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 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Lola Roe
He's got darkness in his eyes,
Like Jackson in disguise,
He's tall and wide,
Someone not easy to hide,
He's got dried out lips,
Lips you'd dread to kiss.
He's got black hair in his nose,
Yellow crust between his toes,
He's got veins on his thighs
That beer belly type of guy...

He is strong and powerful,
He made me feel so small,
He was going to **** me,
He wouldn't let me free,
He pressed his skin on mine,
I let out a loud cry.
No one could hear me,
No one saved me!


I speak no more.
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Allen Wilbert
Bi-Polar Man

In the darkest evening hours,
arose a man with special powers.
Stop a fast moving car,
uproot the biggest tree,
float like a butterfly,
sting like a bee.
Climb the highest mountain,
swim the deepest sea,
Drinks from the youth fountain,
the luxury of being free.
Take advantage, it only lasts a few days,
in walks depression, and its wicked ways.
No fun to crash and burn,
not knowing which way to turn.
Sleep all day, awake crying all night,
battle the struggle, with all your might.
Afraid to leave your own house,
too lazy to catch a pestering mouse.
Then the powers suddenly come back,
now it's time for the returning attack.
Playing Frogger on a busy street,
for the high score, you compete.
Jump the tallest building,
faster than a private jet,
dreams and goals, you're fulfilling,
spending money, bills you forget.
Once again, you start to crash,
head you begin to bash.
You are bi-polar man,
never was part of the plan.
One day happy, next day sad,
Now you're laughing, then you're mad.
Mood changes on the drop of a dime,
no perception of day or time.
On a schedule of pill taking,
these habits, no chance of breaking.
I happen to be a bi-polar man,
just doing whatever I can.
We never spoke in person after you asked me out. It lasted a week. You called me "it". You're going places now.

2. Sorry, I never really wanted you.

3. I thought I loved you. You were my first kiss in a movie theater arcade. You probably liked her all along. I was never the same after you.

4. I was your biggest mistake. You listened to music I pretended I had heard of and you played video games I pretended to be interested in. I have a soft spot for you.

5. You're my favorite almost. You're still nice to look at.

6. You fell in love with my best friend. You were my #9 to her. I hope you regret it.

7. You called me "baby" and said you loved me two days in. I don't think you know anything about me besides my name.

8. You let me sing you to sleep once. To everyone else, we were perfect. I didn't love you as much as I wanted to.

9. You're the nightmares. You are the broken pencil, the torn pages. You were my first everything. My first train wreck. You're a narcissist and I'm basically the anti-Christ to you. It's all been said before. I'm still not sorry.

10. You kissed me too soon. When you gave me your sweatshirt in the rain I saw how good you were. I hope you still have big dreams. I hope it didn't hurt when I never texted back.

11. I broke my phone and we didn't speak for a few days. By the time I was back on twitter you were already with someone else.

12. I was drunk. Delete my number.

13. You're unconquerable. I still question how badly I wanted you, maybe I just wanted to be the one that stayed. But I stayed. You're more than I can ever convey into words. I'm sorry we never really got to fall in love.

14. I don't remember half the night. I'm glad we had one day to forget.

15. You're a stranger. Maybe we've already met. Maybe I've known you my whole life. Maybe you live across the planet. Maybe you've always been close. Whoever you are, you're #15, and I hope I don't crush you. (Please don't crush me).
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Bell McCabe
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Bell McCabe
I panicked.

My brain attacked today.

It attacked my lungs,

Stupid sharp whistling sounds.

I looked out of control.

But I felt aware,

that I wasn’t breathing,

that I was attacking myself again.

It attacked my heart,

terrifying skipping stones in my chest.

Whipped one by one,

Muffled blows in my breast.

I panicked.

I looked out of control but I was aware,

of the guilt,

of what will drag along with me.

I can’t be freed from fault,

It’s not the way.

Because I panic;

is why I don’t relate,

is how I cleanse.

Fright being necessary,

like a dream

where you muscle tone fails you,

I was paralyzed.

My knuckles hit the laminate –

again, again, again.

But I don’t move.

Feeling my bicep twitch,

Feeling my throat raw,

My mouth wide open,

But I don’t make a sound.

Because I panic.

The power inside,

will never translate,

to the outside.

People may see flickers,

of insanity in my eyes.

They may see me tighten up.

They may seem me strain and ease.

But I will never translate.

Until it snaps,

Until I no longer attack myself.

Until I no longer panic.

Until I bellow,

Until I howl,

Until I wail,

Until I swing and connect.

