved?
A small voice...take a step.
Will I make a difference in my Life and some else's Life?
A small voice...take a step.
What will this day Be?
A small voice...take a step.
A small voice...we'll never know until we get up, have faith, know, Believe, be Grateful and take a step.
Every morning I realize, you can't create Greatness until you...
Take a step
Curtis C Dec 2017
We never know where the teacher will appear or what the lesson will be but when they arrive...take the lesson and share.
a few lessons I have repeated: Trust all feelings, accept things sooner, when the feelings hits, step back.
We are all teachers and students. No one is ahead and no one is behind. No matter how good you try to live, try to help and share, someone will take it as bad. Think about, talk about if you can, listen to understand, not to respond or defend.
Accept, learn and move forward. There is always some truth in everything you hear how will you respond to it...the lesson.
Curtis C Jul 2018
Tell me your story
Let me hear your words.
Not the story that others believe, from their perspective
But "Your" words, how you feel, who you are, what you think.
Do you know your story, has it been that long
Or are you just re-telling what others have said you are?
It's time to Live "Your" Life and not the life others have create for you
Tell your story, your words
Live for you
Be you
Your story
Your words
Your creation
Who You Are!!!!
Curtis C Jun 2018
Tell me your story in your words and actions.
Not that stuff you be told you are or that you should act a certain way.
Tell me what "you" feels.
What "you" think.
How "you" see life.
Tell me "your" dreams and plans, not what others have plan for you!
What adventures do you want to go on?
What do you want to do?
You are a creator.
Your world is yours to create.
The choices are yours to make.
You can believe what you want to believe.
It is your life to create.
This journey is yours. Choose your path.
You are not behind. You are not ahead. You are right where you need to be.
Tell me your story in your words and actions.
The words that comes from your heart and Soul.
Tell me when you stand and I will stand by your side.
But let it be light.
Tell me your story...about your Celebrations, your songs, your dances,.
What makes you smile, laugh.
What brings you joy!
Tell me your story.
For if it is your story, from your soul...
I will listen...for a story of Love is Glorious to hear!!!
I am ready to hear...your story.
Tell me your story!!!!!!
Curtis C Jul 2017
Tell me your story
Let me hear your words
Not the story that others believe, from their perspective
But "Your" words, how you feel, who you are, what you think
Do you know your story, has it been that long
Or are you just re-telling what others have said you are
It's time to Live "Your" Life and not the life others have create for you
Tell your story, your words
Live for you
Be you
Your story
Your words
Your creation
Who You Are!!!!
Curtis C Mar 2018
I wish I had the terminology to explain how my heart and head works together. There are times I don't...just don't know what to say...
So, until that day, if it ever comes, I will work with what I got and understand when someones choose to move on.
Curtis C Nov 2017
A day of Thanksgiving, we give thanks for all, to all, as all.  How we shine as One!  I am Thankful for truly, honestly Loving All.
I Am thankful for the limitless power, unconditional Love and Divine Intelligence that I Am and I use.  Most of all I Am giving thanks and thankful that I see all this in U, my friends and family.
