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 Jan 2020 Julianna
Stephen S
I felt the sharp sting in my back.
I felt the surge of pain up my spine.
I felt my knees buckle to the ground.
I felt the blood drip from the wound.
I felt the tears roll down my eyes.

And when I saw that
you of all people
were the one holding the whip...

I felt the shattering of my heart.
 Jan 2020 Julianna
Thomas Wood
 Jan 2020 Julianna
Thomas Wood
Days on days; my hometown harboured
concrete cradles cast for me.
Children growing tall like ships
alone and listing out to sea.
 Jan 2020 Julianna
Death is all around us
I fear it
I fear It will take  me away
what will happen to me after?
will I be remembered or missed?
My body will be hidden away
but my soul will visit
I will forever live eternally in your memories and dreams
But until that day I will live to one day regret  nothing
listen to the clock tick, tick
Live to the fullest
The end of time is unknown  
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