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 Nov 2013 Lunarian
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
I am afraid.
I know the odds are against me.
I have doubts. I have so many doubts.
But I offer you my bare wrists.
I offer you my whole heart.
I offer you my body
And my mind.
I believe that to receive what you wish for more than anything in the world
You have to be willing to risk everything you have.
So here, I risk it.
I lay on the table the darkest days of my life
And the possibility that they will happen all over again.
I surrender my pride, and my logic, and my suspicion.
I hold nothing. I present it all.
I strip myself of the armor I use to fend off feeling.
Because the bottom line is that faith
Is the biggest risk you can take.
I am full of thoughts whirring like gears in a motor,
Full of doubt like ice water,
But faith is not about being sure.
Faith is about knowing that everything could crash down
And deciding that there is something you need to love
More than you need to be ready for that fall.
This is my decision. This is my show of faith.
I offer my bare wrists to this world
And if it demands a blood sacrifice,
I will be unsurprised.
But if there is even the smallest chance
That someday I will hold you in my arms
It is worth the risk.
It is worth every risk.
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
Salt Water
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
He led me to the water
said just put in your toes
feel the wave wash over you
and let your demons go.

It drags my insecurities
swiftly out to sea
takes them to the bottom
and drowns them all beneath.

Dig my toes in deeper,
sand swallows my feet whole ;
he knows what this place does for me
it patches up my soul.
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
I'm gold and platinum
Then why do I feel like the mud, stucked under your ride's hooves?

You say you're a king?
Then I just became your crown,

Don't cast me in the box of your jewellery,
For I'm sparkly and shiny by nature,

On your head you should carry me,
Don't mistreat me with thick dust and dirt,

But if you wouldn't, if you can't, if you don't want to,
The farther you put me down,

The more I ****** your gold and glitters,
Before I vanish into thin air
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
Jail cell
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
People always ask me why I never attend school
I want to tell them "I'm too emotionally vacant to care"
"I know I'm not destined for great things" I'd announce
"I'll be dead before I'm 20,
I have no kids to look forward to
and no desire to marry"
So why should I spend 13 years of my life cooped up
Learning the value of x
when I cant even find value in waking up in the morning.
 Nov 2013 Lunarian
I traded you for popularity
And all I've got is a pocket full of mumbles
Whisper me into your heart beat
I've got no where else to be
These shoes won't shine much longer
Please click your heels
Bring me home Dorothy

I am Japan in these tidal waves of missing you
These scars
Constant reminders that drunken nights have drown me in the memory of your 5 o clock shadow
You have enough heart for the tin man,too
Click your heels
Bring us home Dorothy

Straighten your straw spine
Fill a mason jar with secrets
Click your ******* heels
Come home Dorothy
Following this yellow brick road without a map isn't easy

There's no place like home
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