Everything that we require for Greatness we have and have always had.  We carry the Greatness with us at all times and now it is time to Live It, all of it.  Be aware and use it well, the choices are ours…Be responsible.  So, let’s celebrate it all and be thankful and occupy our minds, hearts and souls!!!!
Enjoy the Love!  Live the Love!  You are the Love…All of Us, All of It!
A Grateful...Joyous...Love filled and fun day will had by all...but wait...there are still a few that working on how to use their Love...their Truth.  Let send our Positive energy, Love and Light to them knowing that awareness is theirs and they will soon use it working toward the Highest Good.  Peace...Love...Happiness...more Love!  Being Grateful for All, Thankful for Truth and Blessed to Know!!! Love to You all!  Good Morning and have Grand adventures today
Curtis C Dec 2017
Thank You for the wake up call. The light burning bright.
I got it. I accept it. I will adjust.
It still doesn't stop my Love.
It still doesn't stop my Joy.
I will continue to create and share all.
It might adjust my walk and my talk,
but I'll sing my song and dance to it,
for I have danced alone before...
and now I cry and smile I move on.
Thank You for My wake up call!
Curtis C Apr 2018
A new day. A new song. A new dance.
Light shines everywhere and there is Love in around every corner but we must want to see it, feel it, open up to get it and overjoyed to share it.
Let's have a day of Adventure.
Even when we have to take a step back, we could be stepping into our Good and on to a forward move.
Have an awesome day, just because You are awesome!
The shaking of the *****...
And the Celebrations continue....
Tons of Love to You!!!!!
Curtis C Mar 2018
I feel so open and vulnerable. The creative process can makes you feel the best you ever felt and the worst and all the time you are creating Greatness!!!! When you are deep in the creative process, everything opens up, energy is high and you feel everything. One moment it's Glorious and the next, the whats, hows, wheres....confusion. All the time, the pieces are slowly moving together. ****!!!
Que the Music. Slowly turn. The light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter and brighter the closer you get.
I Love All that I Do...and at time doubt All that I Do but I just keep moving forward.
Have a Grand and Glorious Day and Love and Enjoy your Creative Process!!!!
Curtis C May 2018
Don't be afraid when standing at the crossroads. Look down and see the footprints of those who was there before you. Yes, it maybe your first time there but relax, it not the last. Be excited and look in each direction and see all that's in front of you. See the choices you have. See the changes you can make. Rest, enjoy, know....
The crossroads is just a place to check it with you, to collect you. This journey we are on, can be traveled with many but no one can do it for us. We can learn from others or move out and learn on our own. The crossroads gives us the time, a place and space to make those choices.
So when you reach that place where the paths meet...stand and let the light shine down on you and know that many have been here before truly is nothing new but it is truly different for each one of use!
See the adventures ahead...
Curtis C Jul 2018
Life is a strange and Wonderful dance. We never know how each step will lead us to the next. But when we truly look in the mirror, while we dance, with open hearts and Love, all we'll truly see is Beauty, the creating of Greatness.
Keep dancing, smiling, creating and Being Human and let it lead us back to our true self...the Divine Being that we are!!!!
Curtis C Jun 2018

