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She sat bewilder and rejected by the world
her hair dreaded clothes torn and stained with time
remains torn
she gazed at me longing
seeking shelter from the storm
the rain poured upon her shoulders
a lost soldier among the scorn
I read into her character
as if the scene were a book
and I thought of all the jackals
who must've shook and took
she sat withered like a flower in the
midst of December
I could tell if left there she'd surely die from
the weather
I was this women and she was me
together we were locked
in mystery wondering
An exchange of a smile
and she was on her knees
begging for a ride a conversation
some relief
my door ajar
inviting her into a place of warmth and understanding
motherly I consoled
she was my sister daughter love
she was everyone I ever cared about
trapt in a cardboard box
with a shake of her hand I read her palm
her troubles and despair
I spared some change a ride and empathy
hoping it was enough for her
if I could only save her I'd change her
I'd  change the world but for now
I'll fufill my mission
and allow her soul to fufill hers
3:40 in the morning
the pain wakes me
I find myself clawing at the bed sheets
grinding my teeth
my mind escapes to some place serene
the first snow fall
the sunset
my love's eyes first thing in the morning
my body contorts....
I think of a baby's giggle
people dancing a number
chasing my friends at 11 years old down the block

I begin to shake
I think of soft serve on a hot day
sinking into a hot bath
kissing so sweetly in moments of tenderness
my father daughter dance

I get ****** back into the ache
I fight it
I dispell it from my mind
like a thorn in my side
Mind over matter
matter doesnt mind
pain the only reminder I'm alive
I must embrace this
From citron-bower be her bed,
cut from branch of tree a-flower,
fashioned for her maidenhead.

From Lydian apples, sweet of hue,
cut the width of board and lathe,
carve the feet from myrtle-wood.

Let the palings of her bed
be quince and box-wood overlaid
with the scented bark of yew.

That all the wood in blossoming,
may calm her heart and cool her blood,
for losing of her maidenhood.
He strode in a swarm of fireflies.
So full of himself and all his lies.
He was an evil man, a deceiver.
No else could see, he was the only believer.
A voice whispered, quiet at first.
The man thought it quenched his thirst.
It was enticing, this voice of dread.
But very soon his limbs felt like lead.
Slowly at first, then quickly he began to falter.
It was as if his body had begun to alter.
First a nudge, a slap, then a push.
Oh so quickly, he turned into mush.
Then as he began to melt into the drain.
He ceased to exist, overcome by the acid rain.
I'm blind to love
let your body
be my braille
He is a strong and mysterious  phenomenon
possessing a magnetism captivated in awe
Alluring and indispensable
I wavered in irrestible charm

His touch is like a sensual dream
much too rare to be a reality
his primal way made it impossible to restrain
and I found myself howling at the moon
beckoning to ode to wolf

His voice just like a whisper
ears keen to the sound
I'm falling yet never hitting the ground
I was held prisoner within his gaze
I watched his lips
mind lost in haze

Eager to be freed from his intensity
my body strained from the immensity
I fell victim under his spell
I could barely breath

He grinned as he sensed infallible frailty
A merciful beast he walked away
and I transformed to suit my need
and continued on howling

Consumed and unleashed
This poem was inspired by:
Florence and The Machine
Song title:
No towering, flowering, landlocked tree
Will weep for the waning life of thee
Forgive them, friend, they never saw you smile
Forgive them, friend, they never saw you grin

To mistress maritime you were married
For her you lived, so with her be buried
Below the surface of sorrowful sin
Where above breathe hateful and hollow men

Solar shadows spin and empty seas flow
Though they are bereft your supernal glow
Forgive me, father, I can't seem to smile
Since you died, father, I can't seem to grin

(And from the waves we are ******)

(And unto the waves we are ******)
A most beautiful Rose

In all that beauty, that of a rose
To see, its scent, may I propose
A sonnet or some rambling prose
To compliment it as it grows.

A pink, a yellow, blood red verse
A turn of phrase to intersperse
A sanctuary where I immerse
A once off bloom not to rehearse.

Be great; be graceful in your bloom
Posy soft, petal pantaloom
Life’s union of young bride and groom
So vibrant in their special room.

Such dreamy gentle lines that find
A paint brush, colours intertwined
An ******* for creative mind
Natures gift thus wined and dined

All fifty years, each well walked mile
You still reduce me to this smile
So radiant flawless in your style
Fill fifty more, it’s all worthwhile.
This is the property of this author and is offered to readers to read and comment upon, thereafter remaining the sole property of the author.
I’m so scared to tell you
But I’m afraid your heart is leaking
For years now it’s been seeping the fluid into your mouth
In big puddles you spat it out
Now where there should be motivation there is only weeping
I stepped in your puddles when I was little
They soaked into my feet and filled me up past my teeth
Now that it is gone from you I hope there is enough to share
But if there isn’t, I don’t want it
I’ll give it back to you
I’ll speak it until my voice is hoarse
I’ll spit it at your feet with no remorse
If it comes to it
I will squeeze all the fluid out of my heart
I will use it to wash your feet
It will soak in and fill you past your teeth
Then you can take a step forth
And my heart will fill up again
Upon seeing you as you were then
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