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Muraira I Dec 2019
When the **** did it become cool to take drugs for fun / I used to take them because my mom died of cancer hoping in kills me to and makes me numb / dying inside In a cold dark room with no shirt on feeling the pain running deep in my veins /  demons dancing around my presence laughing telling me to shoot my brain /
  Nov 2018 Muraira I
i n e e d you

i cannot B R E A T H E without yo
                                                              ­      u

it h

                               *             *              *      
                                     *          *        *      *
            it's such a    *        beautiful      *              pain
                                    *        ­ *                *
                              *            *  ­         *              
trying another thing
Muraira I Nov 2018
Feels like pressure in my chest
Feels empty with a lot of air in it
Feels like someone took it from me
Feels like your not there no more
Every pump I feel blood spill inside me
The broken pieces cut deep
Where is my heart ..
It’s in pieces and you have the main one .
Muraira I Jun 2018
Why is it when you love some one they love some one else
Why is it when you put 100% seems like they really don’t care
So it’s *******
So it’s *******
you really don’t care

— The End —