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She is so beautiful,
You don’t get tired looking at her.
Even when she has tears streaming down her face,
Or when you see her just after she’s gotten out of bed in the morning.

You never worry if she is smarter than you,
You know she is.
She doesn’t even have to study the work to get an A.
But you can’t get jealous,
You’re just amazed.

She is funny without ever being mean.
She would never hurt anyone,
No matter how much they hurt her.
No matter how much pain is caused,
She’ll try her best to wake up with a smile on her face.

I love her.
She makes my heart ache is ways I didn’t even know.
I love her.
I am so lucky to love her,
Van Houten.

You don’t get to chose if you get hurt in this world, old man,
But you do have a say in who hurts you.
I like my choices,
I hope she likes hers.

What else?
You’ll never find anyone like her.
 Jun 2015 Maxwell
Life's a blank canvas and the artist's sometimes not you, but those who once came into you.

Some have sparks so blinding you almost forget the charred mess they made; some have hands so warm you couldn't resist memorising every contours of their palms that you almost would make a replica of them; some leave lines so intricate yet untraceable you wonder if they were supposed to be maps that lead to somewhere.

Learn to draw on your own and draw for your own. Paint all that is intangible and paint all that you that you could hold. Remember that no one could love you better than you do.
 Jun 2015 Maxwell
Ivy Smith
I'm Fine
 Jun 2015 Maxwell
Ivy Smith
"I'm fine," she says with a halfhearted grin.
"I'm fine," she says again, waving away a helpful hand.
"I'm fine," she says to herself, several minutes later.
"I'm fine," she whispers, wiping her face.
She's not fine.

"I'm fine," she says moments after the cry leaves her lips.
"I'm fine," she says to herself, sinking to the floor.
"I'm fine," she tells herself, shaking in a ball.
"I'm fine," she repeats, picking up the razorblade.
She's not fine.

"I'm fine," she says to her concerned family.
"I'm fine," she insists as those who love her worry.
"I'm fine," she says to anyone who listens.
"I'm fine," she lies as she slices her wrists.
She's not fine.

"I'm fine," she cries, sobbing on the bathroom floor.
"I'm fine," she wails, but only in a whisper.
"I'm fine," she mutters, watching the blood leave her wrist.
"I'm fine," she practices, stepping from the room.
She's not fine.

"I'm fine," she assures the world outside.
 Jun 2015 Maxwell
The other day,
a man driving on the wrong side of the road
crashed into a pick up truck, killing himself instantly.
It reminds me of how you'll leave.
Lately, I've found myself drifting onto the left lane
and it makes me wonder about all of the people
that have died this way,
if they just couldn't tell their left from their right
or if they, too, were trying to go back to the past.
 Jun 2015 Maxwell
Once I had a friend,
So tall and so fair.
She was beautiful,
and kind.

She was everything,
that I wanted to be.
But I knew that,
I could never.

We were a legendary pair,
Her the kind,beautiful one.
Me the slightly annoying but,
always made you laugh one.

I though we would never part,
I dreamed of being at her wedding.
I knew of all that not only we,
but all that she could do.

But, now, we've drifted.
A chasm separating two forces.
One good force,
And one, not so much.

And it's because of me,
All because of me.
For even the greatest of forces,
has a weak link.

I was that link,
The force of destruction.
And chaos,
And so, so much hate.

For as I said,
She was the amazing one.
And I,..
Not so much.

So I gave up,
I fought it.
I spewed words of hate,
In a moment of weakness.

I hurt her,
I lost her.
And now I'm alone.
Alone with my hate and bitterness.

But, I don't regret it,
For it had to be this way.
For the only way for her to fly,
was for me to get off her wings.

And while I loved her so,
I was bound to hurt her.
So in a way,
Maybe this was better.

Now she can be free,
Free from hurt.
She can fly,
Now that I'm done.

But I so desperately need to tell her,
That I am sorry for it all.
I'm sorry for the moments of hurt,
For the pain that I caused her.

I know that it doesn't make it better,
That it never goes away,
But, maybe this is better,
At least there's no more pain.

And while I say "I'm Sorry.",
I also have a hope,
That maybe someday she can say,
"Once I had a friend"
This is for you. Maybe you someday forgive me. I'm sorry.
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