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 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Ann M Johnson
I remember running down the halls in high school while people shouted, that I should try out for track
The reason that I ran so fast and no one had my back was my bully
It was not just his words I feared though his words often made me feel ill
I got the chills when he tried to set me on fire ,when I had on a dress my sister made for me
I tried to report it to a respected teacher at school, who said that he could not help it, because he lost his mom
I still felt that something was wrong about this teacher's logic
I reported it to my sister and the bully's lighter got taken away
I got harassed by the bully and his friends about his lighter being taken away, they called me a Narc
I felt better though that I talked about it, instead of hiding it inside
It felt right to shed some light and make it know that bullying is wrong
I recently heard on the news, now bully's have a new tool, via text and online cyber bully
A 12 year old girl recently took her own life after a few girls bullied her for a number of month's.
I think those girls should be charged with a crime as if they murdered her. It was not right that they took away her self esteem and confidence till she felt like she could not take it anymore
She gave up the fight, I wonder if her parents knew and I wonder if the other girl's parent's knew what they were up to when they bullied her
I wish this tragic event could have been avoided I feel for the parents loss
People need to know that bullying comes with a great cost, one's life which is priceless
I saw the story on the news which saddened me, and it brought up some memories of when i was bullied
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Chantel Galdo
He always loved her
The first time he saw her, he knew he would love
The way her eyes glimmered
Her hair as dark as his mind
Long enough he could bury his sadness in it
He longed for her, he could feel it instantly
But no
No, he couldn't
He could never bring someone into the depths of hell where his soul lingered
If he dragged her down, she would never make it back to the surface
At least not with her sanity
But she was so beautiful
Something he had never seen before
She wasn't safe
She didn't know
Every time he looked at her he could feel himself falling,
He knew he would never stop
She could feel it
It only took one glance
And she was gone
And then he felt it
Oh what a wonderful feeling it must be
To find someone who has it just as bad as you do
So tainted, so ruined, so dark
How glorious to finally find someone
Who's demons play nice with yours
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Timothy Mooney
There are stairs
And sloped roads
And hills
And blind curves
And switch-backs
And dead-ends....
Sometimes there are
Twinkies and hot chocolate.
And comfy chairs.
And Pop-Cycles.
And low-gravity days.
Sometimes "Sometimes" is
Worth it.
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
I cheat and you cheat but it's never the same. We're too much alike so it's all fair game. I cheat because I'm needy and you cheat because you're greedy. I'm not gonna want you....when you act like you don't need me.

I'll go through your phone or it'll fall in my lap. I don't say anything for a week then it builds up and I snap. You find out I found out and you look like you wanna die. I lower my voice. "Who is she? How many times and please don't lie." You grab me by the waist as I look in your eyes. You start to apologize and I start to cry.

I can't be mad. But it hurts so bad...because no one will ever love you as much as I do.

But I can't be mad. And it's hurting so bad...because no one could ever treat you worse than I do.

You're lying to me saying that she only ****** your ****. The anger is festering inside me and it's literally making me sick. I run to the bathroom and I throw up. Because I'm tired of this...and I wish that you would grow up.

Your concerned act is deceiving. I know you'll do it again and you know I'm not leaving. But I don't kick you out because I want you to feel bad. Lay next to me while I silently cry for the rest of the evening.

It hurts so bad and it makes me so mad...because no one will ever love you as much as I do.

But it makes me so sad and I feel so bad....because you don't know all of the things that I do.
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Come back
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
You suddenly appeared
and showed me something new.
You told me that you’re different
and that I could trust a boy like you.

My walls soon collapsed
then I began to fall.
During my lonely days,
it was your name my heart would call.

I waited for you to arrive
but you never did.
That’s the moment I realised
You had a secret side you cleverly hid.

I built my walls back up again
But still haven’t managed to fill up the cracks
I guess if I had to be really honest
I’m waiting for you to come back.
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Shawn Gonzalez
The Idea
That life is terrible
The Notion
Life can be better
The Reality
There will be pain
The Illusion
That no one cares
The Truth
There will be People who do care
The Search
May take forever
The Victory
Will Last Forever.
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
I fell to pieces
And was never quite whole
I couldn’t clean up the mess
And it took its toll

This however, caused no surprise
Nor that it was him who broke me
The boy with the beautiful eyes

What took me off guard
What threw me off a cliff
Is that you were the one
supposed help me through this

And now you’re with him
And I really am alone
I’m happy you’re happy
Maybe I should have known

And I don’t want to say betrayal
And I don’t want to say let down
Just don’t promise me you’ll be there
When you’re there to help me drown
I still don't blame you
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