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Louise Aug 2014

I knew I was so very lost
consistently trying to find my way
knowing if I'd turned a blind eye
I wouldn't have known I couldn't stay

The journey was very confusing
so I just headed towards the sun
Ignoring my changing direction
not realising I had come undone

Trudging further into chaos
praying I'd be set on the right path
I know I'm always running away
and never getting ahead of my past

Collapsing from the path
my spirit seemed to quit on me
or had I chosen to forget it
amidst my temporary insanity

It didn't seem to matter though
I'd reached a particular state of mind
top of the rocks at the bottom
without friend, mate or guide

You raised your face and held out a hand
I could see you clearly, at last and so near
your eyes spoke of our younger love
so many days ago, so many years

Hope was lit up inside of me
a certainty once again
I thought you had already left me once
but really you were always there
my husband, my friend

written a long time ago. he's always there but im a little broken and had forgotten that
Louise Apr 2014
I need to say Goodbye
but to whom I'm not sure
Soothing a pain in my heart
wondering if there is a cure
Feel I've lost a love
although I don't know where
Sitting peaceful and still
searching for a memory somewhere
Wandering away from reality
into the extend of my mind
Is it respite or retreat?
Pulled firmly by my heart I find
Not sure how long I'm absent
or if all of me returned
Yearning for lost memories
that contained all I had learned
Louise Jul 2014

If you were the last thing
that I ever saw
before my eyes
I would know
that I was loved

For Brian who always seems to love me unconditionally
Louise Aug 2014
Locked in this frightening place
it's a nightmare yet I'm awake
All alone,  how long has it been?
Not sure how much I can take

Forgetting who I can call
can't even remember their names
I still can't tell how long it's been
Have I been like this for days?

Reflections in the mirror
they seem to be mocking me
I want to escape this place
but it's a condition called Dementia you see

Starting off with a direction
then losing all idea of my plan
sometimes I'm just in my own world
not worrying about who I am

At the end of each exhausting day
during darkness and a thousand chills
my reality is again tainted
brutally bending my mind further still
I wrote this from the perspective of someone suffering from Dementia after observing my mother on one of her bad days.
Louise Feb 2015
I could once feel the softness of your face
upon my lips
and fingertips
when I closed my eyes

I inhaled as we kissed 'goodbye'
to hold onto a part of you
hoping and praying
it would remain within me
after you had gone

The taste of you upon my lips
soon faded,
now there's nothing left
except misty moments, few memories
and a deep ache that I'd miss
if it left

Do we have the same memories?
I wonder.
Do you even have room for them anymore?

Memories of you and me,
the me and you
that never was
Really not sure where this one came from. Listening to the radio though  : )
Louise Apr 2014
I didn't want to remember
but never tried to forget
and I almost didn't leave
yet I wouldn't go back
I wish I hadn't chosen
but wouldn't change a thing
I'm constantly humming a tune
yet without a song to sing
Feeling so claustrophobic
but afraid to venture outside
I'm sitting here hopefully
yet dwelling on goodbyes
I refuse to release more tears
but my eyes are brimming still
as I linger in warm thoughts
always confused about how I feel
Louise Jan 2015
I thought I saw a glimpse
of what could have been
a little flicker of light
in the years of darkness

The past, clouded,
it still mattered
but I'm supposed to forgive
aren't I?

Things are different
in a good and bad way
I thought I'd been given chance
to have some sort of closure
a peace, that could settle within me.

I foolishly thought
that maybe I'd deserved it.
I  could be left with memories,
of the pleasant kind
not like I had before

Her illness can create an ugly side,
I  know,
but I can't help but wonder,
is it just the part of her
that she so often tried to hide?
Now the Dementia
causes her to forget
to conceal the deceit

It's just too hard
it's too close
too familiar.
it costs me too much
I tried
but I think I'm done.
This is about my relationship with my mother. She wasn't pleasant in the past but the dementia softened her somewhat  for a while.  Unfortunately certain behaviour is raising its ugly head and it's just too hard for me to handle again.  This is how I'm feeling now but who knows,  I may gain some strength from somewhere.
Louise Aug 2014

My eyes are Green
yet I see Blue
Grey/Blue like the ocean
when I think of you
My eyes can seem dark
yet I see a light
twinkling reflections upon the sea
when I think of you tonight
My eyes fill with tears
yet I see you clearly still
I'm crying for you to take my hand
I need to come to you,  tell you how I feel
My eyes softly close
but I hold your face so dear
clinging with so much love
I'll never see you again I fear
My eyes reflect the moon
it's a moon that we share
please walk with me under the stars
I'm leaving now to meet you there

