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 Nov 2012 Metallis
 Nov 2012 Metallis
The things that upset  today are simply appalling.
One click of a button can send the someone clawing.
One tap of a finger: a sentence to the abyss.
What happened so horribly that it came down to this?
There's one thing that happened that's true and clear.
The world found media, my loveliest dear.
It corrupted and changed or outlook on life.
It made simple problems as sharp as a knife.
It cut through our smiles with baroque fibs of hate.
Now we are in so deep that it's simply too late.
We sprawl on a wide couch and we barely fit.
We just sit and we watch and we watch and we sit.
We go out and we buy.
We come home and we cry.
As we sink deeper each day.
As our bodies decay.
The quicksand grows thicker.
We start sinking quicker.
All thats left is a head.
We are practically dead.
The sand seeps through our ears.
We don't acknowledge our fears.
The future goes blank.
All the champagne's been drank.
And so comes the end.
Its all over, my friend.
Society's turned the bend.
Life is just a dead end.
Not a wound left to tend.
We are lost in the trend.
It's either fight or defend.
But it doesn't really matter...
Line 24 is purposely grammatically incorrect.

Apocalypse is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
 Nov 2012 Metallis
 Nov 2012 Metallis
I turn over

and watch myself fall

and the sea is furious

I feel no desire to swim

much worse than drowning,

there is nothing you can do

and worse,

nothing you want to do

I realize then

as I choke

I often feel like I’m sinking when I am not near water at all.

but then I remember

he is the sea

and he’s silently calling

to hold me forever

and as the land slowly slips away,

a sharp impulse fills my body, my mind

I feel as though I must leap

for if I do not

I know for certain I will fall

and a star shoots by

and somewhere a girl is coughing up water

His shore
it’s not screaming, its quiet,

calm and still…

like how the sea must appear from a star

yet he

more radical than any ocean could ever be.

completely silent.

but never empty.
 Nov 2012 Metallis
I wasn't given a perfect life.
No life that can be organized and easy.
I don't have a cookie-cutter life.
It will never be like theirs.

They all tease me for being busy.
I can't spare anytime.
They all think that I am lazy for not showing up on time.
They don't know the real reason why.

I never thought I was normal.
But they all know that now.
I never wanted to be normal.
That they don't know.

I wasn't given a perfect life.
No life that can be organized and easy.
I don't have a cookie-cutter life.
It will never be  like theirs.

So, now must I say that I am sorry?
For not having their life?
So, now should I beg for forgiveness?
Because I am different?

I won't say that I am sorry.
For not having a life like theirs.
I don't want their forgiveness.
I never wanted to be normal.

I wasn't given a perfect life.
No life that can be organized and easy.
I don't have a cookie-cutter life.
*It will never be like theirs.
 Nov 2012 Metallis
The worst feeling on Earth,
Is all too known.
But, no one else can ever know.
They won't understand
Because there are no bruises on my skin.
And that makes it easy
To believe that it is all in my head.

When you grow up,
Through a blanket of tears,
Always hiding,
Loved ones being your worst fears,
With memories of being hurt and confused,
Suddenly there is a lot more out there to fear.

As a child, always crying myself to sleep.
Today not ever letting out a tear.
Much too weak to always hold it in,
But too used to it to break.

The problem with this is that it's too hard to hate.
If I could I'd be out that door.
Away from here, all alone.
That would be okay with me,
As long as it would never find me.

Watching the one you care the most about,
Cry and sob until they shake.
Scratch marks down their back
And tears down their face.

While you will quickly learn to hurt,
Faster than anything else.
Maybe you will get help.
Unlike me.
But there is so little proof for this.
After all, emotions have no face.
It was the hour of dawn,
When the heart beats thin and small,
The window glimmered grey,
Framed in a shadow wall.

And in the cold sad light
Of the early morningtide,
The dear dead girl came back
And stood by his beside.

The girl he lost came back:
He saw her flowing hair;
It flickered and it waved
Like a breath in frosty air.

As in a steamy glass,
Her face was dim and blurred;
Her voice was sweet and thin,
Like the calling of a bird.

'You said that you would come,
You promised not to stay;
And I have waited here,
To help you on the way.

'I have waited on,
But still you bide below;
You said that you would come,
And oh, I want you so!

'For half my soul is here,
And half my soul is there,
When you are on the earth
And I am in the air.

'But on your dressing-stand
There lies a triple key;
Unlock the little gate
Which fences you from me.

'Just one little pang,
Just one throb of pain,
And then your weary head
Between my ******* again.'

In the dim unhomely light
Of the early morningtide,
He took the triple key
And he laid it by his side.

A pistol, silver chased,
An open hunting knife,
A phial of the drug
Which cures the ill of life.

He looked upon the three,
And sharply drew his breath:
'Now help me, oh my love,
For I fear this cold grey death.'

She bent her face above,
She kissed him and she smiled;
She soothed him as a mother
May sooth a frightened child.

'Just that little pang, love,
Just a throb of pain,
And then your weary head
Between my ******* again.'

He snatched the pistol up,
He pressed it to his ear;
But a sudden sound broke in,
And his skin was raw with fear.

He took the hunting knife,
He tried to raise the blade;
It glimmered cold and white,
And he was sore afraid.

He poured the potion out,
But it was thick and brown;
His throat was sealed against it,
And he could not drain it down.

He looked to her for help,
And when he looked -- behold!
His love was there before him
As in the days of old.