Today I woke again for the dawn of this new day.  Knowing that whatever this day brings I am ready and will work with it.  Today I will be aware of and focus on the Beauty of this day. The beauty of the things that come my way. the beauty that I already hold.  I've never consider myself handsome or pretty but I've always know I was Beautiful.  I knew, felt and when I focus, I saw the Beauty within me. Now, I didn't always accept it, there were time I turned away from it. But one thing I have learned is...Your Beauty never, never grows within no matter what.  Ofcourse if you would be aware and clear away the stuff, it would grow brighter, faster, fuller but it grows non the less.  
Today, lets all be aware of Our with the things that comes our way for that place within, that Beautiful Place that is within us all.  Look at it, accept it, all parts of it.  We are all BEAUTIFUL!  We are all LOVE! No matter what happens, it is still within us...working for us.  ACCEPT IT and then Share It!  If and when you will be One helluva Day!  
Love, Big Smiles, hugs and kisses!
One step at a time, that's all, just one step at a time!

I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I completely trust the One who holds tomorrow!
Curtis C Apr 2018
Life never stops until it is over.
The day of our birth, we start to Live, it was the day we began our journey to the end.
Each day we say hello and goodbye
Each day we are full of joy and hurt
Each day we rise up too or stay and wait
Each day there is Love and fear
Each day we begun and end.
Life never stops until it is over.
So lets choose:
Each day to smile when we say, hello and goodbye
Each day to accept and release the joy and hurt
Each day to rise to the light and stay for the Love
Each day to find balance between Love and fear
Each day to begin again
Each day LIVE!
Life never stops until itis is over.
So Live till the end and
Create more of the Greatness that You are.
For you are Life. Life is Love. So You are Love and Life!
Think about that and Smile....
Curtis C Nov 2017
The journey is full of twist and turns, sharp curves, hills, mountains, flat roads, Stops you know are coming and then the surprise stops. Oh, and tons of surprises, that will make you laugh and cry. Games, lots of games and there will be times you don't even know you're in the games and most time you won't know most of the rules but you're playing anyway. The funny thing's our world we are creating with our actions, reactions and choices. We ask ourselves; What happen? But when we sit and think about...we know, we knew but chose To go on with it all and hope for the best. The life we create...what a wonderful, joyful, Happy, sad, tearful place it can be but it's all apart of the greatness we create. Our world.
But with all the confusion, ups and downs, all the stuff we label and judge as bad...if we continue to let Love be the major power, see all the Good that surrounds us, we are doing good. Not letting fear control, fear and it's kids will always be passenagers on this ride. They are sister and 1st cousins to Love and it's kids and help us create a balance to our life. But we should never let fear and it's kids be in control. Never let them build a house in your world. It all So strange and yet so simply, Life. Be Grateful. Feel Blessed. Feel the Love. See the Good. Even when fear and it's kids are around.
Always ask the questions:  What would Love do? Where's the Good? If we focus and be aware, we will feel it, see it, know it!!!!
Tons of Love, hugs, kisses and BIG SMILES!!!
No matter what happens today, know you are Love and Loved. Also, good surrounds You. Be open and ready.
Now get up, get out and DOIT!!!!
Curtis C Aug 2017
The Journey - On Going; These paths - ever changing; The direction - always forward; The feeling - a Celebration of All, in All, with All!!; how we do it - together, separate but never and with Love; where do we end - We never do, we just continue to Grow!   Thank you...Life is so Grand and I Am so happy!
Curtis C Aug 2017
Monday, September 24, 2012

1. a systematic series of actions directed to some end: to devise a process for homogenizing milk.
2. a continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner: the process of decay.

We are all in “The Process”: a journey, living life, doing your thing.  It is all The Process.  We are individual expression of God working through The Process, together in the Allness as the Oneness, creating from our own perspective. Creative Energy, Divine Intelligence, unlimited Power, unconditional Love…The Universe…God.  That’s us in a nut shell, the Allness.   We are at different points, different levels, no one is ahead, behind, good, bad or any other label we us.  When we judge, place a label, think we are better it’s from our own perspective and when we do this, we place that label, judgment, thought own our self because we are ONE and when I see you….I see me and when you see me…you see yourself.  Okay, got that out of the way…

This is from my perspective.  When in The Process we see different things and we react to them from our perspective but we shouldn’t label them because they are what they are:  lessons, light, guides showing us what to check and change in ourselves (above:…a series of changes taking place in a definite manner:).  There are times in The Process that you are at one point thinking you are ahead and a thought, a word, a feeling touch you and you off to another point or level and thinking; “how did I get behind?”  DON’T JUDGE in The Process.  Not yourself or anyone else because it’s all on you when you do.  Someone may look like they are on top of the world, they are doing really well…you think, “WOW!  They are doing it.  I want to be like them.  I want what they got” but you don’t know where they are in The Process.  Celebrate what you have…Celebrate Everything you have because you never know what light and/or awareness you are being given or where you might end up in The Process.  Also, there may be someone looking at you thinking the same thing about You.  In The Process, don’t want what others have to the point that’s all you focus on because you could miss all that Goodness, Joy, happiness and abundance that is yours trying to get what they got.  Remember that in The Process, You are the Great that create your Greatness.  You and the source are one and all there is to be given and receive comes from that One Source….YOU!    You are the co-creator of Your Life…open yourself up to this FACT and this fact is TRUTH!  You are One with the Universe!

