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N23 Aug 2014
The first time that Delilah saw Samson
she said to herself,
“That man will be mine.”
she said,

He laughed when she first begged to bind him,
“I cannot be bound.” He declared,
“I have brought one thousand men to their knees.”
She replied, “So have I.”
and on her knees
she showed him how.

Their favorite game to play was Pagan,
he would act as sacrifice and she, the priest,
teaching him to worship
at her temple,
teaching him the best death
was deathless.

Long before she cut his hair,
she made him weak.
Long before they gouged his eyes,
he was blinded.
Mar 2014 · 962
N23 Mar 2014
You are young
and still don't understand why you should be afraid of the dark
so you venture into it.
Leave behind the crying people,
and your parents blank faces
surrounding the urn that cradles your sister's ashes.
No one has told you why she wanted to be burned so you do not ask.
You don't know this yet, but you never will.

Imagine you are chasing fairies,
it helps you to ignore the cold,
the pinch of your Sunday shoes,
the voice of your older sister whispering that you will be caught.
But you are determined to have an adventure
and so you run.

Years from now you will remember this moment,
you will swear you could feel the brush of fairy wings
against your face as you rushed away from the marble mausoleum;
but there are no trees
only dirt, only gravestones,
only bushes too high and wide
for your arms to reach around.

Run until the ground rises up,
and greets your body with a bone crushing hug.
It will not let you go, no matter how hard you struggle
or how loudly you scream.
Dirt covers your head and you fear you are being buried alive.
You are not.
This will not stop the nightmares that come later.

(You are twenty and you are speaking to your therapist
she tells you to breathe, she tells you again.)

Time passes, as time has a habit of doing,
and you are standing above ground.
You cannot feel your fingers
only the curious stares of your cousins
and the long suffering sigh from your mother
who wipes the dirt from your face, absentmindedly.

“Did you go off to play and get lost?” she asks.
“You promised you'd stay put.”
You say nothing.

“You are so beautiful. Such pretty eyes.” she says, struggling to smile,
to say words that she thinks will calm the heart clawing at your chest
the way you clawed at the walls of your grave.
You are covered in dirt. There are rocks in your shoes.
You have lost your favorite bow.
You say nothing.
Jan 2014 · 3.2k
N23 Jan 2014
I am a tiger
pacing restlessly
behind the bars

of an open cage.
Nov 2013 · 466
N23 Nov 2013
Lately when boys talk to me they all remind me of you.

I keep opening my mouth to respond

but I can only recall the way

You managed to wordlessly

teach me that my body is deceptively


It is only a cage to hide

the wildness that paces

restlessly beneath my ribs.

(I am empty without it

but even more so without you.)

I have learned to pull the words

that I would say

back inside and swallow them

even though they leave my throat

so raw I can feel their barbs

every time I remind myself to breathe.

I am still reminding myself to breathe

ever since you placed your lips on mine

and took my breath away.

Give it back.

         (I am suffocating.)

Come back.

         ( I am lonely.)

Oct 2013 · 1.3k
N23 Oct 2013
At the end of the night
you will fly to her window
and kiss her goodnight
with lips that promise

but you will be back at my side
before her window has closed;

and I will follow your
laughing blue eyes
into the night

the next person
who will use my     
pixie dust
to fly into your arms
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Mountain Climbing
N23 Oct 2013
You are as close as I will ever come to love.
                                         (Yet you are still

                                                          so far away
                                                          that even if I ran around
                                                          the mountain of mistakes
                                                          growing quietly
                                                          between our bodies
                                                          my regrets would reach you
                                                                                                      before I did.)
Sep 2013 · 1.1k
Bedtime Stories
N23 Sep 2013
I want to dream the dreams
that you have dreamt
and chase you through
your nightmares,
on bare feet,
through darkness and the forest of your memories.

(When I am close enough
I will catch your hand
in mine
and gently remind you
that soon
you will wake up

next to me.)
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Star Gazing
N23 Sep 2013
I am not a poet
and you are not a mystery.

You are a boy
with eyes too blue
to be compared to anything
but the sky

and I am just a
lonely girl
who wishes you would
stand still
long enough to see
the stars in her eyes.
Sep 2013 · 877
Time Piece
N23 Sep 2013
It's 7AM
     where you are
and where you are
         I am not.

So time
does not matter
because its passing brings you
no closer to me
                         (nor me to you)

All that matters is that
I am   here
you are       there
and I am
missing you
Sep 2013 · 929
N23 Sep 2013
I have a weakness for a boy
with shadows in his eyes
and fire in his throat.

When he speaks,
like a dragon,
he exhales his truth
singeing all those who dare
come close.

A knowing fool,
I dance daringly
through the flames;

aching for a glimpse
behind a mask
he doesn’t know
that he still wears.
Sep 2013 · 729
N23 Sep 2013
I do not hate you.  
                                                       But I wish that I did.