Wrote while travelling to Bath listening to Ed Sheeran
: )
Louise May 2014
I love 'Chick Lit'
yes, it's true
My guilty pleasure
I'll share with you
I can't help it
I love it so
it's easy to read
and has a steady flow
My brain works hard
all day long
pick up 'chick lit'
you can't go wrong
I love the romance
and all it seems
'His' muscles flexing
'She' always beams!
All the kissing
oh, so intense
and the throbbing members
apparently they're immense!

; )
don't judge me!
Louise Jul 2014

I think I'll take my heart
and wrap it up
put it in storage
and wish it luck

It needs to stay dormant
and on it's own for a while
the type of love it's receiving
is just not its style

I'm really not capable
at this moment in time
to get the love it needs
or release it to fly

It needs to stay put
for some time yet
there's others to think of,
their needs to be met

So I'll carry on writing
about romance and love
keep dreaming about it
and smile and laugh

I'll fetch it down when I'm ready
when I feel it's time
but I'll leave it safe
on that shelf up high

I'll take my heavy heart
and wrap it up tight
let it rest through the day
and get a good sleep at night

Wrote this last year during a bit of a low time.
Louise May 2014
My heart is still there
but it doesn't beat anymore
Louise Jun 2014
You offer me so much
but you're not sure what I want
I try so hard to explain
maybe I need to change the font

Always the same conversation
each and every time
but those all important words
seem to be lost or left behind

Acknowledgements are made
improvements last for a while
I can see you trying to hard
fighting to maintain the smile

I know you honestly love me
you always try your best
I feel I'm asking enough of you
my needs should be much less

The loneliness creeps back in
I feel myself withdraw
You don't seem to see it though
we just carry on as before

I then can't bring myself to ask
for you to spend time with me
I wish you'd notice the divide
and for you too, to feel the need

You tell me just to 'speak'
and let you know how I feel
but why don't you want it too
it's always my appeal

This is not your issue I know
my sighing heart is not whole
I'm faulty and permanently broken
and none of it's your fault
This was written a while ago but it suits my mood right now.
Louise Apr 2014
The curvature of the cloud
the coolness of the blue
allowing myself to drift off in them
my only thought is you

You followed my story
were there for each word told
comforted under darkened skies
and events that did unfold

The clouds they pass by
leaving me behind
unveiling the sun
offering a warmth that I've pined

It's like the story of us
a love that drifted away
suspended like the clouds
and gone with the light of day

You were my silver lining
but it doesn't matter now
I'm living my life without you
thoughts of us still hidden in the clouds
Louise Sep 2014

So you want my story
the story of my life
the secrets I have kept,
the many I've tried to hide

You don't want to know
the story or the tale
let's just not mention it
the past, on its ship did sail

I'm continuing to let go
of the past and the hurt
I'm a woman that's still growing
leaving behind the bruised little girl

One day I will be healed
and maybe sleep at night
hopefully before I've completed
the story of my life

Louise Oct 2014

My nakedness
you cannot see.
Immersed in cool water
lapping, curling and kissing me
with soft, salty lips.
The most gentle
of caresses,
from the outside,  in.
I am bare
but the ocean is  protecting me.
I'm baring my soul,
to give it all,
but the current
carries it back to me
to where it belongs.
I am naked,
yet have never felt such comfort.

Louise Jul 2014
▪▪  We are very different sometimes

            'you and me'

When you're feeling down
                        the need for me
                                   for comfort

doesn't always seem necessary to you

        I always
             in your direction

                I need skin, upon my skin
                      warm and gentle hands

                                upon my arm,

                                    upon my heart

                          I absorb the heat,
                             like a healing power

       Your gentle breathing reminds me
                                     that I am not alone

                                    I need that so much..
                                                   I need you..

