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Jul 2019 · 203
What does life mean?
Neil Ang Jul 2019
The seediest part of the seediest place in town. A place where dreams go to die. A place where all relationships are transactional and all are doomed to last less than a night.There's a special type of misery here. A specific sadness that is at once heartbreaking but also insanely addictive. Tens of people seated in a dingy noisy sorry excuse for a bar sharing an experience called loss. Maybe the loss of a loved one, maybe the loss of innocence. More likely the loss of something of financial value.

Human nature is such that we loathe and crave company. We wish to be alone but are painfully drawn towards each other. Hating that we are but unable to separate ourselves from a deep dark primeval fear... The fear of loneliness. For as evolution has taught us, think hundreds of bespectacled scientists, many speaking with the current prestige accent of our respective languages, are fond of telling us, it's because back in the day when were stuck in t' savannah, the last one left behind was often prey to t'lions, leopards or sabertooth tigers.

There's some truth in this... But as much as we would like to think everything can be magicked away by science and evolution, life is rarely that simple.

More likely as alluded to, there's something invisible inside us all that draws us to each other. Sometimes like souls to like souls, other times opposites attract. Maybe it's our innate hopefulness that there's someone out there who understands you or in the luckier cases loves you. A little voice that drives you to keep going. What happens when you finally shut out that voice?

What will be left keeping you going?
Oct 2018 · 174
Two sides of a coin
Neil Ang Oct 2018
Who in this world really knows you?
Can those around you say they do?

Have they seen you when you're down?
Have they seen you when you frown?

Have you seen my other side?
The one which keeps all my pride?

Anger, pain,
The bitterness and disdain

Have you seen me when I cry?
When I wish that I would die?

No you haven’t because I hide it.
I shut it up and throw away the key.

I keep it quiet. Nothing can be shown on the surface
Nothing can be given away.

But buried beneath a wave of smiles it emerges
Will you notice it?

The bitterness in my eyes?
The spite in my voice? Each time I let my guard down…


Have you felt the longing I feel when I am around her?
Have you felt the pain when she stabs me again and again?

Sometimes it rises to the surface,
To pit against each other

Love against hate.
Forgiveness against the bitterness

Pride against humility
Compassion against self

Who will win?
Would you help?

My friends, how often have I seen you cry?
How often have I been there to help?

Two sides of the coin…heads or tails
Which side do you let people see? One side or the other...
I recently found a bunch of poems and stories I had written years ago. decided to publish them now albeit with slight improvements etc.

This one is a common ish theme among them. It's about whether your friends really know you. Whether they're there for you through thick or thin or just for a summer.
Sep 2018 · 168
Neil Ang Sep 2018
we fashion our own reality. little pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that allows us to live and breath. A different fit for a different person. The rich have larger pieces, easier to put together, easier to get stuck with only one picture even though they've seen and heard so much. The poor the opposite, small pieces, but always something missing. something that can never complete the...
Sep 2018 · 209
My Mortal Enemy
Neil Ang Sep 2018
I stare into the abyss and think about how much I've done to be here. 20 years of studying, the countless hours spent staying up for exams, scrapping by one a meal for the week. So many sacrifices, the work of hundreds of people, the time they have sacrificed, their blood, sweat and tears.

All to get to this moment.

I stare into the abyss and think about my reality. The lack of sleep has caused depression, and with it, a loss on my grip of reality. Is this moment real? is this a dream? a mere facsimile ? I can't tell. When did my life become this?

Dazed, I glare at my one true enemy. No reaction.

The sense of urgency combined with a sense of helplessness causes me to lash out. My first physical reaction to the immense amount of rage that has built up inside of me.

I kick the machine. "Work! **** you! work! Can't you just ****** print the pages of this stupid case without jamming you useless hunk of junk."

The printer stays still. As with all evil, it seems to take pleasure in my pain. slowly whirring, it begins to do its job. And then halfway through, it jams again. Coughing sputtering, no. laughing, singing.

I turn to go back to my office and try again for the tenth time today. As I do, I swear I see the machine smile at me.

I truly hate printers.
Printers always seem to die on me when I most need them and this is pretty much what I think that happens.
Sep 2018 · 2.3k
The Fog
Neil Ang Sep 2018
out in the darkness,
a fugitive running.
Running from God.

Did I write that? I don't think so, Maybe it was me. Wait, maybe I heard it somewhere.  