He saw the drooping head,
He saw the gentle eyes;
He saw the same shy grace of hers
He had been wont to prize.

She pointed and she smiled,
And lo! he was aware
Of a half-lit bedroom chamber
And a silent figure there.

A silent figure lying
A-sprawl upon a bed,
With a silver-mounted pistol
Still clotted to his head.

And as he downward gazed,
Her voice came full and clear,
The homely tender voice
Which he had loved to hear:

'The key is very certain,
The door is sealed to none.
You did it, oh, my darling!
And you never knew it done.

'When the net was broken,
You thought you felt its mesh;
You carried to the spirit
The troubles of the flesh.

'And are you trembling still, dear?
Then let me take your hand;
And I will lead you outward
To a sweet and restful land.

'You know how once in London
I put my griefs on you;
But I can carry yours now--
Most sweet it is to do!

'Most sweet it is to do, love,
And very sweet to plan
How I, the helpless woman,
Can help the helpful man.

'But let me see you smiling
With the smile I know so well;
Forget the world of shadows,
And the empty broken shell.

'It is the worn-out garment
In which you tore a rent;
You tossed it down, and carelessly
Upon your way you went.

'It is not you, my sweetheart,
For you are here with me.
That frame was but the promise of
The thing that was to be--

'A tuning of the choir
Ere the harmonies begin;
And yet it is the image
Of the subtle thing within.

'There's not a trick of body,
There's not a trait of mind,
But you bring it over with you,
Ethereal, refined,

'But still the same; for surely
If we alter as we die,
You would be you no longer,
And I would not be I.

'I might be an angel,
But not the girl you knew;
You might be immaculate,
But that would not be you.

'And now I see you smiling,
So, darling, take my hand;
And I will lead you outward
To a sweet and pleasant land,

'Where thought is clear and nimble,
Where life is pure and fresh,
Where the soul comes back rejoicing
From the mud-bath of the flesh

'But still that soul is human,
With human ways, and so
I love my love in spirit,
As I loved him long ago.'

So with hands together
And fingers twining tight,
The two dead lovers drifted
In the golden morning light.

But a grey-haired man was lying
Beneath them on a bed,
With a silver-mounted pistol
Still clotted to his head.
 Nov 2012 Metallis
Linda SK Smith
Old tears tell long stories...
Stories of memories
Stories of pain
Stories of days gone
One can never regain

Stories of children
born and grown
stories of lovers
come and gone

Stories of dreams
that never came near
Stories of fights
forgotten over the years

Stories of hopes
yet to fulfill
Stories of time
gone over the hill

Old tears fall from dimmer eyes
Old tears fall from hearts grown wise
Old tears fall with knowing glances
Falling now and still she dances.
The birch leaf whispers
Telling the wind
The secret of
How it feels
To push your roots
Through layers of soft and rock hard soil
Seeking earth’s core.

The hummingbird whispers
Telling the flowers
The secret of
How it feels
To hover, pulsing wings
Stroking swiftly in figure eights
Seeking infinity

The lotus whispers
Telling the deep dense mud
The secret of
How it feels
To push ever upward
Reaching through murky water
Seeking the sun

The cattail whispers
Telling the red wing blackbird
The secret of
How it feels
To taunt the reeds
With ******* seed heads
Seeking fertile ground

We whisper
Telling each other
The secret of
How it feels
To please each other
Starting with a kiss
Seeking connection
 Nov 2012 Metallis
Whilst I lay in the dark,
Wind whistles against
I used to sneak out then in those.
With your aftertaste on my lips
And fingers still trembling-
Closing the latch,
And climbing into
Empty sheets.
You were:
First kiss,
Not first touch.
You were:
Freshly picked roses,
And numb hands.
You were:
Everything good
On paper.
Only that.
 Nov 2012 Metallis
Chris Gower
I don’t care,
That you don’t care,
About caring about
What I care for.

And you know what?
I don’t care that
You won’t care for
the only thing that I really
care for.

What if I care about
cake? Would you not
care about cake?

Would you not care

You care about cake, of course you do.
I can see it in your eyes and by
that tell tale dribble at your mouth.
Cake is something that will
make your legs quake with
butter cream goodness.

A good cake baked,
makes you proud to be
a cake baking citizen in
a country that will let you
bake cake.

So what if I care about
democracy. Would you not
care about democracy?
Would you let people live
in fear of the **** of a gun,
Would you care that there
are those who are on the run
from tyranny and violence
who know pain and loss,
that you could only
wake up from,
in a cold sweat?
As you turn and toss
in your memory foam bed.

There is more happening on this Earth
Then cake.
There are greater causes
than choosing between
Thortons Double Chocolate Celebration
and that traditional Victoria Sponge your
Mother-in-law won in a raffle last week.

The struggle humanity faces, is to live
in harmony with each other.
It cannot be resolved with cake.
You cannot bring democracy
to a country with cake.
Or can we?

What if we swapped,
Non radar detectable aircraft
For dairy delectable foodcraft,
What if we swapped
12inch shells for
12 thousand babybels?
What if we stole
RPGs and gave back
MSG’s (they’re less harmful
in the long run, if thrown at you).

What if, for once, everyone cared.
And then we’d get somewhere.
Every voice in every home
Would not be a voice alone,
And for once, we’d all agree about the fact
we like cake and democracy for all.
I wrote this poem with performance in mind, although the layout is still considered and reasoned.
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