                 ­           I wonder why
                               you don't always
                                   need me
                                      this way  ▪▪
Louise Jun 2014
I struggled through a desert
a bare and unforgiving land
constantly feeling though
I had no one to hold my hand

Many, just weren't there
never offering to show me the way
so I quickly stopped asking
and got used to being afraid

Many years were spent
advancing painfully through the sand
trying to make it on my own
finding ways to understand

I couldn't help but take the long way
making it harder on myself
I truly believed I was lost
and refused to ask for help

Rejection is a cruel emotion
that I know will never leave
it grips from inside out
making it so hard to breathe

I may have found my oasis
really it's been here longer than I thought
but it's hard to recognise a safe haven
when rejection is all you've been taught
Louise Mar 2015
I'm still unable to see your view of me
from your ocean blue eyes
you say it's a sight to see forever
your love, never disguised

I stumble in confusion
as to why you see me the way you do
It breaks my heart and mends me
to feel this love between me and you

You're the only one to love me this way
forever keep me in your sights
never let us lose this love we share
that I see deep in your ocean blue eyes
for my husband  x
Louise Jun 2014
~ I began fitness training
a few weeks ago.
The Instructor!
What can I say!
He's too young for me,  obviously,
but I can't help but notice
his skin is a sweeter shade of caramel.
There is not a blemish to be seen,
(trust me I've looked)
His beautiful brown eyes,
I desperately try not to get lost in,
and dark hair that I know smells just great!
For me,  it's the shape of a man's legs
that would 'clinch the deal'
He has those legs
It's such a shame that he's too young,
or I'm too old,
oh, and I nearly forgot
I'm married!!
But if he can't keep me coming ..

back to fitness,
I really don't know what will! ~

; )
Its a bit of a fun write,  honest.
Louise Apr 2014
A knife to the heart
would surely cause you to fall
the pain would last for seconds
followed by deaths shallow call

Love manages to keep you alive
for days,  months,  years
the pain doesn't ever fade
the scars like unwanted souvenirs

A gunshot to the stomach
and you would surely bleed to death
it wouldn't take that long
for you to take your last breath

Love manages to store the pain
deep within your gut
there's no escape from it
it won't release you when you've had enough

A sip of poison
although painfully slow
your body can't fight it
so see the light and let go

Loves deadly kiss upon tender lips
a toxic running through me
held permanently within a lovers grip
now I beg for death to set me free
It's a bit dark but I was inspired by Paloma Faiths new song 'Only Love Can Hurt Like This'
Louise Jul 2016

Seeing you on the other side of yesterday
you softly gazed at me
a memory I had forgotten
a sight I'd never thought I'd see

Hearing you on a silence from the future
you sounded like a different kind of man
I won't know what it is that you said
until that future is part of the plan

Tasting a sadness that reminds me
of a time that is still to come
I wash away the sweetness
that lingers upon my tongue

Inhaling an aroma of what was
I let it settle, closing my eyes
A scent of Springtime and longing
once upon a sunrise

Feeling you softly upon my soul
sending my heart straight back to you
my body is now yearning
my mind, so easily fooled

Written in February but not posted
Louise Aug 2014
My eyes were open

you saw me,  told me I was beautiful
and you'd never stop admiring me

My arms were open

you held me,  so gently but so tight
and swore you'd never let me go

My mouth was open

you kissed it so beautifully hard
I lost my breath, and mind, over you

My heart was open

you loved it, caressed it, stole it
saying you'd treasure it always

My eyes are closed

they always are now
yet I still see visions of you

My arms are now closed

I hold myself together
until I decide to fall apart

My mouth is closed

the only words that can leave it
are 'I love you' but you're not here

My heart is closed,

I imagine, as I have not seen it
and I'm sure I never will again
Louise Jul 2014

Place this gentle hand of yours
upon my heart so full
open your eyes,  I ask you
to see a longing you may recall

Stand as close as a whisper
let me inhale your seductive scent
as I look deep into those eyes
I'll know my dreams of you were meant

Touch my cheek so tenderly
upon it I'll feel your breath
I have longed for this forever
for 'our moment' I have always dreamt

Louise Apr 2014
All of me is in this book
all I know, is in this book
my feelings, laid out and bare
with doubts, fears and cares

Everything inside of me
that I need to set free
overflow from this book

page after page ...

The beautiful loves in my life
that cared, just not enough
are here

The ones that I loved
yet don't even know
they'll never know
because it's too late

page after page ...

The way I want to be loved
how I show my love

Feelings of lust
the way I need to be touched


begging when I need to be taken

shown and shared ..

It's all here

pockets of my life

each and every sordid stage

page after page ...
Louise Aug 2014

This pain it has been written
so many times before
The frost now may be over
and I'm being warmed by this thaw

Can I pour my heart out
if everything's okay?
Will I find inspiration
if I've nothing left to say?

