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 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Miranda Renea
Everybody talks about depression as if they know it.
Like they can feel the blood dripping down their skin,
And they know the sick thought of "Oh -- look how beautiful the red is."
(They always say red is my color.)

As if they laid on their bed for hours on end,
Salt tracks lining their face like the scars on their ankles,
Because tears just won't come anymore.
As if they know staring at their ceiling, tracing patterns in the paint
And thinking "Maybe if I stay here awhile longer, I'll go away --
I'll cease to exist" because they're past the point of suicidal thoughts --
Accepting death in life with this hole in their chest and thinking
Death is a reward, an escape from this pain I deserve to feel.

I know depression. The kind that goes unnoticed --
The kind that takes the metal from a hair tie and not cuts --
But scrapes at the skin on her arm, lying on her bed,
Tears not yet dried up with a mother screaming "MONSTER"
Outside of her door.
I know the kind that cuts on her ankles, not her wrists,
Because she's scared she'll get in trouble but she
Desperately needs to be seen.
And never is.

I know depression. The kind that stops cutting because
She gives up hope that she ever will be.
The kind that accepts being alone, that accepts the pain
Like a gift because she deserves it -- that didn't smile for a year,
That went so far into herself that she forgot what connection was like
Not that she ever knew in the first place because

I know a depression that's always been there.
That started some time before the age of 10 but
She can't remember because the monster inside her chest
Stole those years, those memories.
And that monster took the place of every connection she might have felt --
Stopped it, muted it, because it wanted to be her sole companion.
So it was, and has been for 19 years.

And no one ever knew. Or --
They did, but they'd call her crazy.
Demented. Pathetic. A creep. Tell her she had no right --
That because she had a family, a home, money, whatever,
Because of this, her pain was irrelevant.
Fake - selfish - vain - wrong - she hadn't earned it -
So no one cared.

I know that depression.
3rd slam piece, still a work in progress.
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Megan McBryde
Riding with the wind

too alive to slow down

to afraid to speed up

don't let me fall let me fly

toward the sky, and the sun

and me and the firing star will become one

lying on the ground

to tired to get up

to afraid to fall asleep for I will have bad dreams

decompose me into the earth

and let me become one with the soil that has been walked by many great beings

let me join my mother nature again

so she can rejoice with her child

so we can dance forever
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Jonny Angel
Write me something epic,
pour your soul
into inked stanzas,
help me to feel your heartbeat,
make me understand
what makes you tick,
see the starlight
in your veins.

I'm not insane
so use any words you like,
I can read.
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Infamous one
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Infamous one
Idk my purpose or destiny
Ive always felt I played a major role
I can change the world make it a better place
Not trying to be anyone but me and much more
Everyday I surpass negative people I dont let their attitude bring me down.
I dont let my struggle consume me
I've always been me rise above it all
Im fighting back flipping off those doubters
The haters who tried to keep me down
Those who told me I couldnt I see them and plan to destroy them with my success.
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Skeptic Tank
As if to walk away from Hell, he paces,
Going the opposite of anywhere,
Escaping from his fellow fickle faces.
Yet, he can't escape himself, his master,
The one humanity had best beware--
He's a supernatural disaster.
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Jonny Angel
We've been told all our lives
how short all of this,
things will be over
before we know it,
will be gone in a flash,
in the blink of an eye.

After a billion
or more years,
the universe
is still expanding.
Everybody needs a muse
to hold onto
before it's too late.

Kiss me until the end...
 Jan 2014 Lunarian
Lola Roe
Stars in my eyes,
Shining bright,
Enchanted by the world,
So crystal clear and white,

I saw beauty in the world,
Never feared of the unknown,
Always believed in happiness,
Never dreamt of being alone,

I dreamed of castles and jewels,
Dancing and smiles,
In a pink princess dress,
And walking down the aisle,

I was a young girl,
In a world too big for her eyes,
In world with more bad than beauty,
More people stupid than wise,

I grew to learn through mistakes,
Mistakes that took the shine,
Darkness over took me,
And left only disappoint in my eyes,

I believed the people around me,
Enough for them to bring me down,
Everyone against me,
No longer a little princess with a crown,

What i never understood,
Was why do people crush your dreams?
What is wrong with believing,
In all unlikely things.

See there's no harm in hope,
No harm in being happy and free,
No harm in dancing,
And filling the world with glee.

There is no reason to be sad,
There is no need to hide your heart,
The little child inside you,
Should have stayed with you from the start.

Forget all of the bad,
The heartache and the pain,
Remember to when you was seven,
When their was nothing to explain,

Everything was easy,
You enjoyed the ride,
Life was a playground,
And you had *stars in your eyes
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