We are all in THE PROCESS…    

…to be continue…and changed
Writing from the past (1)
Curtis C Jul 2017
The rides we will take in this process of Life, will always began and end in the same place but it is our knowing, beliefs and reactions that determines the ups and down of each ride, those conscious choices.  Things always happens through us and not to us.
So, buckle up and get ready for a great ride today.  Have fun, enjoy and know that the choices you make will be good and if not...change them.  okay, get ready to throw your hands in the air and yell, weeeeeeeeeee!
Love Y'all!!!!!
Curtis C Jul 2017
The Room in…
I walked in and saw nothing but it was all supposed to be here.
I search and felt nothing but there was supposed to be:
emotions, feelings, sensations, memories of adventures.
I walked in and asked but there was no answer,
it wasn’t totally dark, there was lights with the shades on them.
There was stories all around but words and phrases was missing.
I heard “it’s okay, there is Love, don’t go.”
But nothing, no one appeared…nothing.
I’ve been in here before, there was stuff: smiles, caring, fun, all that stuff that makes a day good.
So much is missing here…I don’t know if I should stay or go…I just don’t know.
If there’s nothing here for me, why should I wait? Why should I stay?
The actions and the words are not meeting. A room that was so full of Love and Light. Now, nothing.
I walked in and the stuff that made it good was gone.
…the Heart.
Curtis C Jul 2017
We have to work harder on not projecting our feelings on to others. Assuming what you feel, everyone feels; even if they will be different. Perspective and Perception will be different, even when we think alike. We are all at different points on this journey, with different experiences. Headed to the same place...No One is ahead and No One is behind, we are just where we are. Don't walk away, hide or ignore. Talk, be honest, don't judge and label, we canfigure and do learn something for everyone and we can teach something to everyone...Don't miss out! It could change your Perspective/ Perception, I give you a heads up, open you up to more light. Today, use your Superpower and Love, enjoy, have fun, open up...
There so much more out there.
Curtis C Dec 2017
This journey we are on is ever moving forward, even when we feel we are standing still, stuck in one place, there is forward movement all around.  Greeting the new. Saying, see you later to old. There is light and darkness but we continue to move forward.  There is fear and always, always Love, we keep moving forward.  This journey, how wonderful it can be. How scary it can be. always being can we always be Grateful?  Yes, alot of us have this thought but how can we not? we woke up, we take a deep breathe, we went to the's means we are alive and have some control...Grateful!  There are people on this journey we meet that Loves us...Grateful! We can make choices for our Good and the Good of others...Grateful!  Oh yes, we can change those choices when need be...Grateful.  
There is so much going on around us, we label them in so many different ways, we judge them, we wonder why, how, when, where but as we do all this, we move forward...Grateful.  
This journey ever moving forward, the adventures, the experiences, the lessons, the sharing this journey, in each moment is getting us to the place for the next.  On this journey we only have here and now...the present moment.  The past is only a place of reference...a landmark.  The future is a pretty picture we put in our eyes, some place we think we shall be. The present is always where we stand, where we create. where the light of Love, Gratitude, joy and happiness can be found, when we choose.
This journey, where shall it lead me today...what shall I create...will I be aware or will I focus on that point of reference we call the past and miss the now?  It's time to step forward and see...deep breathe and forward movement...create Greatness today and don't forget the...BIG SMILES!
Curtis C Aug 2017
Have I stopped? And if so, why and what?
There have been times I've thought; what if you would have stayed, turned around, gone back, would it had made a difference?
Then I remember...this journey is as it should be. The choices that was made, were the choices to be made, at that time. What I wonder about is past, memories, points of references.  Here is where I stand today. Use the past, the memories, the points of references to make choices today but don't try to live them. This is where my life is now. This is where the changes happens, the choices for this present moment...this is the time to choose wisely for Life Today!
I Love You! moving forward one step at a time...
Curtis C Jun 2017
Sitting out back, It's nice, comfortable, sweet...
