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dylan Dec 2019
just like the rain,
I will fall when things get too heavy
but like the sun,
I will rise again every morning.
daily reminder that I am the strong one...
dylan Dec 2019

its funny how you walked into my life and ignited the fire in my heart.
then when things got too hot, you walked out and left me to burn alone.
the warm embers left behind burning deep into my flesh.
you just stood there and watched my heart burn to ash with this fire that you started in me...
I was a giant campfire radiating all my heat your way,
but you didn't see that I was slowly running out of wood to feed the dancing flame.
you didn't see until it was too late.
I was burned out.
the remains of me left singed.
begging to be relinquished.
Your anger was like a volcano.
Building pressure until it explodes.
Sending clouds of dust into the skies.
Clouds so thick...
It covers up all the lies.
The fire you ignited in me burned me from the inside out.
The flame you lighted in me burned from my toes to my mouth.
My body nothing but a barren wasteland of debris.
Now I look inside me and try to fix all the parts of me that you did not obliterate.
dylan Dec 2019
He shoots you with bullets made of shame, aiming straight for your heart.
He stabs you with a knife made of insults,  etching forever scars in your back.
He forces self doubt down your throat and gags you to swallow it like stones.
He punches your gut with fists made of manipulation, leaving you gasping for air.
His lies like a tight rope wrapped around your neck, a noose, if you will.
His attitude like a cleaver, sharpened and ready to disembowel you at every turn...
this is how he traps you.
dylan Apr 2019
My love, if I knew you were just as dangerous as this loose draw between my lips I would've thought twice before I put you in my mouth

your marks a little more permanent than my lipstick, your smell a little stronger than my perfume and your promises cheaper than my manicure

just like this cigarette you were cheap, dangerous and over quickly.
dylan Feb 2019
Swallowing down my tears.
And welling up my feelings.
My heart is drowning
in this vast ocean of emotions,
and I just need someone
to take me back to
dylan Jan 2019
my mind is full
empty thoughts.
dylan Jan 2019
Number one is blue – for the bruises you left on my face that day

2 – I saw the red lipstick stain, the night you came back from your “parents”

Number three – the white walls in your room bearing so many memories, now everywhere I go I see white walls reminding me of what you did to me.

4 – Is grey. For the grey area in my mind. The grey area you helped put there

Number five – the colour I see when you try and lie to my face

6 – the bruises are finally starting to heal, now they’re purple

Number seven – the green demon in your mind called jealousy
It controls your life.

8 – the colour of the flowers you buy me. The day after you beat me

Number nine – is silver. The armour I built around me.
Everyone knows, creatures like you,
Can’t touch silver.
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