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Curtis C Mar 2018
Lost are we who search for some level of Love, friendship and happiness. For if we go within were it all begins the search would be over...for it all starts within.
For if we open all that is within, we would see that we have all that we need. Yes, it will take time but time is what set the pace of every journey.
Trust, Believe, Know that all is within!  Within You is where it all starts and it will flow out and return back within.
The change that is growth and the growth that is change...all yours within. You can choose the change, but not the growth. The growth will just be...with the change.
So, we travel that circle of Time and space, that we call Life. But All our journey starts for us within and flows were we are all headed.
Safe trip and much Love to all.
one step at a ...Time!
Curtis C Mar 2018
So today move forward, share and give Love, a smile, a hug. Create Greatness. Adventures...have an adventure today, several!!!  Maybe just stop, take a breath and enjoy that moment. Sure, plan out your day but follow your heart. Experience your experiences, take all you need to grow and move forward and release the rest in the flow.
Today be open, grateful, blessed and Love!!!
Okay now, Go Play because it's your day and you got all you need to make it Great!!!!
Love You My Babies!!!!!!!
Curtis C Mar 2018
Guess it just a dancing week for me....
We all have a dance in our body....
A song in our heart....
Music in our soul...
Listen to the music, sing the song and dance the day away....
It's yours to do, done let anything or anyone stop you...
Your music, your song, your dance is not for everyone but it's always ..,YOURS!!!!!
Be the Love, Open up to Gratitude's Light and DOIT!!!!
Let the Celebrations continue....
Curtis C Mar 2018
I feel so open and vulnerable. The creative process can makes you feel the best you ever felt and the worst and all the time you are creating Greatness!!!! When you are deep in the creative process, everything opens up, energy is high and you feel everything. One moment it's Glorious and the next, the whats, hows, wheres....confusion. All the time, the pieces are slowly moving together. ****!!!
Que the Music. Slowly turn. The light at the end of the tunnel gets brighter and brighter the closer you get.
I Love All that I Do...and at time doubt All that I Do but I just keep moving forward.
Have a Grand and Glorious Day and Love and Enjoy your Creative Process!!!!
Curtis C Feb 2018
1. to experience with joy; take pleasure in.
2. to have and use with satisfaction; have the benefit of.
3. to find or experience pleasure for (oneself).
4. to undergo (an improvement).

I Am enjoying the present moment of my Life. I am enjoying being open to possibilities and opportunities. I am enjoying not knowing but Knowing that It is all Good.  Seeing the facts and Living in/with Truth and Love.  I Am enjoying being Grateful, Thankful and totally enjoying the Blessing that I have.  I am enjoying surrendering, letting go and opening up to Life.  I am enjoying releasing my word into the Law of Yes, knowing that it is done...everything.  I Am enjoying Celebrating all that I have, knowing it is all mine.  Enjoying the music, the fun, the ride that makes me shout; weeeeeeeeeee!
and so it is.
Curtis C Feb 2018
I am not as foolish as you think.
Yes, I know who and what you think I am.
But I look in the mirror everyday and I know me.
Not the me I want to see but the true me that's standing there.
But I know there is change and I accept it each day.
For I see My Beauty and I know My Love.
I am Love, Loved and Loving.
And so it is.
Curtis C Feb 2018
Sitting, quite, listening...preparing myself. Knowing there is change, seeing the change, accepting the change, taking the action to make the change. Weekend over, lots of light, Love, info & lessons. One step back, two to the side then step out, step forward...Deep breath, what will be, will be but don't you stop growing.
I Am Grateful, Blessed and Thankful...I Am ready.
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