So many thoughts running through my head, over thinking but not.
So many things to be said but no words to say it all and no one to hear it all.
It okay because it's all perspectives.
And Who would really understand; The way I see. The way I hear. The way I feel. From my soul, my heart, my head. I send it all out. I hope you feel, you hear, you see. Into your head, your heart, your soul. If we're lucky your perspective will understand.
Life is a such a Grand ride with all its ups and downs. Its light and dark. Its smiles and tears but...but its Love is so Wonderful!
So here I am...Me!
Sitting out back, it's nice, comfortable, sweet...and somewhat overwhelming.
I wish you could see what I see and understand it all...I Am just Me.
Curtis C Feb 2018
Time set the pace...
We go weeks saying; things have not changed. Then on day a memory, picture, person, situation happens, you look and say, WOW! Things have sure changed.
Time set the pace...
We want things to slow down or speed up but when we force it, we feel, we have missed something.
Time set the pace...
Someone you like will be leaving soon, slow down.
In a situation you want over, speed up.
But things happen when they should, force it and you miss it.
Time set the pace...
I've come to see: a deep breath, trusting and believing, knowing that you are doing your best and your best will show up to do.  
knowing that being slow or being fast...
Time set the pace...
We make the choice,
we choose the goal,
we take the step.
Time set the pace...
So I come to you from a place of Love.
I stand in Gratitude's Light.
I enjoy the moment, I am in.
I take one step at a time and don't label or judge.
I feel what is there to feel.
Live the experience.
Learn the lessons...
then let it go and in that...
I know I will Grow!
Time set the pace...
the past is just a point of reference...
the future is for us to create...
We walk the path, our path...
continue the journey.
Time "will" set the pace.
CCJ (2017)
Curtis C Jul 2017
What can I say but "I am here for you."
Don't accept the suspicions and others thought.
Also, step back and look at your own assumptions and projecting thoughts.
I know there's a connection and two lovingit hearts but what scared you so, that you kinda close your heart.
Nothing was said or done...I don't think.
Or is that the problem, all that went unsaid and undone?
I Love You like family, much more.
You maybe lonely but you are not alone.
Open your heart to the comfort around.
No judgment, no labeling or expectations is here.
Just a friend...simply standing with cheer.
All I can say is; " I am here for you. What am I to do?"
Curtis C Aug 2018
Today, nothing to say
Today, is just what it is
Today, being in the flow, working with what comes my way
Today, love is at the base of it all. If it moves up Great but if it's
             just apart of the foundation of it all, Wonderful
Today, wondering and wandering...knowing the adventure is
             the discovery
Today, HAPPY with what is, where I am, what I have
Today, the beginning, the end and the beginning again
Today, a low key celebration but a celebration none the less
Today, deep breath, a smile, maybe a laugh, a song, a dance
Today, no judging. No labeling. No comparing. No competing
             ...just being
Today, Today, Today
              I Love. I am Loved, I share, I receive
Today, is what it is...
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today...Good...worked through it all...Good experiences...conscious choices...conscious thoughts...being creative...silent moments...listening...taking action...surrendering...letting go and opening up...possibilities and opportunities.. Grateful...Thankful...Blessed...a Good day just Being and Loving...whatever it is, its all reaction, responses, the meanings I place on it all is what counts...a lesson I continue to practice...Oh, and Celebrating Everything.
Curtis C May 2018
Today…I am focusing on Today!  For it is my experiences, reactions, and Loving that will determine tomorrow,  Its my Loving today, My forgiveness today, My joys today, My seeing the facts of my Life today and working with them all today.  My, not judging today.
“The past is a point of reference and the future hasn’t happen.  It is today…NOW that I must Live, Love, be Happy, etc… and tomorrow will fall where it may.”
Today I asked myself; “if this was your last day here, what do you want it to be like?” (That’s how I talk.)  So, I looked at what I have to do today…I want it to be joyous, Loving, sharing with others, helping others, laughing, celebrating, receiving and giving, blessings, telling others of the wonders in our life, eating, singing, dancing, surrendering, letting go of stuff, opening up to all the good, grateful, thankful and Blessed!
I stopped there and leave myself open to what the afternoon and night will bring.

