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1.1k · Jan 2019
Invasion day
Nyssa Jan 2019
Australia Day, what an awful time
Our country has no culture, no meaning, no rhyme.

It’s funny you see how we tell people to go back to their own country, When we invaded them, took their land and their sea.

Dear aboriginals, I’m so sorry.
It’s your land, and your cultures are the only thing that belong here.
902 · Aug 2021
Nyssa Aug 2021
Noting good happens at 2am

She’s lonely and trying to numb the pain
857 · Feb 2019
i forgive you
Nyssa Feb 2019
stop feeling that way.
Bottle all your pain away.

You're useless, just worthless,
I don't care it's a phase,
I wish you stayed in that school.
I wish you behaved.
658 · Oct 2018
City lights
Nyssa Oct 2018
It's 11pm and I'm walking down those well lit streets.
I'm not sure where I'm going, I'm not sure where i want to be.
I just know that where I'm going will feel better then where i was before.
648 · Mar 2019
Nyssa Mar 2019
the curves on your back,
your freckles too,
i realise how much i miss you.
597 · Oct 2018
Nyssa Oct 2018
When she was younger
all she wanted to be
was a model.

But as she grew up
she was told
that she wasn't pretty enough.

Maybe one day she can be the photographer.
348 · Oct 2018
What is love
Nyssa Oct 2018
Love isn’t real you say, while choking on the pain you tried to fade away.

Why are we raised in a way that only certain love is okay.

Why are we told that when we are old, that love is the main thing that we should hold.

You must fall in love, but god forbid you love someone with the same parts as you or a different view.

We are bound in a way that we think marrying off children is okay but if your a man with another man you shall not lay.

Love is the strongest feeling, ‘tis not fake. But love is still real if your lover is of a different race.
314 · Nov 2021
Anything to see the stars
Nyssa Nov 2021
As I lay here under the stars
I have this fleeting sense of calm

But it’s easy to look afar
And realize we are doing the earth harm

Because as the night gets lighter
The stars fade into the darkness
308 · Oct 2019
Rip it off
Nyssa Oct 2019
A piece of paper is stuck to my head,
It says kick me down, I deserve to be dead.

I rip at the paper it won’t come off, quit treating me this way, I want it to stop.

The words are sting like a crack of a whip,
Shut up sit down everyone thinks your a *****.
303 · Oct 2018
Self harm
Nyssa Oct 2018
Why are you so disgusted at the thought of harming someone else when you want to do it to yourself.
290 · Sep 2021
Spring is coming
Nyssa Sep 2021
And as the flowers in my room wither, so do I.

But I have no fear, as this will allow myself to grow again.
251 · Nov 2021
Nyssa Nov 2021
My mind is whirling, it is racing.

Is it fixable, treatable?

So much pain unanticipated.

Whilst most have umbrellas, I am made to walk in the rain.
249 · Jan 2022
Nyssa Jan 2022
Money is a concept, an illusion.
Not a finite resource.
Perhaps not a resource at all.

Why do we spend our lives chasing more,
And more and more.
Just so we can play games with it.

Whilst we know that these games come at a cost.
But not to ourselves.
But to the less fortunate.

They say slavery was abolished.
But ask any working person,
Do you feel exploited?
228 · Nov 2019
Nyssa Nov 2019
He hasn’t sent a text today
Does he still love me?
Does he want me to go away?
220 · May 2022
Nyssa May 2022
She’s lonely,
In a world so chaotic she just wants to be held.

She’s no longer searching for love, but a friend would do.

Just any sign of attention to let her know she matters too.

But she knows she can’t get what she doesn’t ask for.

So she hides in cowardice for her cry’s for help have been rejected before.
212 · Dec 2018
Nyssa Dec 2018
I'm too dangerous he said,
while i stared at the bruises that he left on me,
or the mental trauma he had caused me.

It's like all i've ever been good for is to be used, and abused and spat on and chewed.
199 · Nov 2018
Zoo animals
Nyssa Nov 2018
You would do anything to spend one more second with them because you know they wouldn’t spend a life with you.
196 · Dec 2018
Come back?
Nyssa Dec 2018
My mind is dead it’s hard to breathe, I ****** it up, they always leave.
184 · Jan 2019
episode 21
Nyssa Jan 2019
i met someone, i like them,
they make me forget about you,
and all the ones that hurt me too.

but they'll tear down my walls,
and split me in two,
because they don't like me the way i want them to.
184 · Feb 2019
My assignment is due
Nyssa Feb 2019
I’m not going to sit around and wait for you to like me.
I care I do, but not enough to wait for you.
You could have been straight up and told me how you feel and I wouldn’t have left with someone new.
178 · Jan 2019
Nyssa Jan 2019
and it hurts,
it just ******* hurts.

and you don’t want to cry,
you don’t want to feel this way
and you would do anything to feel okay

just constant pain, are you okay?
i forgot to take my pill yesterday.
159 · Dec 2018
Nyssa Dec 2018
Why can't i dance without a man thinking they're entitled to my body,
touching me, feeling me, with out asking me.

Why can't i report what you've done without destroying me.
156 · Dec 2018
Too privileged
Nyssa Dec 2018
I am a man walking down the street
No fears of who might **** me.

I am white person in a corner store not worrying that the owner thinks I’m stealing.

I am a ******* addict with diplomatic immunity.

I am a college student complaining I have nothing to eat.

I can have *** with my consenting partner freely.

I’m not sent to war, my village is not bombed, I’m not shot at school and have food to eat.

So why do I complain, why can’t I see how lucky I am to be me.
148 · Oct 2018
We met in Berlin
Nyssa Oct 2018
10 000 miles away, on a hot summer day
with the wind in the air he had not but a care.

Fingers running down his cheek, itching and scratching till her scent was off him.

Now he wonders why she loved him, tries to crack inside her mind at all of her thoughts wondering.  

Does she care? Does she think about me? Does she fall in love with every boy she meets.

Not every boy but more then a few, every time turning her blue.  

She’s held up by strings and each boy cuts them, did you make her feel like she could float again?

— The End —