Is this beautiful creative past time
that's simply just for me
only permitted
if it's darkness I see?

Clearing out my notebook and found an old one. This was after a period when I wrote a lot of anger out. I wondered if I would have anything else to write about!!
Louise Jun 2014
This is not just ***
but it is what it is
when I need it now
what I wouldn't give

A subtle weight
bearing down on me
able to release,
my desires to be freed

The passion builds
legs wrapped around you
I'll hold on tight
this is my fuel

Until you make it right
I won't let go
Keep the rhythm going
and that steady flow

Treat me rough
I really don't care
Just stay with me
until you take me there

Release the heat
that's deep inside
It's rising up
like an incoming tide

Before tonight
my body was numb
the passion is exploding
the moment ..
                  has ..

                       now  ..

Louise Nov 2014
He knows what he's doing
a cruel manipulative mind
An almost 'split personality'
greatly disturbed I find

I thought I was free
as one situation disappears
but now another has arrived
tapping into all of my fears

It has all the same ingredients
but now served by a different spoon
my strength and sanity tainted
a different person singing the same tune

Playing evil mind games
telling ***** lies
witholding information.
He's like a devil in disguise!

This to me is so much worse
than someone yelling in my face
It's without a resolution
so I sit here alone, and wait

I fear vulnerability
it's been a dangerous place for me
his actions take me back there
then through the fog I cannot see

The control is no longer mine
I've never even been close
I can be toyed with anytime
by a wolf in sheeps clothes

So how can I protect myself
when I'm once again a vulnerable girl
disabling rational thinking
causing my mind and head to swirl

Others around me don't sense the threat
He doesn't look a menacing case
but he's repeating abusive behaviour
deceit is written all over his face

It's a lonely,  frightening situation
I can't yet see a way out
I need protection from a loved one
who can be the one to stand up and shout

How can I explain
that this idiot really frightens me?
I'm feeling so insecure
I just want to be held you see

I want you to tell me he can't hurt me
you wouldn't let him so
just hold me a little closer
as I'm not sure that I can cope.
About 2 weeks ago this horrible person in my life (a family  member) was messing with my head and I allowed it too!  I wrote this during that situation and genuinely felt so  vulnerable but I have worked through a shed load of stuff in my head and feel, not in control, but in a  place where I feel I'll be able to deal with the next situation much better. There will be more,  he's not going anywhere.

I kept the original title the same as it's exactly how I felt.
Louise Apr 2013
Please don't tell me you love me
These words are said too easily
Just smile in that way I love so dearly
Lock your eyes onto mine, a connection I can see
A fleeting caress, a sensation I can feel
Hold your body so close I can hear you breathe
Listen to my mundane stories with empathy
Hear my deepest fears with sympathy
Talk to me and I wil listen to your dreams
Walk with me, let us both feel free

So please don't tell me you love me
Show me in ways I'll feel most deeply
Louise Apr 2014
It's dawn and I'm poetically positioned
in my bed,
trying to shake the darkest of nights
from my head

Conversations in dreams
run through my mind
all night,
exhausting me of reasons,
and of fight

Rational thoughts keep me going
yet drive me insane
knowing yours will be the only
imprint in me that remains

Etched into my mind
and saddened soul
Pining you has finally
taken its toll

The redness of my heart is fading
day by day
not one thing will revive it
no matter what I say

This sorrowful scenario
I'll continue to repeat
until the day
my hindered heart
ceases to beat
Louise Jul 2014
□   ... he tried to piece together
                      ­  with words

          they were scattered
            in an attempt
               to occupy the hollow darkness□
Louise Apr 2014
Pretty Poeta and her pen
movement swift and graceful
hiding away in her den
for the peace she is grateful

Lost in her wonderful world
of fantasy and dreams
she can imagine she's an innocent girl
in a world where nothing is as it seems

Creating rhymes with words
expressing thought after thought
penning her experience of the world
and the dreams she has sought

Immersed in the amazing feeling
of powerful pen in hand
all emotions sent reeling
she allows the pen to write their plans

She's offered a freedom with words
that's not permitted in each day
all thoughts displayed and heard
no judgements stand in her way

Although she will come back to earth
reappearing from time to time
she writes for all she's worth
when she's lost in her romantic rhymes
Louise Jun 2014

shouldn't be allowed
to turn down ***!
Should they?

