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Mar 2021 · 153
She taught me how
She taught me how

she taught me how to  bake
Taught me how to  sew
And how to  grow

I  am who   I  am  
Because   she let me so

Never forget what is in your blood
She helped me pick out my  shoes
showed me how to  tie them
but all for you to grow and shine

you  may  not believe it at the time
now shes got wings and is high above
looking down  of her  treasured love.
Mar 2021 · 238
The TWO H’s
The TWO  H’s

Happy hug-able
Extraordinary passions
Love pulses through our veins
Echo ,echo the heartbeat Echos
Naughty nice Nirvana
And  with
Harmless charm
Angelic romance
Roaring  laughter
Racing pace
Yarning for more memories
Mar 2021 · 104
Red Carpet
Red carpet
All you see is red carpet
Mud ,speckles of mud
Fallen red but not forgotten
All you see is red carpet
Red carpet
Berries blooming
Sticky mud
Squelch ! Squelch!
Ref carpet is fading
You no longer see fields of ref carpet
Dark , dense, squelchy mud
Dark mud
Oh look
Fallen ,fallen leaves
Speckled on the ground
Red, yellow ,gold
Pure hope
Guilding us to the red carpet
Remember the red carpet is always there

— The End —