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 Oct 2012 NDHK
Nik Bland
Baby Girl
 Oct 2012 NDHK
Nik Bland
Oh little baby girl who stays so close to my chest and whose world is vast and wide
I feel you clenching ever so tightly to me as I carry you in from the rain outside
The thunder roars and I hear your squeals as you bury yourself in my arms
Know your daddy will assuredly save you from any type of harms

I'll kiss your forehead and carry you to your room and sactuary
As I wipe the water off your face and hug you if things get scary
Wrapping you inside a freshly laundered towel and drying off your hair
Looking into your quivering eyes and showing I'll always be there

Telling you to hold on a moment and seeing you quietly nod your head
Running downstairs and preparing a treat as you call for me from your bed
Grabbing sheets from the closet and string as an idea come to view
A homemade tent, some tea for me, and hot cocoa for you

With all things gathered, I race back up and you look at me and smile
I return it with a bigger, more wrinkled one as I see my little child
As we sit there and sip our warms confections you giggle and your comfort grows
With foam upon your upper lip and a missing tooth in one of your pearly white rows

And we will stay here 'till the thunder chooses to finally cease
'Till my tea is finished and you are weary from your tent and little treat
The feeling of your gentle arms as they loosen and I tuck you in to sleep
Then walk to the door with my eyes set on you, your trance strong and deep

Looking at my little baby girl and the love that will never be severed
Knowing no matter her age, size, or tooth count, she will be my baby girl forever
Then walking out the door and pulling it close so she's just out of my view
Only to hear her barely say, "Goodnight, daddy. I love you..."
 Oct 2012 NDHK
Lover of Words
Kiss me,
Like now,
Like hard,
And intense and meaningful,
Mean it,
Do it, without me asking,
For God sakes,
Embrace me, if you fear that I'll refuse then you are so wrong,
For I want you to,
I want you to show that which you feel,
Let the fireworks fly,
Grab me suddenly, up and around, twirl me and make my insides soar,
Like take those hands and grip onto me for dear life,
Then tilt that head down,
Towards my lips,
And slowly without hesitation, let those lips lock onto mine,
Last for awhile,
Like a few minutes or so,
Something you know, memorable,
That we can tell our grandkids about someday,
And maybe change the world with to
 Oct 2012 NDHK
 Oct 2012 NDHK
Smiling with a sinister eye,
you’re planning something I defy.
Delivering lines with such a lovely tone,
doing it on purpose, I suppose?
Moving closer as you give out your compliments,
does your lust and my body have an appointment?
 Sep 2012 NDHK
We are bare beneath
the shadows of the leaves
looking up at nothing until
looking is what we become.

Yes, November becomes you
and, like December, you words
will soon dissolve to snow,
flakes clustering around us
in perfect symmetry, domed
above our heads.

An igloo in the barren land.

Slowly, slowly, we will thaw,
faces raw with feeling
lips pressed with spring ice,
the stubborn thing.

We will stretch our arms out
to the Northern sky
and like the needle of a compass,
glide home,
leaving only snow angels
behind us.
(c) Rachel S, November 2010
 Sep 2012 NDHK
C R Leverette
I could
inside my
self and find


I could

I would be
Your Love.

Someone told me
I was someone
But I didn't get it.
Sure, I write
Google knows my name
I've been "published"
But it feels empty still.
What do I want?
Tell me you hate it,
Tell me you love it.
Tell me it made you laugh,
Tell me it made you cry.
That you threw my book out
That you couldn't put it down.
I'm wondering, you know...
Am I good enough?
Will I be discovered?
Or am I full of hot air,
A childish,
I other words,
Am I a nobody, or
 Sep 2012 NDHK
Octavio Paz
 Sep 2012 NDHK
Octavio Paz
Perhaps to love is to learn
to walk through this world.
To learn to be silent
like the oak and the linden of the fable.
To learn to see.
Your glance scattered seeds.
It planted a tree.
     I talk
because you shake its leaves.
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