Until it attacks outwardly,

Instead of inwardly.
Panic attacks are typically experienced by everyone at least once in their lifetime. They can last several minutes and can be very frightening. If you are experiencing panic attacks more often I urge you to reach out to a close friend or family member. You can seek free counselling in your community or speak to a trusted healthcare professional. For more information:
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Terry O'Leary
I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(the reasons why you’ll never know),
whisked away in winter’s winds, your sleeping sighs remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Well, I’ve often made my way
within the dark before the day,
but it’s never that I’ve ever felt this lonely.
So I leave this parting note,
the first farewell I ever wrote,
though these lines embody more than farewell only.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go,
’n what I’ll find you’ll never know,
concealed in clouds of untamed clover, tussled hair reminds me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Alas, my love has grown too strong
for I’ve lain with you so long
with your every need perceived, though never spoken.
’n as I try to disengage,
I’m like a tiger in a cage,
hesitating ’fore a padlock hanging broken.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(across a bridge you’ll never know),
to quench abandoned burning hills, your yearning lips remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Should you wake and shed a tear
finding me no longer here,
save your weeping for another, not so ghostly.
’n if you scan the spangled sky,
as you ache when asking why,
realize ’twas really you I wanted mostly.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(reshuffling cards you’ll never know),
defying fate beneath the stars, your diamond eyes remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Shun the shadows in the late
disappearing through your gate,
aghast and groping through their early morning sorrows,
like the echoes of my thought,
flitting, fleeting, overwrought,
as reflected in the realms of vague tomorrows.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(’n what I’ll see you’ll never know),
pursuing pebbles on a beach, your freckled nose reminds me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Should you glimpse a troubled form
within a restless ruby storm,
turn your collar 'gainst the wind and never follow.
For by then it’s much too late
(yes the distance far too great)
and you’d only find the feathers of a swallow.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(along a road you’ll never know),
adrift on half-forbidden paths, your slender back reminds me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Should you yearn once more to tease,
unleash your breath upon a breeze
’n let the whispered winds of yesterday caress me,
and perchance recall the time
(when our love was in its prime),
I relied upon your laughter to possess me.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(’n it’s so hard you’ll never know),
entwined in twirls of fortune’s wheel, embracing arms remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Once I was yours and you were mine
sipping pearls of purple wine –
except these haunting hints, there’ll be no spectres chasing.
’n if the flashbacks grow acute,
I’ll strum the strings upon my lute
subduing bygone ancient ghosts, still standing, facing.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go,
’n what I’ll hear you’ll never know,
though echoed in a thousand drums, your throbbing ******* remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Well, the candle by my side
has now melted down and died,
though its fire blazes on within the mirror.
And the clock behind the door
is throbbing, pounding with a roar,
as my moment to depart approaches nearer.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(along a shore you’ll never know),
engulfed in deep and distant tides, your restless thighs remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

But I’ll take along the ring,
the one you carved for me in spring,
though it journeyed as an orphan on my finger.
And I’ll hang it from my neck
while I ***** a lonesome trek,
as a keepsake of your ardor, while it lingers.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go
(’n what I’ll see you’ll never know),
immersed in fields of flowers wild, your amber eyes remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
phantom memories a’ chasing close behind me.

Now I’ll kiss your sleeping eyes
ere I mount the blushing skies
as I bid farewell, adieu, in morning’s splendour.
Then I’ll fade within the haze,
immured in miles of my own maze
as I wander, breaking chains of love’s surrender.

I’m on my way, I’ve got to go,
’n when I rue you’ll never know
the pulsing passions of the past and shadows that remind me.
And I’ll ramble where I please,
sometimes slipping to my knees,
till the phantoms start a’ fading far behind me.
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Infamous one
The game has changed all the bs rules girls make
Its a game but I break the rules
Im simple I know what I want
Girls claim to be over their over the ex
But everything you do reminds of him
Im over healing them till something better comes along
Im over being emotionally invested with a person who thinks about someone else
Im friends with the damaged girls I see their potential but their broken heart side lines them.
Ive been hurt but mostly over being the other guy.
I fall in love she friend zones me or cant be my friend.
She falls in love but always makes me into a project trying to change me.
I didnt hurt you dont treat me bad
She praises the guy who hurt her
She wants him back like hes the one who got away
He chose to leave stop waiting move on
Guys who try get ignored for someone who dont want you
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Jonny Angel
Like lightning it hit me,
those true colors
so revealing.
The next
flavor of the month
ain't ice cream,
it's real flesh & blood,
sensitive-skin &
you're tasting.
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Jonny Angel
I saw lot's of gold men
strutting out in the desert,
spinning themselves
like drunken madmen
warped on internal-sin.
They fell at your feet
like arcade-magic,
the way you want it.

But you gave it away
to the whole team.
So sultry & wanton,
cravings, cravings, cravings,
screaming such sexiness,
scheming your selfish desires,
another everybody's girl,
saving nothing &
not much left to give.
Thanks BJ~You said it like it is & always was!
I hear some music
muffled away
in the dark
evening sky.

And I get the feeling
that I want to
love more
than hate.
For all the people who have known me, know what a ****** up spiteful year 2013 was.

Reading this, I feel positive myself.

My resolution for 2014: Run with both legs tied together. Eyes shut. And arms open.
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