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Moonlight Feb 24
They left me
because they were tired
of saving me from drowning over
and over again,

but they never bothered
to teach me how to swim
Moonlight Feb 17
The moon felt the sun aside them,
looking outside the window in peace.
Buildings flashed by and
in this silent moment,
the moon felt completely comfortable
for the first time in a while.
Their smile wasn’t forced
the warmth of the sun
didn’t only shine on the outside,
it reached deep within the moon,
warming their soul.
Sounds muffled around them
and just in this moment,
only the sun and the moon existed.
Together in a warm light
they produced together.
Moonlight Jan 2
You can’t imagine
what the world would look like
without them.
The moon looked at the sun,
they couldn’t handle losing her too.
Being together felt like peace.
Like a walk in nature,
where the air isn’t too cold,
but also not too warm.
The voices inside their head
finally went silent.
The sun was still there
after the earth crumbled and broke,
causing the moon to lose their track.
Pieces of the shattered earth
crashed into the moon
and left scars everywhere.
But the sun stayed,
and pulled the moon around her,
giving the moon stability again.
Now the moon keeps shining,
keeping the sun company.
The sun saved them,
now the moon would make sure
the sun could shine forever.
I lost a lot of friends... One friendship could be represented by the earth, and I was completely crushed by the friendship break up. But my best friend (the sun) was always there for me (the moon)
Moonlight Dec 2024
A glow stick needs to break before glowing
But I think something went wrong with me
I broke a long time ago and I'm not glowing

I think it broke so much the liquid started spilling out
Hurting everyone with its toxicity
Till even the toxic liquid disappeared
Now I'm just

Saw the quote "a glow stick needs to break before glowing" and I couldn't relate so I kept the methafor but how I saw it
Moonlight Dec 2024
I hear sirens again and suddenly I'm back
Buried in layers and layers of this mask that I put on
Drowning in the addiction of the red lines coming undone
Feeling numb for the pain and wanting more
M   o    r      e
I don't feel good
Maybe some lemonade?

Sounds echo around me
It's almost like I'm on a really fast carrousel
My whole body tingles
I see my half empty glass of lemonade, standing in a wet puddle
There's lemonade on the ground
I'm confused
What happened?
I feel like I'm gonna throw up
What the hell did I do
Did I cross the line?
Could I have died if I had done it slightly different?
Am I going to die?
What should I do?
I can't call someone
But what if I black out again?
**** it
**** why did I do that

7 minutes
I can hear the sirens approaching

I'm fine
I'm not dying
Why did I call?
I shouldn't have called
I ask if I can go back inside
I can't
They have to take me because I did it myself
I shouldn't have called
I throw up on the way

I'm waiting
Everything is blurry
I'm completely numb
I cry
I text my therapist the updates
I'm panicking
I don't want people to know
But I don't have the money to pay this
I need to tell my parents
It's 2am

I'm back in my room
I'm still haunted by what happened
I'm scared
I miss it
I hate that I miss it
I'm better now
I think
Not really
I only made it worse
Okay sooooo trauma dump I guess?
Moonlight Dec 2024
The moon took the sun’s hand and they walked together.
This felt so peaceful and it just felt right. They had had a lot of fun together and the moon never wanted to loose the sun.
This connection felt like sitting inside, in front of the window, watching the rain in a blanket and drinking a hot beverage.
Maybe even with a cat, depending on whether you like cats.
It felt like a blanket in the cold, a refreshing breeze in the warmth, like fresh air, like home.
It was always supposed to be like this.
The moon sometimes still wondered if these feelings were romantic love,but it didn’t really matter.
Not really.
This felt right.
And if this really was how love was supposed to be like, they didn’t need to be together anyway.
Having the sun as their best friend was enough.
They didn’t really know what love was supposed to feel like.
The only crushes they had had were actually mostly unhealthy obsessions.
This was definitely a healthy love.
Platonic or romantic didn’t matter.
The moon will forever love the sun.
Moonlight Dec 2024
The moon doesn’t know how to feel anymore.
The days are dark and the nights are getting longer.

They always loved the night, but now it’s suffocating them.
They’re still struggling to stay bright
because the clouds are getting bigger
since that day where the existing world collapsed.
The only thing keeping them going is seeing the sun again.

Without the sun, they wouldn’t have stayed.

But now they’re trying to shine
for themselves, without the sun,
because even though the sun saved them,

they need to stay for themselves.
But the sun is a big help.
The moon doesn’t know what kind of love they feel for the sun, but they love them.
Is it romantically or is she just their best friend? They don’t know.
Their feelings are deep, definitely.
The only thing that’s sure, is that the moon loves the sun, and she brightens their dark days.

And the moon shines in the night for the sun, when the sun can’t shine herself.

They both bring light into the darkness for eachother.
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