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 Dec 2011 J
No more trouble.
 Dec 2011 J
I'm revving my engine and I expect
to see your *** in this velvet throne of
queens in one

I'm just going to pick up a few things,
a bag of cookies
and probably
a little perpsective with a side of

Sit down. Enjoy your free ride.
But please, don't talk to me about
getting laid and
getting paid and
things that shouldn't come out of a mouth so young.

You should be asking me when we're stopping at the park
because you want to see the sunset from on top of
the monkey bars (it's the best spot in town.)

You should be asking me
to drive faster because you can feel the adrenaline
rushing up through your throat and out in a shout,
making you feel even more alive.

You should be leaning out of the car window and
feeling the rush of wind in your hair buzzing through your body into your fingers
and down to your toes.

You shouldn't be asking me
for my phone number.
 Dec 2011 J
Jon Tobias
Hope there’s someone
Standing like a statue
Cold and silver eyed angel
I will kiss his feet
And rest my head on his shoulders
The nights he is kind enough to hold me

The floor of the middle ground
Is the softest earth I know
And I sink slowly as I walk
Not even faith will keep my feet above it

It is a vast expanse of lonely
Damp air but otherwise waterless
This is the place my prayers go
I can hear them like landmarks
Echoing my fears back to life

Home is the distance of a sunset
That never changes
Always in my sight
And always sets so far away

I savor it
And I hope there’s someone
Who will hold me
The nights I get so tired
I risk the earth’s hungry swallow
And give up

There’s a man on the horizon
Statue silver eyed angel
And there’s you on every horizon
I miss you

I am afraid of this place
Wasteland of mistakes
And picturesque landmarks of nightmares
You on every horizon

I don’t want to go
Wherever he is leading me
it is not home

You are home
You are sea sick waterbed *******
Fire sizzle sweat steam
Damp rag soaking up my deathbed
Perfect balance to my off kilter dance steps
You are home on the days I give up
And sink into whatever broken bed I have made this time
You are love in the long hours of insomnia
Head in crook of neck
Even though I know my collar bones aren't comfortable
You are sweet smelling
Rough around the edges
But still so much softer than me

And I hope there’s someone
To hold me
When I am tired
When I die
Because I am scared of that place

I don’t want to go
Still procrastinating my research paper. This piece is inspired by Antony and the Johnsons' song Hope There's Someone Lyrics here
 Dec 2011 J
For This.
 Dec 2011 J
A lucid mind
is bad for this.

For this
you need to be
 Dec 2011 J
James Lindsay
I’ve got enough to say but enough is too much when time is out of essence and patience shrinks.  Meandering around the point can create petals around a flower or footprints on a grave.  

Trendy personality.

Flimsy in actuality.  

Your grave in your heart is holding what’s left of your mind while you lead your prickly appetite for deterioration through Avenue You.  

Those who turn away are not curious, but imaginative.  

They leave a wick for you to light their timebomb and are ever-satisfied with an infinite globe.  

Spare little attention to those who roam and always mindful of those at home.
 Dec 2011 J
Holden Wolfe
Precious star,

we will meet again,
we will, we will

the grass is growing on your bed
sunken earth, resting inside clenched fist

you are coming to me in shades of echos
lost inside years of
(we are skies away)

I've harbored your ****** skin underneath
this new stare you made me

warped light
sun rays in your collected chest
hold me, like I should have

console me while sitting in trees, im looking at just the bark
pressing palms to feel
you whisper
something only trees know

remind me to laugh when I can not sleep
worried worried awake about things that won't matter when we forget to breathe again

walk beside me and assuage me from the danger you didn't know about,
I will revel inside the lines

keep sparking like flames
tangled in my line of vision
knotted in air, woven suddenly
and then untie your self again

because I hope youre

waiting for me, I am waiting

to sink into you

to tell you,

I miss you.
For darling Micah Lira, Rest in peace everlong <3
 Dec 2011 J
Amanda Small
I keep your name buried in my vocal chords.
Afraid that with one soft vibration
All my confessions will come spilling out.

Your eyes close like a sunset.

I built a moat inside of my rib cage
So when you say that you will love me come hell or high water,
I pray that you are serious.

You sprawl across the floor spreading your limbs as far as possible
Simply to make yourself feel important.

If I had a nickel for every time that I thought of you, I would be five cents richer.
For you are nothing but a single, continuous thought
that weaves its way throughout my hours.

I leave Scrabble pieces everywhere I go
Spelling out my confusion with a handful of consonants.

Stripping off clothing and anticipation,
We go streaking through the city streets.

I take off my shoes and feel the gravel dig into my heels

You glance down and my ******* peak your interest.

A girl with priorities, I take a vow of silence.
Inhale. Exhale.
Gasping. Breathing.

I choke on our misunderstandings

I swallow your name.
 Dec 2011 J
Ugly Love.
 Dec 2011 J
I will rip
the **** out of me,
go through my chest
right to the back of my rib cage,
rip that ******* string out
like God yanking the lights out on the world,
I'll ******* make you dark
and hateful,
I swear
I'll just rip all that love
just to get to the naked
emaciated soul.
Rip whatever shreds
that thing's clinging too
with bony, skin-loose

Make it all wretched,
ripping the string of you
out of me,
like the ****-string
of a shrimp,
for the world to see
I'll rip you out of me.

It's not going to be pretty
or romantic
or tragic,
it's going to be the ugliest ******* thing you've ever seen.
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