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  Feb 2015 NuurSeraph
SG Holter
No matter how dark the bedroom,
I can always see your eyes
Seeing mine.

Sometimes your hands follow;
Find my face or other

Mine may reply, reach to
Feel, draw to kiss.
And there is fire in this.

No matter how dark the day.
Clouds heavy with rain promising

A child with a toy on the floor,
Undaunted; preoccupied,
Leaving worry to us grown-ups

Gathering pillows from balconies;
Seeing a storm as more than it is.
There is fire in this.

I've held shaking hands over a
Keyboard wet with tears, trying,
Trying to put words

On the burning within; the
Heart broken and rebroken
Until it needed

Stitches and staples
To hold together, finally
Finding faint flickering flames

Deep within the darkest darkness
Of that abyss. Whispering relieved:

*There is fire in this...
In something of a chaotic stupor,
the Moon tells me
(among other things)
to be nice to people
because you can never know
what they're going through,
if you'll ever see them again-
or if you're the last person they'll ever see.
you may as well practice kindness
with every being you meet
no matter for how long.

You never quite know.
You just might make someone's day.
You just might save someone's life.

Worst case scenario, you're being nice,
and that's not really so bad, after all.
  Feb 2015 NuurSeraph
CA Guilfoyle
In the night air, of ghostly moon
starry the darkened blues, quiver
some falling from the sky to startle
under murmuring trees, we rest
and never sleep, we seek to know
what night will conjure
strange drunken allure
of the celestial

Planetary fools
entranced by moons
magnetically pulled
ebbed and fallen
just another day, we lay
soon swallowed by
the sun
  Feb 2015 NuurSeraph
nobody waits forever anymore
so slide over here
do a backflip while eating ice cream
and share your mess
its the only way to go
  Feb 2015 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
< < <  O > > >

                                                  ---- pure child of day ----

( lithe and lovely )



( of the beauty
Of the Heart )


Rejoicing in the mind's true play


( love for love )


Hours open
( cause she knows )

The eternity
In all we do

She treads so softly
Unto           " Touch "

She never ever
Betrays you


All the mountains know her name

Shares her fate


She is like a phantom who

Transcends all boundaries for love



I try protect

Her nascent vulnerability


With vain attempt to see her truth

With eyes that still are but         Opening


She is the moment 's purity

I am her servant / ( just a boy )

Together we shall CLIMB THE HILL


  Feb 2015 NuurSeraph
dance and dance away

enhance that beat
a compass of you
a pitch of high

dance dance that way

round the fire
a walking pulse
preparin' the flight

dance a rising sway

drums' echo rumble
****** and rattle
the bracelets

dance and dance away

close the night
enclose the dark
foster that tempo

dance your dancin' way

call on that rhythm
across a note of blue
comp in colour the chords

dance dance

maybe he'll stay
willing to dance

to dance
...first attempt to work upon my learning from "Jazz appreciation", on
NuurSeraph Feb 2015
It's dark now
in this room...

My heart is
stiller than
it was...

The hushed
rush of
warming airs
rising up from
inside there's...

I'm not often
with comfort
within these skins
I'm ins...

I sometimes
feel a rolling
like spinning
on pristine

Only the tire
are in my

and it feels
a tad bit
my skins
the quiet
of this dark, warm
womb of my room

*still the rising airs of burned rubber smells quite badly...
I'm sharing some personal....I feel more in my body and able to access the symptoms of living after a good workout at the always...Enjoy
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