(Maybe it would make this
     aching loneliness
easier to accept
if I understood

you were not worth
      the love
                  you lost.)
Jul 2013 · 818
Bird Song
N23 Jul 2013
If I were a bird
you would have crushed
                                             my wings
in your grip;

too mesmerized by my
silent song
to notice the rapid beating
of my heart
against your palm
as I struggled

                                                to fly away.
Jul 2013 · 827
Storm Warning
N23 Jul 2013
You wanted the calm
but I am the storm;

banging at the
boarded windows
of your heart


to be let in.
Jul 2013 · 1.1k
Casual Camelot
N23 Jul 2013
If this were a fairy tale
         you would be the Almost Prince
       and I would be the

  Valiantly, you would attempt
  to fight your way through
my maze of corridors
   and traps to
   rid me of the burden of
     my secrets,

    while I could only stand
    and watch, attempting not
     to crumble under the
    ferocity of your attack.

    Not because I wish to,
    but because I am just a Tower
    (and you are just a “Prince”)

and this is all
I know how to do.
Jul 2013 · 1.6k
Packing List
N23 Jul 2013
I don’t know where I’m going
but I want to take you with me.

I will pack you in my suitcase,
next to the pants I’ll never wear,
and pull you out on rainy days
when I am missing home.

I will shower you clean with kisses
and iron away your creases
with my finger tips.
When I tuck you into bed
my body will be your blanket.

And while you sleep,
I will cradle my head against your chest,
a pillow I have never slept upon,

and count the number of heartbeats it takes
to realize that this is all just

wishful thinking.
I'm trying a little painful honesty on for size. Comments/Reactions are appreciated.
Jul 2013 · 1.4k
Sailor's Song
N23 Jul 2013
You are like a sailor
who wants to forget the sea.

   And I am not the shore
   you cling to
   or the lighthouse
   that guided you home;

   I am the boat,
   left docked and
   and the waves
   that call you back
   to the life
   you were born

   to live.
Jun 2013 · 755
Drinking Games
N23 Jun 2013
I kind of love you
    when you’re drunk
    and you
    piece together words
    like a child would
    a broken vase;
quickly and clumsily,

like you are afraid of
being caught
by your own thoughts.
Jun 2013 · 688
If I
N23 Jun 2013
needed a keeper
I would want to be kept by

like a cat,
I spend hours in your lap
and in my contentment you
run your fingers
through my hair,
down my spine.

I bet that you could make me purr.

(Though, if you asked,
I'd say no.)

I want you
     to make me say
By CiCi & Niah
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
Old Habits
N23 Jun 2013
Out of habit
I sleep at the edge of the bed,
still unused to the
space you left behind.

(I still wake
for you in the dark;
finding only memories
           of the remnants
           of your
May 2013 · 816
The first time
N23 May 2013
that we met
there was something in your eyes
that whispered,
"Love me."

;and something in my heart that shouted:

(I wish that you had heard.)
I know that it's ****** & sappy but I don't care because what's really ****** is liking someone who doesn't like you back.
May 2013 · 757
I am desperate-
N23 May 2013

for the sound of
your voice

and the words
that will assure me

I am no longer

Apr 2013 · 1.4k
"La Petite Mort"
N23 Apr 2013
The French call an ******
"the little death"

looking at you,
(trace the curve of my neck
with your lips)

I would like to suggest-
(close your eyes and search
for the secrets of my body
with your tongue)

that is to say:
(put your hand in mine
don't let go.)

let's die a little
Mar 2013 · 841
I Dream of Drowning
N23 Mar 2013
I am frozen to my core,
and amazed at the turbulence
that surrounds me
and controls my fate.

(My future is no longer my own,
it changes with the whimsy of the waves.)

I cannot control my limbs,
I lash out,
but I am lost
unable to find myself in the dark;

still shaking,

even after I've opened my eyes
I can feel the water
filling my lungs,
dragging me down.

I am terrified.


I want to drown
in you.
I would love, love, love comments on this poem. It's a little more dramatic than I normally go for so I'm unsure if it's too much. Though, to be fair, this poem was a little more emotional than the others that I've written as of late.
Mar 2013 · 903
P.S. I miss you
N23 Mar 2013

Here is the shirt
that you left in my car
the day that we spent
dancing through puddles
stealing kisses
in the rain.

I've washed it.

So there is no trace
of the ***** I spilled
when I
laid in your lap
& told you I loved you.

You laughed then.

(Are you laughing now?)

Forever yours,
Mar 2013 · 932
N23 Mar 2013
I want to dance around the room in just your shirt
and remember the way it felt to be alone with you.

♫There you were in your black dress/Moving slow to the sadness.♫

                                          (When I am too tired to move
                                                    and too lazy to think
                                             I will recall the distinct taste
                                                    you left in my mouth,
                                  imprinted on my tongue and in my heart;
like citrus
and melancholy,

like strawberries,
like fear.)
The song  is from Fire by Augustana FYI
Feb 2013 · 939
As if
N23 Feb 2013
at any moment the reality that I have spent my life creating
will collapse into a thousand pieces, blanketing the ground
in fragments (of desires
that have lulled me to sleep at night with the hum of half-formed expectations)
only to be replaced with an undefinable hybrid emotion;

equal parts loss and anticipation.

