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 Aug 2013 Metallis
Kayla Hensley
One of the most heart-wrenching things to know
Is when your best friend finds a boy
And she begins to let you go
You wish to feel happy
That she's no longer single
But you just feel empty
And your eyes start to tingle

You remember back to the times
When it was just the two of you
Messing around and causing trouble
Like you always used to do
You and her
The unseperable pair
Then one day
She's no longer there
You watch them walk
Hand in hand
And there you are
Alone you stand

But there are those days she does notice you
You cherish and praise them
That's what you do
You pray that it will last forever
That one single moment
When you're together
You try to catch up on all your events
And then she starts talking
About her charming prince

You try to keep from rolling your eyes,
Or tap your foot,
Or scowl in despise
But it's not as if it would even matter
She doesn't notice
She just continues the chatter

Sometimes I just wish it could all turn around
But then I feel guilty
And stare at the ground
How could I hate that she might be in love?
Even if it means
Missing me all above?
She is a true friend,
I will tell you that
She doesn't play tricks
Or stabs in the back
She knows when you're sad
And she's there when you cry
And she can make you laugh
Out loud in delight

In a way I am happy that she does have this boy
It's just sometimes I dream
That I was more than a toy
She is my sister
So I do wish her the best
And even though she might not notice my pain
I'll behave for the rest
 Aug 2013 Metallis
John Marden
That long June day,
The 24th to be exact,
The day I laid my eyes on you,
And my heart was under attack

There was a longing in my heart,
A strange void in my soul,
It could only be filled by you,
For me to be whole

I tried many hours, even days
To fill that gap,
But I did not know where to start
I know I just needed a part.

Should I talk to her?
Should I ask her her name?
What do I do?
What do I say?

Emotions came over me,
Temptation, nervousness, and bliss
Since then I have longed to have you,
Maybe one day you will be in my arms

That first class together,
Western Civ 101,
I looked over to you,
And I knew I was done

I had to try and have you,
It would only be right,
I told myself,
I would not go down without a fight

So I confessed my true feelings,
I poured out my heart,
I put it all on the line,
Hoping you’d give me a shot

So here I sit on my bed,
Thoughts of you,
Running through my head

I lay here and think,
What would it take?
For just one kiss,
On your beautiful, sweet, precious lips

You are upstairs in your dorm,
I debate whether to send this to you or not,
I don’t know if you should read this poem,
For I am confused and alone

I just hope you find it in your heart,
To give me but a chance,
To show you what it means,
To have a true, loving romance

A hope for a never ending bliss
Because I’d trade one thousand nights in hell,
For just one simple kiss

A kiss upon your lips,
So tender and sweet,
To hold you in my arms,

You make me go weak…
I have read,
once upon a time
that I'm supposed to tell you
how I feel about you.

And I begin to think
that he who wrote what I read,
did not have me in mind when he did.

For in my outlook,
you are so far beyond words
that it is almost a sin
to try.

So when I shut off reason
and say what I need to say
before it kills me...

Please know,
that I was once told
to tell you how I feel about you.

Even if it drives you away.
 Aug 2013 Metallis
hey you, looking like a boy
with an ankle rolled and sore
i'll kiss it, with my words.

hey you, silent in that voice
eyes as bright as an asteroid
let me tell you what your worth.

hey you, feeling all alone
well you aren' the only one.
stay strong.

yes, you.
 Jan 2013 Metallis
 Jan 2013 Metallis
How fain doth thine memories remain
Lo! shouldst thou endure the infinite repetitions of these haunting facades that The Abyss glares its gaze upon thine fragile life
The tired clingeth to the images fused to the permanency of thine recollections
Chiseled to the marble of the mind for the mason himself to gazeth upon its work

For betwixt a battered heart and a fickle mind lyeth the remnant of the resentments of life
 Dec 2012 Metallis
 Dec 2012 Metallis
Tears trickle down her cheeks
she never thought she could be so weak

All those irrational thoughts
she thinks to be true

Society expects you to reach perfection
and from that perfection you will receive attention

But behind those fronts that 'they' put on
the emptiness lingers in their souls

never finding a true home
they move on from masterpieces painted by skeletons

society dances in the pits of light
while those true, kind brokenhearted people

continue to try.
 Dec 2012 Metallis
Big whack stack
of monetary memories
catalogued in dream states
vibrating at different subconscious frequencies....

With the headphones in I listen
to the past and future collide
into a cosmic harmonious kaleidoscope
of the present moment--
piercing through my perception
of right/left conscious thought
moving so molten fast
wielding each side together seamlessly.
If you can think of a better title, I'm totally open for it.
 Dec 2012 Metallis
Kelly H
 Dec 2012 Metallis
Kelly H
Denial is a thing with such power.
Silence, movement; then it devours you.
I cannot see you now.
I cannot smell your skin
nor kiss you
nor love you
And yet
In my memory I will do all of these things.
Sweet torture, sweet torture
The swansong sings.
I must leave my life behind
The parents, the others, the I people I know,
But where will you be, my darling?
What will you do when I cry for you?
You cannot hear me across the tides.

I love you.

I pray you hear it in your memory.
My voice will whisper it in my sleep.
Maybe the wind will carry it on my dreams
to yours.
Hear me. Please, God. Don't forget me.
Have I ever mentioned everything I love about you?
Have I ever mentioned I get weak by the things you do?
You set a spark inside my soul,
You make me lose complete control.

And yet I can't speak,
I can't eat.
I get these butterflies
whenever I close my eyes.

You're so perfect that it hurts me
Because that perfection is something I'll never be.
You're so beautiful that I almost want to cry
and this love, I never want it to die.

And yet I can't see,
I can barely believe
that above all else,
you picked me.
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