Where we start today will determine where we end tomorrow…open up and let it be in a different place and moment…
Curtis C Aug 2017
Today, nothing to say
Today, is just what it is
Today, being in the flow, working with what comes my way
Today, love is at the base of it all. If it moves up Great but if it's
             just apart of the foundation of it all, Wonderful
Today, wondering and wandering...knowing the adventure is
             the discovery
Today, HAPPY with what is, where I am, what I have
Today, the beginning, the end and the beginning again
Today, a low key celebration but a celebration none the less
Today, deep breath, a smile, maybe a laugh, a song, a dance
Today, no judging. No labeling. No comparing. No competing
             ...just being
Today, Today, Today
              I Love. I am Loved, I share, I receive
Today, is what it is
Curtis C Jan 2018
Today is going to be fun and wet, why?  I've made that choice, a conscious choice to have Fun.  to have a Good day. To Love and enjoy all the Love that's coming my way.  To Celebrate Everything in my Life because I know that I Am right where I'm suppose to be at this Very moment, at this Very point in my journey.  Loving every step I take forward and Loving all the People and things in my Life that helps me feel this Good, oh, that's All Y'all and Everything and because it raining. Sing your songs, dance your dance, shake it, shake it, shake it.  Lets make a Soul Train Line Moving Forward......I'm first now the middle...and so it is.
Curtis C Jul 2017
Today like every other day is new...if we choose it to be. Yes, same job, same people, same...same...same....But!!! what happens if you choose to see you in a new and different way? If you accept that there are different ways to see your life and your world that you are creating? Yes, I know there is darkness around but there is also light. Good surrounds us All The Time.  Why not look for, become aware of and focus on that Good? Even when dealing with situations and other's don't have to deal with it all for the place they're bring it to can change the colors and put some light on it. Remember You are the creator of your story.  You dance your dance and sing your song.  You are creating Your Greatness to share with the World.
Have at it today and have fun creating it all!!! Love You My Babies!!!!
Curtis C Jun 2017
You don't have to run
You don't have to hide
I've looked into your eyes
And felt your thoughts,
The moment has gone.
The time has passed...
I got it. I accept. The silences said it all.
So, have a Grand Life
Enjoy it all, I will see it from afar and enjoying.
As we pass to close,
Stand tall, acknowledge, smile as we move on.
Though Love has stepped back,
It is still very stronge,
Gratitude's light shines on,
A lesson learned.
Curtis C May 2018
To have unconditional and unlimited Love for others, at times, can bring those sensations and feelings of hurt, but those sensations and feelings come with many other thoughts, a lot of them positive.
Some People don't really understand or believe you and won't talk to you about it...they assume...most time the negative.
Some think it means that they can treat you any kind of way and you should accepted it "and" stand around for more.
NO...because unconditional and unlimited Love starts within, for's that inside joy (job) you've heard about.  You won't misuse others and won't misuse yourself or let others misuse you.
You do accept people for who they are and you accept their choices but you also accept, that you can walk away and still Love them.
choices and consequences!!!!! they are yours and with this Love, it make things easier.  
Unconditional and unlimited Love is all Powerful. Awesome Power. Glorious Power. The Power to stand still, to be silent, to stand in ones faith and belief, to say I AM....and not be afraid of what follows.
With this Love You have Great Gratitude and with Great Gratitude you have this Love. All apart of the Journey, the process, that day to day thing, with each step.
I Am in the process, still working on it, getting stronger with each step...I do Love without limits, no conditions, because that is what's in me...getting  a lot better with the inside joy (job) and it's feeling good.
I Love you with no conditions and no limits and if you do feel those conditions and limits....ask yourself: "what did I do to put them there?"
Have a Great rest of the day and tons of LOVE!  a Great adventure or experience await...Get up. Get out and DOIT!!!!!
And so it is.
Curtis C Jul 2017
Whenever I get in this place, that unhappy place, I remember this statement.

