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Trembling between the drops
Of every tear that never stops
Lies silence in vain
All heart, no gain
Regrets, false hopes
And smiles that boldly shine
How my heart both clips and clops
In gutters and on mountain tops
In joy or in pain
One thing will remain
I dare to cope
With everything that’s mine
Sometimes I have a hell of a time
And sometimes, it’s just a hell of a time
But heaven or hell
Gone bad or gone well
I will not stop
Until my time is due
With every fall, there’s always a climb
Even if standing back up takes some time
For I will not sell
My heart for a cell
My dream, one day, will still come true

I'm at war with myself
I keep telling myself
That all will be fine
And that it never will be
Somewhere high on a shelf
'Midst the dust of itself
Lies the peace of my mind
That once was
That soon will be
With each page that I find
Whether sighted or blind
I still read between lines
In this story of sorrow
Time is evil
Time is kind
I've lost naught but my mind
I know that in time
I will welcome tomorrow
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
I have disappeared so often
I think I must really want it
The way a stone sinks in water

Only to find myself
Walking on the surface
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Tom McCone
forgot to say everything or
anything. forgot to tell you
how often the stars rotate
whilst you spin twinkling
patterns out in footsteps, two
moments ahead. been so
**** down& out but
still still still still cascading
on this feeling, lingering out
of nights traversed. 'sometimes'
weighs down on me. sleeping
slow, to stay alive. to see you,
shimmering, lithe.

maybe there's nothing else,
these waves crashing
foreign chaotic tongue at
fingertips we held at rend,
this unhollowing ghost
is all yours.
this only moment.

deep breath, filling out,
this empty universe glimmering
between collected palms.
all else forgotten. just
you, just i.
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Andrew Durst
You're full of dreams,
     and all of
        the sweetness
           in this beautiful world.
My first "trilogy."
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
I wrote these words while you were sleeping
Lost between the sun and moon
Wrapped so tight in shadows seeping
Fractured light a’ dance your room

Eyes now closed and softly breathing
Peace it seems does seek your mind
Drifting off to sighed believing
Distant thoughts of wishful kind

Still the monsters come a’ motion
Bearing teeth of sharpened steel
Tearing through this deep devotion
Praying on your soul to feel

Running paths of darkest hour
Endings seem so far from view
Reach, my hand it wields the power
Strength abounds protecting you  

Bristled thorn of endless bleeding
Fear a’ grip your skin so tight
Here I stand to slay the demon
As you lie this whispered night

Place your heart in this my station
Lone of every captured whim
I shall last this strained duration
So your smile may rise again

Rest my precious love a’ keeping
Fear no more for I shall stay
Deep within your silent sleeping
To keep you safe this autumn's day
NuurSeraph Oct 2014
look up to the night
the sky says it all
I've been
to the core

please be gentle

I feel fragile and small

its only this moment
but this moment is real
just as the flip side
shall rise to the front

*please understand compassion is key
I have it for you, please have it for me
Trying to process a lot right know
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