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  Oct 2020 Anubis
Blood pumping through us,
Can you feel it?
My heart’s been broken,
Can you heal it?
  Oct 2020 Anubis
I love her and I don’t know why
She cast a spell and caught my eye
Take my energy bleed me dry
I don’t want to hear her say goodbye
She loves me then flies off in the night
I lose sight of her in the pale moonlight
  Oct 2020 Anubis
I didn’t know what I was thinking
Everyone around me was drinking
And I didn’t realize I was sinking
  Oct 2020 Anubis
She opened up my heart,
My pain turned into art
Anubis Sep 2020
I leap toward the challenges in life
I fall into a bed of flowers that I’ve planted
These are the glasses that I glance through
And I see nothing but glistening potential

I dare to dream to climb the tallest trees
I dare to oversee the whole operation
I dare to take a chance on standing tall
And I dare you to follow me
By Anubis
Anubis Sep 2020
My baby brother out on the playground
We made up different games and sounds
And I always loved having you around
Cheered me up when I was feeling down

Never had any hint of you feeling blue
If there was I’d know exactly what to do
Day in and day out it was just me and you
Not only siblings but we’re best friends too

Since you’re gone it doesn’t mean that it’s done
I’ll always remember the laughs and all the fun
The struggle with mental health is finally done
ALAS! Your new journey has finally begun!

& I love you Corbin James,
Best friends bonded through time

Just set sail and enjoy the ride
& I’ll be here waving goodbye...
By Anubis, For Pluto
Anubis Sep 2020
We have been broken from the start
He cried before their holy matrimony
She had his children as he traveled away
They grew up watching him leave
When he was home his mind was not

She bathed us, cared for us, filled both roles
She did her very best to keep it together
She fought for her imploding marriage
As he met his mistresses on his business trips

The three of us grew up intertwined together
Keeping each other strong through it all
Dad was a cheater, mom filled us with haste
And my little brother couldn’t take it anymore

He grew up to have confusion fill his head
And thus, today he is unfortunately dead
His suicide note filled with incredible disgust  
And I threw it away before anyone could see
Because all I wanted was my family
A true story of my life
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