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 Oct 2013 Lunarian
Tim Knight
maps don't exist for
the hardest routes,
instead only for those green diamond
lines playing over manuscript flat paper,
long like flutes extending out over and up
mountain ridges, down across narrow
beaches leading to fisherman rooftops
taking hits from the ocean in front.

We must make our own way lost,
ending up somewhere ill and icy,
dressed up in the frost in nothing but socks, unwashed
from the running, screaming grace from the
it's a place most won't meet, won't want to meet,
but will nevertheless greet with wide open, French patio door
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
James Mellin
Days fade .... lonely nights without a single star.
I stare at the ceiling sharpening my blade
and waiting in the dark..
You murdered my mind and took my love.
You'll believe my hands are tied, well I promise YOU
Father I'll take back what's mine.

You are a book without it's ink
I cry and cry pleading for someone
that could make me whole but I suppose
its not enough to make you think.

Fake smiles and hollow words is all you taught me daddy..
can't you see you have paved a road that's morbid and saddening?

Blow out my smile do it for the broken and the vile..
***** the flame as your love decays.

Your eyes are so demeaning
I have to pretend that I'm blind
to keep myself from seeing.
Don't do this dear Father your'e meant to be my Martyr.

Life without purpose
death without meaning
is this the life we have chosen
one without feeling?

I wait for the day the day when you see what you have sold....
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
"Hi, Therese."
I say it when I go to water my plants in the sunny window
And there stuck in the cords of my dreamcatcher
I notice the little husks of the white flowers you picked for me
Back when the nights weren't even that chilly.
I feel it all again,
And now that I have forgiven your utter silence I have no defense
Against my need to connect.
And the words spill out-
"Hi, Therese."
And it's really not much at all,
Except that they continue in my head all day long.
When I pass by a spot where I saw you
Or when something momentarily triggers a memory
In my head,
"Hi, Therese."
Soft and wistful and more tender than I would like to admit.
Sometimes at night before I go to sleep,
I rest my fingers on the crumbling pedals of those flowers
Just softly,
So that none of their dust trickles down the wall,
And I say to you the things I imagine people say to God before they sleep.
I have never been one for God.
He has never been one for me, either,
And so I have come to see divinity in people, instead.
It isn't a choice, really,
It's just that when I am in dire circumstances, sad, or lonely,
I do not speak to the sky,
I speak to the memory of somebody I would blot it out for.
Sometimes I am ashamed.
But the effect you've had
Reverberates through my life in waves.
I can't explain just why,
Just like I can't explain why I've never thought there was a heaven.
(i found it in your arms. i found hell there, as well. i think they are
two sides
of the same coin.)
I only know that I cannot hold loving you.
It spills out of me at random little times,
And pulls at my carefully mended seams,
And tugs on my carefully chained heart.
So sometimes when I walk into my room and it's sunny and quiet
And I stand by the window watching green leaves eat up the light,
I say very quietly,
"Hi, Therese."
And I feel a little bit less upended.
And really
What choice have I but to speak to you like you're God
When you are as absent
And as essential?
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
James Mellin
I can fake a smile.
I can pretend that I'm okay ....
but I'm only in denial.
My hearts been chained I've been imprisoned by shame..

I'm fine F for forsaken
I for insecure
N for neurotic
and E for EMPTY.

A few more ****
a couple more beers
and I'll be able to ignore my pain till Tomorrow
that doesn't change the fact that I'm Hollow.

Caught between empty sheets I lie
awake and think of a way so I can
drown in your tranquil eyes..

The grass will never be greener my heartstrings
tug at a brighter tomorrow.

A few more lonely nights a couple more mind numbing days
and I just might live to see the light without its enemy, sorrow.

Tears run down my cheek today my dear but I'll never blame
maybe tomorrow I'll learn to live without the pain....

Caught between empty sheets the monsters inside my mind
will surely haunt me ,the more the better all
I have to do is understand your honest letter...
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
 Oct 2013 Lunarian
i could
write a book
on the things
i feel about you
or make a song
out of the way you
pull and pluck
at my heart strings
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