"Unhappiness is created whenever you are out of alignment with the present moment. "
            ~~ Echart Tolle~~

It's like a lil golf cart that carries my through my thoughts. I pass by the Love going in and coming out. It takes me to my place of Gratitude where I see the faces of those receiving and releasing Love and more to me. I see where I've been and the places I can go. In the moment I know this unhappy time is only temporary and the Light shines and I continue my journey...I choose to have a Good day of adventure and creating.
Curtis C Mar 2018
Between yesterday and today with all the ups and many downs, in this moment at this time, today I cry.
I cry not because I'm sad but because I Believe.
I Believe in people and the magic within them.
I Believe that one day, in a moment, that they will see the magic and Believe to.
I Believe that many will know as I know that Love is the strongest power...unconditional, unlimited Love.
I Believe in a moment that we will welcome kindness and good, not be suspicious of it and the ones who give it.
I Believe in the tears, the laughter, the smile and the good that surrounds us and in a moment others shall to.
Because it magic...
When you see the magic, you will know all this to be true.
Also, you will know that magic is all around and even in YOU!!!!
Curtis C May 2018
Today I move toward understanding
Not, " Hey, I understand, I got it..."
But, " Hey, I see. I accept it.
Understanding is a matter of perspective
We each understand in our own way
It does not always make us but we see some light.
We may stay or we may go but we're okay because...
We understand.
Hell Yes!!!
Oh Yes!!!
Let's talk, say what you need to say.
I will step back but not go away.
Your silence will send a whole other message.
Do what you want done unto You, for others.
Love does create the space for understanding.
Trust, believe and know.
Today, simply commit to being a little more awake, aware and connected.

Have a Great **** Day!!!!
It's Your to Create. :-)
Curtis C Jun 2018
Confusion all around. Feeling lonely but not alone. Standing but moving forward. Tears but no sadness. Light but no shadow. The breeze but no wind. All within the beat of a heart and one deep breath. LIFE, living it. Creating it. Being it!
Good Morning and Good night.
With Love and it will a Good day.
Curtis C Aug 2018
The Journey - On Going.
These paths - ever changing.
The direction - always forward.
The feeling - a Celebration of All, in All, with All!!.
How we do it - together, separate but never and with Love.
Where do we end - We never do, we just continue to Grow!  
Thank you...Life is so Grand and I Am so happy!
Curtis C Jul 2018
"So True:
Open up, accept and give.
Don't be suspicious, be Grateful.
No and Yes are complete sentences.
Don't let fear rule your Being.
Give and accept Love."
Curtis C Jan 2018
take the time to see and listen, It's all there....Now work with IT!
Curtis C Sep 2017
I learn something new about myself everyday.  Somethings surprise me, some I just look at in a different way. There are times I learn about things in me I never knew was there. Things that makes me think and change, hopefully with some growth. Things that makes me check my reactions to people and situations.
I don't always share what I learn...not right away because I don't know how I'm working with it or how its working me. The moments I learn the most are those times of confusion because it slows me down and I become more focus and aware and try to stay  open. Funny, for me it's all about my changing perspective.
Guess, every moment is a teaching moment and I find myself being both student and teacher in actions and words...the journey/process continue.
You have a Great day as you learn your lessons and share what you have learnt!
You got this...
Curtis C Jul 2017
I'm not weird.

I'm a limited edition.
Curtis C Aug 2017
Stopping letting your action speak for you.
Bone up and use your words.
Words gave more understanding & meaning when they are true.
The place where words and actions don't meet is a lie.
Use your words to express your meaning & feelings...not just your actions.

