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My loss is my burden alone to bear
In sacrosanct equanimity
But sympathy does come calling
In drips and drabs to attenuate my pain
Great talk shows seen
Some lend me their eyes to weep and wail
But vanish fast like a ghost seen at noon
Cos none knows as I do the depth of the pain
That I bear

The pain of sympathizers is on their flesh
As water poured on rock
Mine embedded in my bone
And feeds on my marrow
Family won't invite us,
My pain and I together,
To a breakfast meeting
My peers won't
Invite us to a business lunch
Friends won't invite us to a dinner
Cos the world stops not for anyone's
Tragic loss and accompanying grief

It is like an aircraft in flight
That ought to land for its passengers to alight
And one passenger I am
Swathed in the turbulence of this jet
Being baptised by unruly weather
Sympathizers are like car owners
On pleasure trips who could pull up
At every turn to attend to their fancies

My loss is my burden alone to bear
Not yours whose feeling stands
Aloof akimbo as I howl,
'My brother, oh my brother,
Why leave me so early
Heaping in my heart monumental pain? '
(C) Chris  Jibero. 2010.
 Oct 2012 Michael W Noland
wrote your name in the sand
watched the waves wash
and take it,


i wrote your name
and all my fears
at the bottom
of a bottle of jack,

I found them every night.

You're in every
Decision i make,
you're in every
sip i take.
I'm not really sure. Enjoy.
 Oct 2012 Michael W Noland
Sink your teeth
deep into my innocence,
on your plump lips
does it taste devine?
Just like this heart of mine?

Drink up the grease
of guilt and lies
I dare you, I dare you!
It'll mix with yours
just fine.

**** my wasted kisses
from the tip of my tongue,
they always lingered there,
Scrape them off with a razor
put them in a jar.

But leave my heart,
leave it dead and black
inside me.
The title has nothing to do with the poem, but its all i could think of.
Soundwaves Break
Vibrating through as
his heart swells
Building up sensations
an unignorable spell
Releasing an excitment
so divine he slides
out of his hiding
and begins to rise
I closed my eyes and drifted back
into the frosted grass and colored leaves
of my childhood memories
crows carrying an obscene melody
as the wind whispers tales of winter
the trees bare the flowers withered
rodents and birds can sense the shiver
busily preparing for the everlasting division
death falls over the land like a plague
and I walk with a smile as the colors rain
respectfully silent as the lushious greens
reduce to compost below my feet
the bountiful summer once again has met its match
as the sun fades off into the distance
 Sep 2012 Michael W Noland
your blood is pretty
and my oh my!
your veins look perfect tonight.
throbbing blue is making my head spin,
your pulse dizzys me.
let me taste,
just a little
and if i lose control...
well you must taste so sweet
Something took over my mind last night and decided it liked to think about blood in a vampire-like way....
Any how, I thought I'd share it with you.
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