I find my words inappropriately, overwhelmingly, unequivocally
to describe something that could mean
everything &(or) nothing at all.

This is the way that you make me feel.
Jan 2013 · 881
I Want You
N23 Jan 2013
in the same way
that a drowning man
wants air;

violently, desperately &
without reservation.

(That is to say)

I need you.
I'm really unsure about this poem. I feel like it's overly cliche and while I enjoy the over sentiment I'm seriously considering throwing it away all together.

Comments? Criticisms?
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
N23 Jan 2013
Jesus is not here
to appreciate the way
my legs look in this skirt.

And so

I will settle for you.

And the look on your face
when you realized
that I knew
what you were so
focused on
was not

Word of God.
Dec 2012 · 996
N23 Dec 2012
I like you in the morning
when you are just waking up;
still half asleep and
rough around the edges.

You can't quite remember
the person that you pretend to be
(left with no other choice)
      you are the person that I love.

Slightly lost,
but full of potential.
Dec 2012 · 1.0k
I Cannot Find
N23 Dec 2012
the appropriate place
on this exam
explain to you the way
that my heart
stuttered in my chest
and my words retreated
when you bent over my desk,
in response to my upraised hand.

I found that suddenly
the only questions I had left
had little to do with History


to do with the way
your ***
looked in your jeans.
Nov 2012 · 1.1k
I am bored
N23 Nov 2012
but it is not your fault.
You are trying your hardest to
(re)capture my attention.

And despite my slight fascination with the

I still find my mind wandering through
thoughts of the last person who sat across from me
trying to conjure up a smile,

and how quickly I walked away.
Nov 2012 · 1.3k
"How's your girlfriend?"
N23 Nov 2012
I ask.

Untangling the knot you've made with our fingers
in the dark.


I wait for a response
that will justify your behavior,
or condone my own.
(all the while)

Knowing that you don't have one
to give.
Nov 2012 · 1.3k
Stretch Marks
N23 Nov 2012
You trace the
stretch marks on my hips
with your fingertips
silently challenging me with your eyes to
keep still.
I have not the concentration or the will,
and my fingers
find their way into your hair,
pulling you closer
and closer to me.


the only distance between us
is the invisible ocean dividing
our souls from one another,
A distance that cannot be crossed by a simple
mingling of breaths.

And yet, we persist in these attempts,
too stubborn to admit that we are both
beginning to tire of swimming.
Jul 2012 · 835
N23 Jul 2012
I'm awake.

But I would rather be in bed.

Wrapped in blankets,
                  restlessly dancing,
                  to the symphony
                  of your breathing.
Jun 2012 · 4.9k
When I Asked For A Cupcake
N23 Jun 2012
what I really wanted had little to do with

and everything to do with the way
your eyes followed my
lips & tongue
as I pulled the first taste of icing

into a mouth that has been
ready to tell you "yes"
since before you formed
the question.
N23 Jun 2012
"I want to push you so far away
that the look in your eyes
no longer causes me to question
your love
         and yet
I want to hold you
            to me
until we are both somehow lost
in the way that you make me feel."
                                                          ­     she says to me.

firm fingertips tracing the curve of my stomach.
soft lips kissing the swell of my hips.

(I say nothing.)
N23 May 2012
It’s amazing
how my desperation to feel You
has turned into a desperation
to feel Anything
at all.
May 2012 · 705
N23 May 2012
I would like to say
that you were my favorite mistake...


(when it finally had the chance
to get inside me)

the double bacon cheese burger

made me feel
than you did
when given the same opportunity.
N23 May 2012
Get your hand
off of my thigh,
it does not thrill me.

It makes me try to recall
the last time that I shaved.

But you seem less concerned
with the light fuzz
that could possibly be covering my thighs
and more interested in finding out whether or not I'm wearing a bra beneath this shirt.

I'm not.

But I'm leaving to go home
and shave
before you have the chance to find out.
Funny story: The guy actually found my napkin since he was curious as to what I was so intently writing while I ignored his advances. He actually grabbed a mutual friends phone and texted me saying, "Your legs felt fine to me." Which made me laugh.

It's not the best poem but the story behind it makes me like it well enough to post.
May 2012 · 505
and you will be the one…
N23 May 2012
And you will be the one to say to my heart,

           ”Come out! Come out!

       It’s OK to breathe again.”

“Forget the past. It’s only the future that matters.”

“Was what happened before really that bad?”


                    you are stronger now.”

And your gentle coaxing will bring my heart

        out of the cocoon where it was

hidden, (wrapped tightly in thoughts and logic and plans.)

      Wincing at the brightness of the sun.

       Reaching blindly

                                for your hand.

— The End —