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I realize that life is far more then getting your way.
I realize that the trials that each and every on goes through.
Is to build us up to make us stronger on the inside.
For Life is not built on the easy life that some gets in this life.
But built on standing firm and loving everyone unconditional.
For loving others far outweigh becoming rich and selfish.
For through these trials we learn what others are  going through.
This way we can lead them out of the darkness and hopelessness.
That they might have been living in their entire lifer here.
 Jul 2014 Michael Amery
you looked at me with those eyes,
devoid of any lies.
you stared at me with devotion,
a turn of events was set into motion.
your eyes spoke of love and fear,
i was driven to tears.
you looked up at me from the ground,
your voice, my only sound.
you held my hand and asked a single question,
the very one that can changes many dimensions.
after hearing my answer, you slipped the ring unto my finger,
sealing our fates forever.
what do you guys think?
Dreams stream meaning anxious grieving like I'm lost in freezing frost cracking crisis vast madness condensed in a sense I wake dense heavy and weary confused and crazy restless as the fury who knows something is coming closer~closer still closer dust to dust flaming flashes my ashes to ashes until this life too passes.
Quick free flow reflecting disturbing dreams I've been having.
Why do I keep coming here?
for it is not here nor there anymore

for that pathway that led me to him has been eroded by the waves of time,
and as I sit here beneath these entwined bridges
hurricane winds come to unravel all that I once held so dear,

but it was not to be

for oh don’t you all see,
that those teeth of that vicious barracuda have come inside of this place to gnaw away at each entangled thread of that distant horizon that has now turned black.

Between the dust of mulberry bend
Sat seven little men
Each one had a whistle that they had carved out of enchanted wood
And the sound that came out of them made the air become filled with enchantment

And magical things would appear as though like snake charmers

And so one silent evening as the dew met the grass
A rabbit hopped out,

Yes I said a rabbit
Why is it that you are now doubting me
For do I not hold this pen of mine?

And so this rabbit was so unusual because he had three eyes and he did not hop
He skipped and he had a jump rope,

And so out came those seven little men and they wanted that rabbit to be gone

And so they each picked up their whistle and out came that sound that scared that poor little rabbit into jumping right out of that magical place that he had fallen inside of,

And to this day those rabbits are known as jumping jack rabbits

And I heard you all booing away at this short little made up story

And hey you!
Why did you just toss my book away?
Cheating can be pandemic
Heart’s afflicted and paralyzed
Mind rationalizes the malady
Sabotaging the ties of relationships
Pandemonium sweeps away all
The veracity of truth is proved by the powerful blow it inflicts
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