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NuurSeraph Feb 2015
Where my heart has once been broken,
it has always been...
the cracks in the pavement have served well
to place a mirror...

Where my mind has been lost before,
it has been found again...
my thoughts have burst forth with
wildflower, and with seed
they have been sown...

Where before my soul has taken flight,
before this time even,
it has flown...

We are given to know destiny
and with fate we are thrown...

But in every image lies a backdrop
which we have drawn...
known and unknown,
it is ours, in the promise of living...

In this life, we are brought into circumstance,
to prevail...

We are each Warriors,
in every sense of the Way...
We have each chosen to lose and to gain,

We are Spirit animated for today...
and every day, again and again
We come back...
Always on our Way...
Bless the brave...You know...the Spirit shall always Prevail..
  Feb 2015 NuurSeraph
like broken mirrors
diffused with
spectrums blue
in contact where
the object sits
contact relationships
of localized color
cannot be blue
if the light
illuminating it
NuurSeraph Feb 2015
I hope to lead a life that leaves me
with nothing more to give when I die
in the simple sense that I will have
succeeded in giving it all away.
*The less I'll have to trudge with me
to the Other-side, the better....
One of Some of the funnier introspective thoughts and wishes I imagine occurring in the mind of a rightfully tired old soul, upon reflection on yet another life lesson survived successfully.
  Feb 2015 NuurSeraph
The Bride which was its essence unto woman, the
Bridegroom which was its essence unto man--the
Living Epithalamium.
Generational rings slipped on and off the earth...
whose lives lived, and to be lived amongst the
manifold induction to creaturesque contention.
Championed, as to be made in the Image that
allows All--and of that All as it shone upon this
earth...the Bride and Bridegroom emerged from
that blinding Light.
...Partake of this your earth, a still unshakable
inner voice implored, for you would not be, nor
this earth, were it not for my longing that you
should partake of it.
You are fruitful, so how shall you not go forth
and be therefore.
This life has neither floor nor ceiling, what is down
is up, and up...down--that is so ye may be chastened
by the ineffable...Living Epithalamium.
Love, were it not--pit against for hatred's sake...
as if in your time I stood opposed in my own--we
could and should tire of such to relent our
time to one another, thus be rid of it.
Transfixed...thy face--resolute as to crumble stone...
wed be as you are, and ever shall loved One...
by the Living Epithalamium.
Thou art an open Wound dressed and redressed...
delivered thereby.
How so of many a time, and no time to dearly depart
from that Wound...were question, question enough...
O Living Epithalamium.
  Feb 2015 NuurSeraph
An aesthetic storm settled in the
wee hours of creation.
What of it strikes favor or disfavor?
Beauty's immediacy comes with
fatalistic sweep--demanding
principle, demanding ground.
Unveiled beyond time constraint
all over our world--in praise, in
revulsion, eyes score the gamut.
As if image begs love, to be so...
or unrequited.
What's plain of light exposes all
flaw or beauty in a single sitting.
The sitters vary the material world,
with eyes creation asks us to paint
what we see.
The eyes paint the sitter if the sitter
be deemed beautiful, instantaneously
sight's canvas may be left cold...
Beauty aspires to affirmation of being,
to have it echoed.
Beauty's lain raw, holds what's held it--
as such...desolation is easy.
Eyes bespeak their volumes...beautiful
or ugly?
A sightly, unsightly moment given to the perpetual.
Epidemic pageantry--ordered by creation
make due...irregardless.
If beauty--eyes are for you--if ugly...eyes
are not.
Thus...of being, of affirmation, of visible,
of are.
Something is happening here
the deeper I peer
the more that
I see her
is happening here.

It started like this,
a bus station kiss
then something began, and
the more that I ran
the closer I got
that spot where it starts
the meeting of hearts
something is happening

The closer I get
the more that I see,
something is happening and
it's happening to me.
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