Hashfreakintag ******* still!!
Louise Apr 2014
I have the same questions
to my insignificant life
I allow myself to ask them
knowing they'll cut like a knife

Will they ever be answered?
I have so much doubt
most are the same questions
circling on a roundabout

These many cunning questions
are usually about those things
that often confuse me
and keep me questioning

Frequently they're ponderings
about things that 'just are'
many travel dangerously deep
the distance, too far

Apparently I'm not grounded enough
my Chakra tells me so
I drift off into fantasy
a world I'm not supposed to go

I need this precious place
to ponder many things
I like to fantasise
it's like having wonderful wings

To think about those questions
and the interferences in my life
wondering 'outside my bubble'
a space, like the dead of night

I can question my many thoughts
and my own troubled debates
or about my already written future
Do I trust too much in fate?

Who knows about these questions
they're as close as an annoying friend
I'll continue to spend my time questioning
until my days come to a questionable end
Louise May 2014
Restyle my hair, spring breeze
Refresh my pale skin
Remind me of you again
  and pull me back in

Remember all the times before
Return me to those days
Relive each and every moment
  and all of your ways

Rekindle a youth forgotten
Redesign nature again
Receive a loves lost memory
  the feelings still remain

Realise you're in the moment
Rebalance a wavering mind
Resemble the wisest person
  the best of all mankind

Retrieve the good times
Relinquish others we no longer need
Rebuild our strength together
  and plant a new seed
Louise May 2014
I can't stop my hand from writing
these words I try to hide
I keep pushing them away
but they linger, remaining at one side

Forever following me around
reminding me of what once was
I do not ever speak of them
only recognise and ignore that I am lost

The words will keep flowing
until I can fully understand
what happened in the past
and events I hadn't planned

Each time I pen emotions
I lay them out in a form so clear
in the hope that it'll clarify
inner turmoil and shed tears

I can't begin to comprehend
so I just keep writing the words
as they follow me around
trying desperately to be heard
written last year
Louise May 2014
I can't stop my hand from writing
these words I try to hide
I keep pushing them away
but they linger, remaining at one side

Forever following me around
reminding me of what once was
I do not ever speak of them
only recognise and ignore that I am lost

The words will keep flowing
until I can fully understand
what happened in the past
and events I hadn't planned

Each time I pen emotions
I lay them out in a form so clear
in the hope that it'll clarify
inner turmoil and shed tears

I can't begin to comprehend
so I just keep writing the words
as they follow me around
trying desperately to be heard
Louise Apr 2014
She lived a life less worthy
a life, less worthy she lived
Forgiving not an option
determined not to forgive
Let the fury inside rise
rise against the fury
Scheme and plot a plan
Plan to scheme against 'him'
the less worthy
Biding now her time
her time, she will be biding
To execute her plan
her plan to execute 'him'
in hiding
Inspired by my friend who wants revenge on her ex
; )
Louise Apr 2014
The sea is rolling in
wishing to gently greet me
wanting to speak softly
in a voice so inviting

Like angels wonderful whispers
to my eager ears
kissing sounds so soothing
to kindly quell my fears

Milky liquid movement
silky to the touch
it's where I should always be
here, the only sound is 'hush'

The sun's shining and twinkling
reflectively on the ocean
like an angels azure eyes
filled with wondrous notions

This is where I'm at home
welcoming me each time
a spiritual and heavenly sea
peaceful waves rolling rhyme
after rhyme
Louise May 2014
Rippling water

it eases its way
  across the lake

Such a gentle gesture

I wish for the
  waves of harshness

that crash against me

to wash away ..

to transform
  from waves of destruction




Louise Jul 2014
I'm taking a lovely trip
to the historical Roman Baths
there's hot springs and Roman temples
I'll be following the Romans' path

A mystical work of the gods (they thought)
built between 60 - 70 AD
illuminated by torchlight
An evening tour maybe?!

