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  Aug 2021 Anubis
Don’t disturb me.
You don’t deserve me.
  Aug 2021 Anubis
Her love turns to poison when it’s kept inside.
  Aug 2021 Anubis
A victim of Cupid’s arrows
Give my body to the sparrows
I let the crows and maggots feast
Consuming phantom memories
  Aug 2021 Anubis
Resurrect me with your love.

Exhume my cold flesh and I’ll exercise your demons.

Reignite my passion with your breath and I’ll give you meaning.
  Aug 2021 Anubis
Do I ever cross your mind?
If you heard that I was dead,
Would you think of me?
Would you think of what you could’ve done differently?
If I was dead, if I was dead, if I was dead

Do I ever cross your mind?
If you heard that I was dead,
Would you cry?
Did you know that I loved you?
If I was dead, would you forget me?
If I was dead, if I was dead, if I was dead
Anubis Nov 2020
A self inflicted bullet in your skull
My heart breaks like glass as I lay here
Blood drips down the steering wheel
Brother, why won’t you answer my calls?

How did it feel?
What swept you away?

Pain engulfs the area between my eyes
My stomach drops and bottoms out
My fingers can’t grasp the fact that;




My family has fallen apart

(I struggle to stand on my own two feet)

+This feeling of abandonment shackles me to the problems that may never be solved...

For Pluto
Anubis Oct 2020
We buried you the other day
I still don’t know what to say
Everything sounds so cliche’
Your memory won’t fade away

And I still don’t feel okay

Will I ever find another way?

Or is this hole in my heart here to stay?
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