I sigh in frustration and look to the skies but I see nothing.
Just darkness. Not the total black, the absence of light brought on by the spinning of the sun, the darkness that signifies rest, rejuvenation ,
No. no, just a faint black, a charcoal blackish grey brought on by a fog;

I glance around but I have no clue where I am. The fog is too thick. I know that there's something beyond the fog. Um, big ball of fire burning in the sky. Sun. That's what it's called.

After forever, I see a path, a meandering, twisting path. Its bricks not yellow like Dorothy walked on but red. Wait, I can see the colour. Maybe this is the path I walk.It's a long trek but that's what I'll do. Trek. Lugubriously down the path. Flashes of gold before me, of red, of blue, of orange, of purple, of a colour I cannot name but seems like a blue green thing.

Sometimes I can catch them, sometimes I can't. Sometimes they form a picture. A face in front of me. A voice. A flash of lightning in a cold dank world. Rain, falls. I know rain. Rain, will make the flowers? Grow. No! not my words as well. Where do they come from? The weather grows darker, the fog grows thicker. I wish I remember how it all started. I close my eyes to think.

When I open my eyes, two little faces appear in front of me.  I know them? no, I don't. Wait, I do know them. They chirp something at me, like two little birds in a pod. Peas, peas in a pod. Peas don't squeak. Peas posit, no, peas don't talk at all they're not sentient. **** it, the fog is back. I look at them and smile. That's what you do when you see people don't you?

Now I see some people coming into the room! Big men! They'll steal from me! **** me! I have to defend myself!  Oh wait, one of them wears a face. I've seen a million times; it's so... familiar. I look across to the mirror in the bathroom. Oh, he wears some version of my face. But younger. With... well with better hair.

He growls at me, his voice booms and brings the room to a stand still. I still don't know what he says. The smaller one echoes. His voice slightly smaller, less boom-y. Boom-y, that's not a word.

There's a word for it, I, The words are there, in my head, like rays of sun bright, no sunlight, coming through the darkness. I wince at the thought of the heat burning my skin. But there's no heat. Just fog. Just that blasted, ****** fog. It came one day, out of the darkness chasing me down like I was fugitive. It never sleeps, it never eats, it never leaves. Just there. Why can't I see the sky. I remember what the sky was like. It was, green? no blue. The sky was blue.

My dreams are interrupted by the boom-squeakers. That's not a word is it? I used to be good at words, I used to write them in a book, for others to read, for others to write

The four faces are in full speed now, booming and squeaking and squeaking and booming. I nod at what they say, I still don't understand them. Something about school and class, something about work and money.

Suddenly I see her,  there's a fine one across the room, I open my mouth but no words come out. She's wearing blue is coming with something. Oh I remember this! Sweets! she must be coming with sweets. She's young and pretty, she knows my name. Wait, why does she know my name. A little too well, wait are we related? that would be bad. Oh no, she doesn't look like any of those around. Her rosy red lips move but I can't hear the words she must be saying. The fog always prevents that. She's brought me candy I think. In a little bowl too! Oo! that's nice. I used to love candy. I think I still do now?

I let my guard down! Oh no! they've got me! (Pop!) they've forced me to swallow something! I better spit it out! Spit! Spit! Spit! Oh wait, the darkness is coming, it's better than it normally is. I see the void and know it's time to rest. Maybe when I get up tomorrow, the fog will finally... clear.

As I teeter on the edge, I hear it. the voices. They're saying something. They say....

"Is Grandpa Grandpa today, Dad?"

"He'll be fine, son. sniff He'll... maybe. be ok. Some day."

"Maybe tomorrow he'll remember us?"

"Maybe tomorrow, now put on the music. He loved Les Mis, it was always his favourite."

"Don't go yet, Dad. Please... don't."

The world goes dark but its finally happened. The fog has cleared and I see the sky, just before the sun turns and it goes dark a final time.

Now I rest.
The first introductory bit is from "Stars" sung by Javert in the musical version of Les Miserables. I'm using a tiny bit of it here for a) its relevance on how this man feels like he's been chased like a fugitive by the fog and b) to represent the fact that he has somewhat forgotten that these are not his words, that his memories are blurring.  

Many people out there have a friend, or a loved one who is suffering from dementia. It's probably the worst punishment to have especially for this man who I've imagined to be a word-smith, perhaps a writer, of novels, perhaps dictionaries.

If you have a relative who's like that. Maybe go visit them one day, Maybe you can be the wind that pushes away the fog and they'll be able to see the sun someday.

Just maybe.

— The End —