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 Nov 2012 NDHK
K Mae
tug of moon
 Nov 2012 NDHK
K Mae
moon shining proud
                    undaunted by strident cloud
                walling above and below
               as  if  to close the show
          you grant inspiration
a  pulling response
that we may grow heart
expanding to ceaselessly glow.
 Nov 2012 NDHK
Langston Hughes
I would liken you
To a night without stars
Were it not for your eyes.
I would liken you
To a sleep without dreams
Were it not for your songs.
 Oct 2012 NDHK
Alex Kersting
On a silent stage
In an empty room
I dream of standing
Before a roaring crowd
But for now
The silent ghosts
In the seats
Will do
 Oct 2012 NDHK
Alex Kersting
Just for now
Won’t you let me walk
Hand in hand
With you, we, us
By a bloated river
Through mud puddles
And leaves
And life
 Oct 2012 NDHK
Violet Wade
 Oct 2012 NDHK
Violet Wade
Between us
Every moment lapses
Into the agony of desire.
 Oct 2012 NDHK
Michael Drayton
How many paltry foolish painted things,
That now in coaches trouble every street,
Shall be forgotten, whom no poet sings,
Ere they be well wrapped in their winding-sheet!
Where I to thee eternity shall give,
When nothing else remaineth of these days,
And queens hereafter shall be glad to live
Upon the alms of thy superfluous praise.
Virgins and matrons, reading these my rhymes,
Shall be so much delighted with thy story
That they shall grieve they lived not in these times,
To have seen thee, their ***'s only glory:
So shalt thou fly above the ****** throng,
Still to survive in my immortal song.
 Oct 2012 NDHK
Rachel Elizabeth
 Oct 2012 NDHK
Rachel Elizabeth
You took my innocence
You took my sense of safety
You took my ability to trust
You changed my feelings on intimacy

But you gave me much more
You gave me awareness
You gave me caution
You gave me a blazing fire

A fire that burns inside
A fire to fight with
You had absolutely no idea
How much stronger I would be

You took my sense of safety
My ability to trust
But you gave me even more
A am forever a fighter
 Oct 2012 NDHK
if you cut me open
you would hear music
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