I'll pop to the house of Jane Austen
she wrote of romance and love
And 18th century style gardens
where we'll take afternoon tea 'til we're stuffed
I'm looking forward to a break away but I'll miss you guys.
(I know this piece is a bit 'sub par'  lol but I wanted to tell you that I'm going away for a few days)
: )
Louise May 2014
I have a very romantic idea
of a beautiful gypsy girl
She is not tied down
and free to roam the world

Beautiful dark, curly hair
falling upon her delicate face
Green eyes with iridescent flecks
She's a Nomad, not tied to one place

Beautiful bangles slid upon slender wrists
pretty blouse, skirt, floral and layered
she walks with a certain confidence and grace
of this life she'll never tire

She suits her Bohemian style
the freedom of flowing clothes
A true and natural beauty
everything seamlessly flows

Ancestors date back to the 9th century
it's an unconventional life
A loyal and faithful community
within this security she thrives

A wonderful wagon is her home
drawn by sturdy horses
She's a friendly fortune teller
sensing other worlds and forces

My very romantic idea
of a beautiful gypsy girl
She is not tied down
but free to roam the world
I feel drawn to the 'romantic idea' of the gypsy and
I think there's a history of gypsies in our family.
Louise Mar 2015
The darkness surrounded her
She found such comfort in it
comfort in the elements
so raw and enriching

The breeze cooled her warm skin
and brushed through each curl,
How freeing the sensation

With bare feet
her delicate impressions
for only moments
as the moist sand
recovered its composure

Sitting reflectively
at the closest point
to the waves,
they kissed each toe
Nothing could ever feel
this natural to her,
a welcoming and wonderful calm
Isolated, yet surrounded,
by so much
Louise Jan 2015

The waves don't seem to wash away the hurt
Scars of my past are ingrained in the sand for all to see
Salty water, desperately trying to heal the open wounds
but the sun is determined to reflect them back somehow. 
Maybe the past can never really be forgotten
I still hope with each returning tide, eventually,  
only the memories will be washed up
and not me

Louise Jun 2014

                  ~Why am I always searching
                       will I ever know?
                         What's it like to find it
                           to be at peace and to grow~


                 ~Why am I always searching
                      should I let it come to me?
                        Yet I need to know the meaning
                          about all my life's meant to be ~

                                                              ­                                         ◇
Louise Apr 2014
We felt so young
never knew what would become
I'll never forget, I'll always remember

Seasons came and went
passionate nights we spent
never saw the daylight of December

So many memories we'll share
through life's journey without a care
You, my love, I'll always remember

Never did I think for a moment
my heaving heart you would torment
when you vanished in September
Louise Jul 2014

She heard whispers upon the wind
and soft words upon a breeze
inhaled a fragrance on the moonlight
called out your name among floating leaves
She ran along the sensual sand
compelled by the crashing waves
fleeing from something so familiar
yet her fear was to leave this place
Eventually halted by the stars
as they lit up the life in her eyes
she remained motionless,  like the blackness
reading between the clusters and all they implied
The moonlight fell upon her tender face
a harmony of waves filled her ears
the sand between her toes would forever remain
as she clung to hope as a souvenir

Louise Jan 2015
She reads him
wanting to absorb
all that he is,
feeling his words
almost touch her skin

She reads him
his words, upon her parted,
wet lips
His pain, a taste, familiar,
left upon her tongue

She reads him
savouring the flavour
she is lost in him forever
****** by his poetry
Louise Jan 2015
She used to be a poet
always with a notebook and pen
the words slipped away from her though
she wasn't sure how, or when!

She used to sit alone
enjoying the freedom in her mind
but the pen no longer writes
the notebook,  just a blanket of white.

She used to pour her heart out
blood oozing across even lines
Her soul laid out bare
no need to hide behind a disguise

She used to think it would last forever
day after day,  line after line.
Is it just a sweet fantasy
or have the words run out of time.
Louise May 2014
I'm in my PJ's
my head still feels fuzzy.
This beautiful morning
fortunately is gently caressing,
creating clarity, slowly.
I just enjoy it while
sipping Tea with honey

It's only 9am,  yet so calm
considering it's the beginning of the new day
but it's like a Sunday should be.
The birds are making me feel quite guilty though
They're so busy!
As I sit on the patio
sipping Tea with honey

Not yet ready for the sun
I hide away in the shade
inhaling the beauty of the garden,
so thankful for the trees.
They know me and understand
I like to be hidden sometimes
while sipping Tea with honey
Louise Apr 2013
It's with my eyes and mouth that I smile
I like to make others feel at ease
You'll only know me for a while
To know I like to cheekily tease
My sense of humour is very naughty
Sometimes get in trouble it's a fact!
Although I'm just over forty!!
I refuse to grow up and that's that!
I can be sensible and mature too
But life can get so serious at times
I take a step back to think things through
Sometimes put pen to paper, words on lines
But if I can keep smiling and laughing
At myself and life and friends
Remind myself that life's a journey
Accept the uphill struggle, twists and bends
I will get through it and still be smiling
At the end
: )
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