First of the 4 agreements
Be Impeccable with your word
Curtis C Nov 2017
Sitting waiting for the dawn, wondering what the day will unfold; knowing I must stay in the moment and be aware.  My experiences today, what do I require?  I will stay focus on Love, being Thankful, opening myself up to all the Good and Celebrate Everything…just being aware and standing in the Truth.  Forgiveness: giving and accepting, with this I continue to move forward.  Knowing the same for you… for all of us Spiritual Beings having human experiences as ONE!  Let’s do our best to choose wisely.  I am Grateful for It all.  Thankful for knowing It.  Blessed for having all of you to experience It with.  I let go and open up and release my word into the Law of yes…It is done.  Now it is time to kick **** with Greatness!
And so It is.
Everything we put out there really does come back to us…put out what you want back, choose wisely.
CCJ (11/21/2012)
Curtis C Jun 2018
For me, there is a path between my heart and my head.  It is not a long path but it is a very used path, a circular path.  I am always on this path before I go out to another path.  This heart-head path is my cross roads.  It is where my house is built and this is the house that I am always changing and it grows bigger and better.  I live on this path, Heart-head Lane. Every adventure starts here, the main house, the big house, the house that is protected but there are no walls around it.  The house with all the windows to see all that life has to offer.  The house that has the open floor plan, that no matter where I stand, I see the Love, Joys, abundance, prosperity and even those lil fear monsters that are hiding in the basement.  The house on Heart-head Lane is where I work and deal with all the facts, my reactions and stuff.  Where I surrender, let go of stuff and open up to the new, the good and the ride always starts and ends here.

Even though this is a short path, Heart-head Lane, the house is huge, the yard goes on for days, both are unlimited and unconditional.  The house has a good foundation, Love and Truth and a strong roof of Freedom.  There are times I forget what my house is built upon and what cover it, but I always feel it there.  Deep, deep down to my core, I always know I am protected.  For this house on Heart-head Lane, is always mine.  I know no matter what the change, the lessons received and given, whatever the path I walk down; I know the house at the cross road, that house on the short, circular path of Heart-head Lane, is always there, a light that shines out and leads back to Love, Truth and Freedom.  Whatever level I have moved up to, I find that house with its changes and growth, welcomes me, just as I am, just where I am – giving and receiving, open to all, unlimited, unconditional and powerful.

I Love this path, Heart-head Lane and I am thankful, blessed and oh so grateful for the house that is built on Love and Truth with a roof of Freedom.  My house, my Life, the beginning and the end of the rides I take.  Here at the cross roads,
The house on Heart-head Lane

Curtis C
Curtis C Sep 2017
Welcome to Crazy World!!! Where the rides go up and down at high speeds and spiral down out of control to end on a bed of feathers and takes off again in circles. It also features the Path Maze where every turn is a new adventure and you reach a crossroad that takes  you to Door Land, nothing but doors and you never know who or what will pop out or the Forests of Tears and the Land of Laughs, always a surprise and you never know which one you will end up in.
Crazy World has so much to see and enjoy or...not.
Like Build A Wall. See where the windows go or if there are windows at all and you have to find the light.
The Great thing about it all is You create It. No limits or conditions, all the choices are yours. Just remember to choose wisely and yell weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Curtis C Mar 2018
Lost are we who search for some level of Love, friendship and happiness. For if we go within were it all begins the search would be over...for it all starts within.
For if we open all that is within, we would see that we have all that we need. Yes, it will take time but time is what set the pace of every journey.
Trust, Believe, Know that all is within!  Within You is where it all starts and it will flow out and return back within.
The change that is growth and the growth that is change...all yours within. You can choose the change, but not the growth. The growth will just be...with the change.
So, we travel that circle of Time and space, that we call Life. But All our journey starts for us within and flows were we are all headed.
Safe trip and much Love to all.
one step at a ...Time!
Curtis C Feb 2018
What are you going to create today?
Is it what you really want?
Are you ready?
Let it add to your Greatness!
Okay, deep breath, Big Smiles, have fun!
Remember: "You are the Great, that creates the Greatness that You call Your Life!"
Be Grateful, Happy and Love!
And so it is.
Curtis C Apr 2018
I remember the Good Times.
Experience the Bad Times.
And with what I've learned from both...
Create the Great Times!!!!
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