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Liana Dec 2024
My bedroom is dark

Like the place my mind takes me to when I wonder off
(This note was written by a bottle of water that if you drink from you'll only be able to speak through song after)
Liana Dec 2024
I miss my old home

My room
With my couch as a bed
And the walls I hand-painted blue because the yellow was ***** and ugly
With the spot on the wall I wrote my name on when I was seven

The thin walls I could always hear my dad sobbing and yelling through
The thousands of records and things of his dead mother that he kept
Especially his mother's plates which he only took out on birthdays

I miss "the music room" filled with instruments
Damaged wooden floors
And walls completely covered with paintings I've been making ever since I was five

I miss the big tree in our front yard
The one I would hug whenever I was sad when I was younger
The one I cried at on those last four nights

I miss the old floors
How I knew exactly where they would squeak
How I always used to get splinters from them

I miss the green sofa in our living room
The one ripped up by cats
My spot when I would watch TV

And I miss my desk
It was where I painted
It was the victim to all of my obsessions excluding this year
Every one left it's mark on it

It's filled with all my memories
It was where I always came back to
And now I don't live there anymore

We didn't keep our house
My dad kicked us out
Though apparently I'm "welcome anytime"
The last time I was there I wanted to cry
It was a junk yard
It looked and smelled like a crime

I miss my home
Just thinking about it my eyes water
I hate being sentimental like that
I can't help it though
I miss my home
This is really long, sorry

(This note was written by a dream you don't remember but scared you out of your mind)
Liana Dec 2024
Poetry is like when you're listening to music
And you suddenly remember there's a volume button
So you make it louder
Everything just seems better
And more exiting

The simplest thing
Like a leaf falling from a tree
Or a smile
Is now fascinating
And all you can think of that day

The biggest, scariest things
Like trauma, abuse, and loss
Are validated
And take up less space in your mind

You start to think differently
Or more
You start to really think

People are different
People have different problems
After you read their poem
You can start to understand them
Or maybe yourself
It makes you love words
And the way it helps us empathize with eachother
And really see eachother

Poetry is for the things we struggle to say outloud
Our deepest thoughts
What we believe is up with the world now
It's another way of communication
For those of us who have thoughts we can't speak
Or we don't even realize we have
(This note was written by the first pen ever used to write a poem about dolphins eating hamburgers)
Liana Dec 2024
Even the moon changes,
After time,
becomes whole
So why can't you?

I mean,
you kind of do
But like the moon you
always go back
It's just not as gradual

I think of you both at night
Except with you
It makes me unable to sleep

At least the moon is up there in the sky
Just looking pretty
And following my car
Catching my eye
Making me smile
Not making me cry

I love the moon
But that's weird because
Is it's similar to you
(This note was written by that one alien on Pluto that has been watching you ever since 6/14/2020)
Liana Dec 2024
He is a light
With no dimmer

He's either on
Very, very bright
Almost blinding

Or off
Depressed, out of control
Spreading his darkness wherever he goes

I long to install the dimmer
To have a sweet spot in the middle
But he's simply not built like that
Or maybe
He's too broken for it
And he can't be fixed
(This note was written by the person on the exact other side of the world from you)
Liana Dec 2024
You don't deserve my tears
But I deserve to let myself cry

(This note was written by a leaf who wanted to be a rainbow rhino)
  Dec 2024 Liana
i just want to be
a normal human being
is that too much to ask?

why can't i just be
a normal human being
like everyone else

i sure wish i was
a normal human being
but i never will be
why cant i just be normal?
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